Chapter 12

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Rex POV 

A-Huh okay, I am in let's do it!

R- Wow not even a little argument about fighting the great immortal being that will probably end up killing us.

A- Well if, and that is a BIG if she kills you all the secrets of what she did to you all those years ago will come out and she will get dethroned and exiled for her actions no matter what. And I hate that bitch with a passion so killing her will be super satisfying. 

I start cracking up at that and say 'Your not wrong' 

R-I am piss tired from what just happened I am gonna go sleep for a while. 

I walk to my large room with a bed in the middle and some instrument on one side and photo's of a couple pretty place's that Artemis and I have been on earth on the other side of the room. 

I pass out before I could be sentimental about being away from my room for so long.  

I wake up a couple hours later. I get out of bed and get changed into a Nirvana tank top and ripped jeans. I stopped caring if people knew the truth about my identity. I throw on my official cloak that has my con symbol on the back of my cloak (the symbol above).  

I know we have court this morning and I am sick of hiding things we need to get Nifelhiem in order if our plan is going to work. Artemis is strong and commands authority but he is not me. He doesn't command fear. He is too much of a softie. 

I started to walk toward the throne room and about halfway there Artemis joins me he is also wearing his cloak probably knowing I was going to reveal myself as the real con. I slammed the doors open and the room fell silent immediately. 

I walked up to my throne and sat down Artemis stands next to me at attention. ready for the people that are going to be pissed. 

The crowd erupts in protest and shouts of anger. 

RP- Get off high one's throne right now!         

RP2- What the hell!

There was more and more as people started coming at me. I release my scythe from its shape-shifting seal and slam the butt end on the ground making a big noise and shutting everyone up real fast. I am the only person who can and does wield this weapon it is mine and only mine considering it is death's weapon.  

"How dare you pretend to be High one! Even going so far as to imitate his weapon. That is low even for a demon." says the guy I fought several days ago (weeks on earth) while stepping forward in a challenging way. 

There was another eruption of shouts and protests.

R- Silence! I yell already pissed and what they were saying and doing wasn't helping 

Everyone shut up again but were still looking pissed as shit. 

R- You smart ass from a couple days ago front and center. Now. At this point, Artemis had called in the rest of the fallen that live in my territory, aka my council in important situations. It was rare that they were called in so they came fast when Artemis told them to come in. 

The guy walks up and the crowd makes a circle around him about ten feet back and farther away from the throne. 

I stand up and bring my scythe with me as I approach the poor guy who looks scared shitless. Artemis has told me several times that I have a scary ass scowl when I am pissed/serious. I don't believe he is lying. 

R- Do you know what's so special about Deaths weapon?

RG- What so special about Death's weapon? 

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