Cyber: A Ricky Dillon Story

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Abigail White
Age: 20

Location: Anaheim, CA
Hometown: Miami, FL

 I was a senior in high school when my english teacher suggested blogging as a way to express my inner emotions and show the world what I had to say, well... write. Since then I have completed a slight college degree in communication, with a minor in social media technology. I have moved to a big city in hopes of making something of myself. However when I think about the world I can't help but think that the world is one big bowl filled with sand, I am only one grain amongst billions of others. What makes me so special, why I do I demand to be noticed? Truthfully I am insignificant, everything I do is irrevelent. Yet I do it anyway, I strive to make a mark on the world, even though I know it's pointless....


RICKPICKLE: Sometimes even though we think we are insignificant and unimportant we are someone else's source of happiness, don't sell yourself short. Dreams do come true, I promise you that.

Cyber: A Ricky Dillon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now