Chapter 6

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AN: Hey crazy people! Can someone create a fandom name for this story I want to but I have no idea what to call it!  Also, comment what you think of the story so far. This is what Artemis looks like. I will do Rex and the others at some point. 

It is Monday uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I want to die!! I hate Monday's more than Garfield does. I can't deal with class today and I am seriously considering ditching but I have a major test and all of spent way to much time studying for it for me too miss it. 

I look at my phone and see that Beth texted that they would be at our house in five. 

I yell at Artemis 'Hurry the fuck up the girls will be here soon. Let's Go!!!!!!'  Artemis runs down the stairs in a long sleeve and ripped jeans. He trips and falls down the last three steps! I start cracking up! He looked all put together before he fell down the steps and his hair got all messed up and his shirt got dirt on it and it is crumpled. He was probs trying to look good for Beth. 

I was wearing a graphic muscle tank top with my glove on my right hand like always and a pair of leggings. I brought one of my hoodies in my bag because I knew it was gonna get colder later

We walk outside and down the driveway where we see our friends sitting in Sam's Car who is driving with Beth in the far back and Zoey in the passenger seat. 

We pile in and simultaneously say 'Hey guys' Zoe and Sam both turn around and hand us an apple for breakfast and a packed lunch because they both realized neither of us ate breakfast or lunch which pissed them the fuck off, and lead them to bring us breakfast and lunch every day. 

I smile and say 'Thanks' to Zoey with a wink. 

She turned and said 'Of course' Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a bun and she was wearing a sundress.  

B-How is everyone feeling about the test today?

S-I am nervous but I think we can all crush it! Sam says with her normal optimistic tone 

Z-Of course you would think that you ball of sunshine! I don't think you could be pessimistic if it was the end of the world! We all start laughing at the way to cheery personality that is Sam. 

R- I was seriously considering ditching today but then I realized the human embodiment of a goody two shoes is one of my friends and would whoop my ass. I say with a laugh 

Z-'Oh I would' she says turning to me with a smile that was friendly and threatening at the same time and by the way, her eyes where shinning she noticed that I purposefully avoided saying, Mrs. Goody two shoes. 

The rest of the ride is filled with study questions and jokes. The day goes by pretty fast after that and we all think we did decently well on the major test. 

Zoey and I were standing outside the school waiting for the others and it had gotten really windy while we were in the building. I could see her shivering while we were waiting. I took off my hoodie and handed it to her. 

She gives me a weird look and then shakes her head pushing the hoodie back toward me. I pull it over her head forcing her to wear it because she was gonna catch a cold if I didn't. After I did that I said 'I am naturally warm with or without the jacket and your shaking. So keep wearing it so you don't catch a cold.' I then mockingly say in a baby voice 'Don't want the wittle baby getting sick do we' 

She punches me in the arm but the hoodie is was too big for me because all my hoodies are like three sizes too big on me and Zoe was about the same size as me maybe a little smaller. So when she punched me the sleeve covered her fist and it didn't hurt. Also with my training, I was used to taking much stronger punches, aka her in her angelic form. 

As we were bickering the others finally got here and approached us. Sam and Beth asked were Zoey got the hoodie and while she explained Artemis gave me a questioning look that said we would talk about this later. 

We all piled into Sam's car and head to Game of scones (The coffee shop from earlier). When we got there the lady working at the counter recognized Zoey and I and waved and went in the back probably to get Ax or do something else. 

We sat at a table and Ax came up to our table. Zoey and I both stood up and hugged him. The others gave us a confused look. 

B-How do you guys know the owner of this place?

Z-Do you remember when you guys bailed on studying with us? they all nod remembering that. 'Well, we didn't realize you guys couldn't come till we where both here so we just ended up studying without you guys. But the guy who was our waiter-' 

A-Who I fired just so you two know. We both smiled that and Sam looked at Zoey confused why she was happy about someone getting fired. 

Z-Just wait sam you will see why I am happy. 

R- 'So one of the waiters comes up and he is being cocky and stuff and asks me on a date. I didn't want to make him more embarrassed by saying I was gay and he had no chance at all so I tried to politely reject him but he didn't take it well'. Artemis gave me a knowing look that just went that he knew I wasn't polite at all. 'So him being butt hurt and all turned and walked away but called me a Fagg under his breath'

Artemis and Sam both stood up saying 'Were this mother fucker at!???!!!' They looked pissed off to heaven and back. 

I laughed and said  'Don't worry Zoey put that asshole in his place.' Zoey blushed at that 'And then Ax intervened and sent the worker back to the kitchen. Ax apologized introduced himself and explained how he was part of the community also and has been happily married for years and that he was proud of Zoey for standing up for us. I also had to explain to Zoey that where Artemis and I grew up there was a lot of homophobia and I have dealt with it forever so I was used to it.' Artemis gave me a knowing look knowing that we get all the assholes in hell. 

Ax- Do you two want your usual? we nod 'Okay what do the rest of you guys want? 

A-I will take a chocolate chip muffin

B- Can I have an Arnold Palmer 

S- Black Coffee, please. 

Z-Thanks Ax! Also, Artemis are you as obsessed with chocolate as Lucy is? 

A- Dude I am not a crazy person, of course, I love chocolate! Artemis gave Zoey and I weird look and was definitely knew something he wasn't letting on to.  

We continued laughing and talking and Zoey and I kept bickering over chocolate vs. sour patch kids. I kept thinking she might lowkey flirting with me but I doubted it. 

It was a great day! Soon after the girls and Zoey dropped Artemis off at our house. 

It was a good day I thought as I fell asleep piss ass tired. Having a weird dream...

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