Chapter 3

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AN: Thanks for reading most things in () will be author notes aka me.

-You sure you want to do this baby girl, he says in a cocky voice "You can always back out and just go on a date with me?

-Nah this is gonna be really fun! I say punching my right hand into my left palm.

POV Artemis

Oh, this is gonna be fun to watch this guy get his ass whooped. 

-Zoey turned to me and said "Are you sure she is gonna be okay? She isn't very big and doesn't look very strong. I am a little worried. Will you step in if it gets out of hand, I mean he has to knock her out to win. 

A-With a laugh I chuckled and asked do you think he is stronger than me?

Z- I mean I don't know you well but you look very strong so you could hold your own.

A- Just watch. I say with a smirk. 

POV back to rex

Brad gets into a fighting stance and I say -I am gonna make this fair and only use my left hand. 

RJ- Ahhh does the poor baby not want to get her pretty glove dirty

Rex- Nah I just don't want this to end too quickly

RJ: Okay that's your choice. let's do this I want my date!

He charges at me with his fist pulled back to punch me and try and end this fast. I dodge under him and kick his knee in so he falls onto the ground of the pit. He stands up looking pissed. "Lucky shot" he mumbles. And comes at me more slowly this time and starts throwing punches. He throws a punch which I dodge with ease, and he throws a left hook to try and catch me off guard but I catch it with my left and flipped him. 

I hear Artemis yell -Stop messing around and finish this up. 

With a laugh, I walk up to the still winded Brad and grab him by his shirt and pull him up. -I whooped your ass and I didn't even use my right hand have fun at school on Monday. With that, I punch him in the face and knock him out with ease.

I hear whispers around the crowd of various 'damns' 'she didn't even try'  'That sucks for him on Monday' 'He will never live this down'

I walk up to Artemis and high five him with a smirk on both of our faces. We turned to see looks that are mixed with horror and awe on the other girl's faces. 

A- Did I forget to mention that Lucy is a multi-degree blackbelt in several different arts? Artemis said with a laugh.

Z-No I think it slipped your mind. But that explains everything that just happened. We all laughed and She continued with 'Good job that guys an asshole. I am a decent judge of character and he was definitely not a good person' 

Of course, I forgot angels could sense whether a person has a dark/evil soul or a light/good soul. Us devils cannot sense what people souls are like, but cons and any fallen who are old have a good read on most people. 

R-Thanks! He deserves what he is gonna get on Monday! You guys know a good pizza place I am starving! Kicking assholes makes me hungry as all heaven!

S- That's an odd expression. Most people would say as all hell? Why heaven instead? Sam said with a little suspicion 

A- Artemis responds for me because he knows I hate talking and I already have talked a lot. 'When we were younger her mom hated the word hell and Lucy eats a lot more than most kids her age but and loves most foods so her mom made it a positive thing by making lucy say to 'as all heaven instead' 

Z-Huh that's actually really smart. It prevents swearing and makes something that was a negative a positive. And there is a really great dip dish place on 4th street that's open all night. Also, I don't think I said this before but I love your guy's accents. 

A-Thanks! Well, let's go get the pizza! I am hungry also. We have our car down the street if you guys want to take that.

Everyone nods and heads over to my 1970 ford bronco that was painted a slick black with red flames that always shows up when we come to the surface so we have transportation. 

Sam looked like she had literal hearts in her eyes looking at the pretty car that I get to call my baby. Sam whispered something that I could barely hear 'I have found the love of my life'

I start cracking up and ask 'Do you want to drive us? I don't know the way and you seem to be in love with my car so go ahead if you want to' I am engulfed in a massive bear hug and lifted up. But me being the awkward human being who hates contact I am just stiff as a board. Sam is surprisingly strong but she wasn't suppressing her angelic powers and I was suppressing mine. She sets me down when she realizes I seemed uncomfortable. 

S- Sorry did I make you uncomfortable?

R- Your okay I am just not a touching or physical contact person and try and avoid it as much as possible. You didn't know so it's okay. Heres the keys I am very hungry so let's go.  I pass the keys to her and will all head into the car and go to the pizza place. 

On the way, we are quietly listening to music, when Beth said "If you don't mind me asking why you don't like physical contact so much. Also, you aren't very talkative but were super confident when you were fighting Brad" 

R-I don't trust people easily because of people who have been in my life in the past they almost all have betrayed me or backstabbed me at some point. I am talkative once I know people and trust them it just takes a while. I talk with Artemis all the time and he wants me to shut up half the time. I say with a laugh 

A- 100% I think I have told Lucy here to shut up a ton of times for being a sarcastic asshole. He also said with a laugh 

After that, we pulled up at the pizza shop and got out. We ordered a large deep dish cheese pizza and sat down just talking about random things. 

B-So are you guys excited for your first day at school on Monday. 

Z-Speaking of school. Sam and I are transferring to your school for a while our parents have some buisness here so until then we are gonna be classmates!

A-Aye that's gonna be great! Artemis said with a smile that only I knew was his devil side scheming different ways to mess with the annoying angels.  He is a nice guy but still a devil at heart who lovvvvveeess pranking people. 

Our pizza comes and we continue talking and getting to know each other. Eventually, we all head out and to our respective houses. Demons own property on the surface for when we stay up on the surface. We go into our respective rooms and pass out. 

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