Chapter 4

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AN: Shit about to go down idk yet if it will be this chapter or the next one but soon! Comment and introduce yourself I want to know my readers! (if there are any)

I have been planning all week for this Friday. Monday was hilarious and Brad was embarrassed by his, 'shortcomings' but after all the drama that happened on Monday the rest of the week flew by. 

I was planning something that was probably very stupid but the worst case we would just end up back in hell and keep living but it would be so satisfying to survive and piss Zoey and sam the fuck off. 

Artemis was helping plan, but I have thought of most things and I am just finalizing my escape plan. 

He walks up to me and says- we doing this tonight?

I nod and we get ready.  

We don't take the car because we don't want Sam to see it and recognize it. I grab my formal royal demonic outfit that isn't that formal because most demons hate formal, but if you are a higher up demon you get this outfit. It fit you perfectly and all personal magic abilities have no effect on it. Outside magic has an effect but it is less than normal. 

It was time we walk into the back yard of our temporary house and pull the hoods of the muscles tanktop style outfits over our heads (think assassins creed style outfits but black) 

R-You ready? 

A-As ready as I ever will be. Don't get beaten badly it will feel so good to one-up them. 

I nod at him and we both stop suppressing/concealing our demonic powers and take off flying to the middle of the high school soccer field. When we land I take off my glove that was covering my right arm not wanting to damage the pretty material that meant so much to me. 

It was weird looking at my metal arm I covered it so much that I always forgot exactly what it looked like. Artemis didn't even flinch when he saw it. He had seen it so many times in the many many many years we had been friends that it just became normal.

I took out my scythe that had been shifted into a bracelet made out of hex nuts while we were pretending to be human. 

It was tall and sleek with a black base with green and red accents in certain areas. 

Artemis was behind me with a quiver on his back and his bow had a knocked arrow ready to fire at a slight nod of my head. 

Fives seconds later there is a large cloud of dust and a large boom as the two angels landed they created a medium-large crater were they landed. Once the dust finally settles the two angels walk out of the crater looking royally pissed off.

Z- What the hell are you two assholes doing here? Haven't you learned that you always end up back in hell? 

A- Ahhh you know us we never follow the rules especially when it involves pissing you off. And we missed you guys! Did you not miss us and our games? he said with a slightly sarcastic tone as he raises his bow and points it in their general direction ready to fire. 

S- Yes we definitely missed you guys causing all kinds of craziness wherever you go. Especially you Rexan Dean con of death. Sam said knowing I hate people calling me by my full name and title. 

R- Wow big whoop! You used my title, your gonna have to do more than that to piss me off. 

Z- Whatever why are you guys just suddenly show up in the middle of a high school football field. As she was saying that Sam used her angelic powers to fix the hole in the ground so there wouldn't be evidence that we were hear or existed in general. 

R- This is not a random field is it though? I see both of them tense at my statement. 'Because you guys are going to be going to school hear with your little friends until you find us. Right? What were their names again Artemis?

S- You leave our friends alone! Sam said through gritted teeth. 'And their beautiful car' she said under her breath but we heard. 

A- No promises I mean they are so innocent and easy to hurt. Fucking mortals. That's why you angels are so easy to hurt you get attached to people to easily. 

R- That's true! What should we do first? Maybe hurt their family and hurt them just a little then kill them later?

Z- If we find out that you lay ONE FINGER on them. We will do a lot of bad things to you two before we send you back to hell where you belong. 

A- Wow that isn't very angelic of you girlie? Artemis said with a smirk. Zoey was fuming and I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. I laugh while she uses her extreme speed to charge at us but before she could get to us Artemis grabs my shoulder and teleports us out of the field to where we parked our car in a random spot in town. When we got there we concealed our demonic powers and changed into street clothes. I shifted my scythe into a cast on my left-hand while Artemis started "coughing". 

We walked into the pizza parlor from when we first arrived, ordered and sat down. A couple of minutes later we smile at each other when Zoey and Sam rush in and start looking around the small pizza shop frantically. They spot us and I wave but with my cast hand.  They wince when they see us and walked up to us with a small smile. 

S- Hey guys! How are you? I mean besides your wrist what even happened?

R- Hey? Do you guys want to join us? At that, they sit down and I continue. 'Don't worry about it. It was really weird I tripped and fell and I tried to break my fall with my hands but in hindsight that was kinda stupid' I said with a laugh

A- Which was kinda weird for you since I haven't seen you stumble or trip for several years. It was hella weird. 

R- Yah and you have been feeling really crapy recently. I think it is probably just bad luck I said with a chuckle. I see Zoey and Sam exchange I worried look. I looked at Artemis with a smile. Our plan was working perfectly and they had no idea who we really were. 

Z-Well I hope you guys get better soon! And hopefully, your luck will take a turn for the better soon. she says with a smile.

 We continue to talk and eat for another 2 hours. The whole time Artemis and I could see both of them fidgetting and constantly looking around. It made me smile that we got this under their skin. 

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