Chapter 2

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AN: Hi Thank you for reading I will try and update as much as I can but I am busy! Also, the story might be a little slow on progression! comment if I don't explain something well and I will reiterate. Also it is gonna be from Rex's point of view unless otherwise specified

Once everyone left I finally let my guard down. I turned toward Artemis his dark black hair was in his eyes as I saw him smile and start dying of laughter even if he couldn't die.  

A-You whooped that poor damner (AN: people who are sent to hell for being evil there is another type of demon that will get explained later) arse. He probably won't wake up for a good 3 or 4 hours. 

R- That was the point! He deserved what he got for questioning the power of a second and a fallen (AN: angels who got damned for being evil they really can't die and are less common vs. damners who aren't immortal but do live for a long time after they are damned if they don't get killed) Those damn young demons are always so cocky once they discover the full extent of their power but they never realize how weak they truly are. 

A- That's true but everyone is weak in comparison to you. Except for Zoey! He said with a hint of teasing

R- Don't bring up that arc bitch! she has made it her life goal to make my life even more hellish then it is at every turn! For some unknown reason, she always knows generally where I am on the surface when we go and always ends up sending me back before we have too much fun. 

A- Yet you still go to Midgard (earth) and try to beat her. And also her second is much worse then she is.

R-Speaking of Midgard... Let's go have some fun I sense some humans who are doing some stupid stuff that we should crash. We should turn off our demonic powers so it will be harder for Zoey and Sam(her second) to track us. It will make our fun last longer. 

A- Fine but I am only agreeing because demonic and human time aren't the same so a lot of time in the human world is little here so we won't miss much. 

R-Lets Go! I teleported us and we appeared in a field in the middle of the night. I was wearing a t-shirt from the band Led Zepplin a leather jacket, ripped black jeans, combat boots, and a grey beanie. But of course, my right arm and hand still had my glove on it. I wear the second glove in Hell to make people think it is just for formal wear, not other reasons. 

Artemis was to my right in a red flannel, converse, and jeans with her hair down. We see a group of teenagers 100 feet in front of us and start walking over. On the way, I whisper Australian.

As we approach Artemis yells-Greeting Mates! in a heavy Australian accent that sounds very real. A-We just moved here from down under and saw this little gathering and you guys looked about our age so we thought we would come introduce ourselves. I am Venus and this is Lucy (fake names for fun). I scowl at Artemis at the name choice. 

A random girl steps forward and says - Greetings I am Beth and this isn't the best way to make friends this is our schools monthly fight night where all beefs are settled and forgotten. 

Artemis glanced at me finally understanding why I brought us here. "Sounds fun I am in what about you Venus? Want to kick some ass?" I say with a sly smirk as he rolls his eyes at me. 

B-Welcome to fight night there are two rules: Don't talk about fight night and once you agree to join you have to fight at least once.

A- Fair enough 

Once we finally find spots with Beth in the circle around the makeshift ring a big hulk of a guy comes up to us and throws his arm around my shoulder "Hey baby, what's a pretty thing like you doing at an event like this?" 

R-In my Aussie accent I reply with "To make friends and kick ass" 

RJ(Random jock): Ohhh sassy and feisty I like. And I could be your friend unless you want something more. He says with a wink

Artemis has to stifle a laugh at the clearly wasted idiot of a jock that was trying to flirt with me. 

R-How bout this, we fight and if I win you have to walk into school butt naked on Monday but if I lose I will go on a date with you and after we can do WHATEVER you want. I say putting a little extra weight into whatever to make it seem more promising. He has ZERO chance so I don't really care what I bet

RJ-Deal. I will go tell the guys that we are up next. He ran off to find the 'guys' 

B-are you sure about this? He is almost triple your size and isn't Venus your boyfriend? 

Artemis and I laugh and I say- No we have been friends all of our lives and are more like brother and sister than anything else. And Yes he has no chance you will see

B- Ahh that makes sense! Well, kick his ass! And I can help you get out of the date if you do end up losing. As she finished she looks over and spots someone and waves them over. 

B-OMG! ZOEY! SAM! I didn't know you guys were in town! I froze at those names. Angels don't use fake names like demons do and we always look somewhat different from the first time so we don't get caught for crimes of the past. I turn around with a fake bright smile on my face. 

B-Pardon my manners! Zoey Sam, this is Lucy and Venus they just moved here from Australia!

A-Pleasure to meet you ladies. I just gave them a nod not liking to talk more than needed. 

S- Have we meet before you two look eerily familiar.

A- Can't say I have had the pleasure. Both Artemis and I knew that we have met loads of times but we didn't want to reveal that we were demons quite yet. We wanted to have some fun!

Then we heard a random kid yell "And now time for the most interesting and crazy fight and bet of the night! Brad vs. Lucy! If Lucy wins Brad has to come to school butt naked. And if Brad wins then Lucy has to go on a date and do whatever Brad wants! Step into the ring!

I say farewell and head into the ring with Brad across from me. The guy running it says place your bets now!

Brad-You realize you're going down right? The alcohol clearly making him extra cocky. What should we do on our date Netflix and Chill or just the chill part? 

I rolled my eyes guys like him disgust me and if they get sent to my district of hell I don't make them damners I just put them in a pit of burning hot fire for the rest of their time in hell. Demons can be evil and do bad stuff but there is a line we don't cross on certain things. Also not of us are evil we just don't follow rules.  

I just nod at the guy running it to hurry up and start. 

The announcer yells "begin" and I hear people starting to cheer!

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