Chapter Eight: Sympathy For the Devil

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"You busy today?"

I take in Mandy's words then as I slowly remove the bandage from on top of my tattoo, which I'd been given the clear to remove completely, although I would have to continually slather it with sunscreen for the time being, due to the hot, early-August weather. "No, not busy. I've got the day off," I replied.

"Great," she replied, "so do Lip and me. Want to come by?"

"Sure," I replied, not having seen them since they'd had steaks at the house, after my return from New York. "I'll be over in an hour. That work for you?"

"Perfect," Mandy replied. "See you then."

I hung up my phone then, hooking it back up to the charger and getting the last of my bandage off my tattoo, the black, pointed thorns giving way to bright-red roses amongst them. I smiled, pleased at Lola's work, and yet knew that a federal crime had been committed by me using a fake I.D., and for her believing it. Shaking my head, I got up from my bed and went into my dresser, grabbing a random pair of black denim shorts, plus a tank top that would conceal my bump ever so slightly.

In the weeks that had followed my appointment, only Franny, Pops, Uncle Ian, Cheryl, and now Dr. Lennox knew of my pregnancy. I knew that it was only a matter of time before anyone else managed to catch on, or if I decided to let anyone else in on the secret. All I did know, at this point, was that getting attached was forbidden, as I'd made my decision. There was no turning back now, and with an appointment with Dr. Lennox for my consultation for my abortion booked for the following afternoon, I knew I couldn't afford to risk it.

Stepping into my sneakers and lacing them up, I dragged a brush through my raven mane, allowing it to remain down, flowing down my back. I grabbed my set of keys and my phone, and left my bedroom, shutting the door behind me and trekking downstairs. Dad would be at the firm already, and Mom at the diner, while Clayton and Fionn were likely sleeping in, and Carla and Charlie were at Grandma Allie's again. I did my best to keep quiet as I trudged over to the kitchen, still having some time to kill before I went to go see Mandy and Uncle Lip.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, seeing the box of pizza from the night before, and my stomach immediately started growling. I dived in for it, placing it onto the counter as I kicked the fridge door shut with my foot, inhaling the tell-tale scent of sausage as I flipped the box open. I immediately grabbed a slice, chewing it quickly, and savoring every bite as the meaty sausage seemed to burst into my mouth. Once I finished that slice, I started on a second one, and continued in this way of chewing, completely enjoying myself. However, about halfway through my second piece, my chewing slowed, and I stared down at the piece, still gripped in an excited manner in my hand. I felt the bite in my mouth then, weighing it on my tongue, and felt my stomach turning immediately. I dropped the slice back into the box, gripping the counter then and hurling all that I'd eaten into the sink.

"Fuck," I whispered, turning on the water into a cool stream, taking some into my mouth and washing it off. I was unable to get the gross taste out, however, so, after tossing what was left of the second slice of pizza I'd attempted to eat—all the while holding my breath to prevent my stomach from expelling its contents again—and stowed the box back in the fridge.

Heading back upstairs—gripping onto the bannister tightly to prevent a potential fainting spell—I made it to my bathroom and shut the door. I crossed over to the sink, hastily brushing my teeth to get the sausage taste out of my mouth, before I rinsed my mouth out one final time and washed my hands. I checked my phone then, seeing that I could leave the house now and still arrive at an appropriate time, and so I headed out of my bathroom and bedroom, before going downstairs again and out the front door.

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