Chapter 1

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Enjoy! Btw I hate quotes so I am just gonna use a '-' when someone talks also not gonna say this person said i will put the initial of the person who is talking.

I was pissed. Which wasn't anything crazy in fact it was quite normal. But today of all days I was in a foul mood. My wings were killing me for some reason that I couldn't remember to save my immortal life.  

Walking with a major hangover I stumbled through the halls of the castle. When I was halfway to the throne room my friend and second Artemis joined me in the walk. He is wearing his usual blood red muscle tank top and ripped jeans. While I am wearing a similar thing but with long sleeves and gloves, along with a pair of jeans. As we continue walking I tie up my shoulder length platinum blond hair that is more silver then blonde in a loose braid so I look somewhat together. 

I miss stepped from a sudden wave of dizziness and winced. Being an immortal demon has A LOT of perks but getting rid of hangovers instantly was not one of them. Unfortunately.

-You really need to lay off the whiskey. You can't show up to these events hungover every time! Your gonna ruin my image. Artemis said with a laugh

-Okay, first of all, I drink whiskey because I love it and nothing will stop me from doing that not even you. Secondly, I drink a lot of it the night before to try and get out of having to deal with the court. I said with a humph. I hate dealing with people and Artemis knows this so he agreed a lonnnnnnnggg time ago to pretend to be me during court so I don't have to deal with talking to demons. I am fine with humans and angels for some reason, probably because I really don't care what they think.

A-They all think I am you! I do all the work why do you even care? You literally stand or sit there and do nothing for 2 hours! 

R-Yah but there are so many better things I could be doing with that time! Like pissing off arcs or crescents (lower ranking angels)! You know how much I love doing that! As I said this we approached the large double doors to the public meeting room. 

A-It will be over before you know don't worry! 

At that, I turned toward the door and took a step back to create the illusion that I was the second when really Artemis was. 

We opened the door and the very noisy room went silent in an instant when we entered. Artemis walked up to my throne and took a seat. It was raised slightly with a wall directly behind it so no one could sneak up from behind if they were stupid enough to try.

I sat down to the right of the throne against the wall and pretended to doze off. I don't have to talk and I would never admit it but I pay attention to what they say because I want to be a good ruler. 

The time goes by and people are mostly trying to settle an argument over land or some other random thing. 

When a guy comes up and says with spite in his voice -Your second is pitiful! I have come to this meeting for the last year and a half and she has sat there every time not paying attention to what is happening or even pretending to try and guard you in this situation. So I am here to challenge her for her position.

Before Artemis could respond I say loud and clear with my eyes still closed -Just because my eyes are closed does not mean I am not aware of everything that is happening around me. If you wish to challenge me for my position so be it. 

A-So be it! Grab my seconds sword for her. The guards knowing who I really am just smirked and went to grab it. As this was being said I moved down onto the normal floor and grab my sword from the guards. It isn't my real weapon but I can't reveal who I really am so it will do for now. And I keep my real weapon on me at all times. It is irreplaceable and one of a kind so it isn't leaving my side ever but the good thing about it is it is a shapeshifter and can not look like a weapon if I want it to. 

A- This will go till knock out or surrender you will be stopped if I deem your attack to be fatal. Is that understood? 

We booth nod  

A- Begin

My sword is resting on my shoulder and  I really don't look like I care or I am about to try at all. This guy who I didn't even care what his name was looking pissed off to heaven and back. He attacked but to me, he looked like he was moving in slow motion. Another perk of being a con increased speed, agility, and reflexes along with some other things.

He faked right and went for my left side that was wide open. Before he could get really close to hitting me I brought my hilt down on the back of his neck knocking him out cold before he could even process what happened. 

A-Laughed and said in a booming voice there is a reason she is in the position she is in don't question it again. This court session is done have a terrible day. 

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