Chapter Five: Moving In and Out

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My eyes sprang open then, just as a trickle of silvery light of dawn came into the dining area of Patsy's, and I immediately sat up then, looking around. Somehow, I'd managed to pull my panties, bra, and top back on, but my jeans lay in a heap across the room of the employee locker room, and I felt my cheeks flushing. Slowly getting to my feet, I crossed the room and picked them up, stepping into them, which wasn't an easy task, due to my sneakers attempting to hinder the process. I reached into my pocket then, relieved that my phone had no damage to it, and seeing that it was close to six, and my heart thudded in my chest then, knowing that Mom would likely be there in two hours to unlock the place.

Turning around, I saw Liam lying there on the floor, and my knees threatened to give way at the sight of him, in nothing but his boxers and black socks. Biting down hard on my lower lip, I made my way towards him then and knelt down, the floor cooling to my knees, despite them being covered in denim, and ran my hand carefully through his hair, which was slightly floppy, due to the romp we'd had, just hours before. My fingertips migrated from his hair down to his forehead, and I marveled at just how soft his skin was.

"Liam," I whispered, leaning down and pressing my lips to where my fingertips lingered. "It's close to six o'clock. We fell asleep. My mom'll be along in a couple hours to unlock this place for the breakfast rush."

Liam moaned slightly then, before opening his eyes and pulling me down beside him, making no moves to ready himself to run. He ran his strong hand over my cheek, and I flushed at the intimacy that one look could hold. "Good morning," he said.

I felt my lips automatically lifting in a smile; nobody had ever made me feel as good as Liam had, and the aches I felt all over were simply incredible. I remembered him slamming me repeatedly against the wall, before dragging me down to the floor, pawing at me, his lips touching every surface of my body available to him, taking me to the very precipice that I'd always heard about, but never knew existed. "Good morning," I said quietly to him, a slight gasp escaping my lips when he leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine.

Liam seemed to savor the moment, leaning down and brushing his lips with mine, before he suddenly stiffened and sat up, not bringing me up with him. "What time did you say it was, Iana?" he asked.

I blinked, the sudden jolt of formality replacing intimacy jarring to me, and slowly moved to sit up as well. I drew my knees down, so that my legs were stretched out completely, thus giving me easier access to my pocket, where I'd returned my cell phone. "It's just six," I replied. "My mom doesn't open the doors on Saturdays and Sundays until eight. Trust me, it's all okay," I told him, shocked as he stood up completely then, and made a grab for his pants, yanking them on like there was no tomorrow. "Hey, hey," I said, getting to my feet then, raising my eyebrows as he pulled on his shirt, buttoning it hastily, and missing the holes entirely. "Stop. Let me," I told him, my voice deliberately gentle as I stepped forward, moving his hands aside. Carefully, I made sure that each button was in place before I dropped my hands and looked up at him, trying to get a read on his expression. "Hey," I said, reaching up and putting my palm onto his cheek. "What's going on? Is something wrong? You can tell me..."

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, scoffing then, breaking away from me then and dragging a hand through his hair, before he bent down and made a grab for his shoes, leaning his perfect ass up against the set of lockers behind him and doing his best to get them on and tie them quickly. "I fucking broke the law, Iana. How could you possibly ask me what's wrong?"

"I gave consent," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted you... Didn't you want me?"

Liam sighed then, finishing up his shoe-tying, and allowed his shoulders to slack. "Christ, Iana," he said, squeezing his eyes shut and dragging his hand down his face. "You know that wasn't what I meant..."

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