Chapter Ten: Bittersweet Bonds

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I knew I couldn't stand against the side of the building forever, so I pushed myself off and walked back towards the gym. Taking in the air after Colin's failed attempts at kissing me, and doing god knows what else, was a huge relief as I stood in the doorway. I looked around and through the godforsaken disco lights, which flashed over every foreseeable surface, but I couldn't for the life of me see Franny.

My heart hammered in my chest as I walked back inside, my fists balled at my sides as I walked through the gym. I walked out the inside doors and into the hallway of the high school, knowing that I had to look inside the ladies' room first. I came to the nondescript black door, with the stereotypical woman plastered on its surface and pushed it open. However, all I saw were a handful of girls puking or adjusting their makeup, and none of them were Franny. I allowed the door to slam shut as I stumbled back into the hallway, knowing that I had to find Franny, and fast, because the very notion of where we were was enough now.

I walked down the rest of the hallway then, the sight of couples making out in various alcoves sickening to me as I continued. Shaking my head, I turned the corner, continuing down the next hallway, hoping that I'd be able to find her. I even ended up pulling out my phone and texting her, but there was nothing. However, about midway down the final hallway I decided to look down, I heard the sound of drunken laughter coming from a janitor's closet. I would recognize that laugh anywhere, I knew that, and as I neared the door and pushed it open, my mouth fell a good thousand feet at the sight staring back at me.

. . .

"Thanks for letting me take a shower," I said to Franny, once we'd all eaten too many pancakes and Ezra was down for the count for his mid-morning nap, after a grand total of four books. "I mean... Thanks for, you know, everything."

Franny crossed her arms. "Even the change of clothes?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know very well that you borrow my clothes, too, and that I've even left some clothes here..."

She scoffed. "Whatever."

"Thank god we both had off today," I said, leaning back on her couch and rolling my sore shoulders against it. "I really needed this..."

Franny sighed. "Look, I'm more than happy to have you here, Iana, but..."

I lifted my head then, confused by her tone. "What?"

"Well, I'd like to know if I'm harboring a fugitive or not," she replied, spreading her hands as she looked confused. "I mean... Where the hell were you last night?"

I lowered my eyes. "Oh. That."

"Yeah. That," she said, clearly concerned. "You couldn't have been at Uncle Ian and Mick's place because they would've said something to your parents," Franny went on. "And Uncle Lip and Mandy's place is out, too, because they denied seeing you."

I sighed. "Lucky me."

"What do you mean?"

I locked my eyes with hers. "They may have figured out about..." I waved my hand around my stomach. "...all of this."

"Christ, Iana," Franny said, dragging her hands through her hair. "Just tell me where the hell you were last night. Please."

"I was with Liam, okay?" I said, huffing a little then.

Franny straightened up then. "Liam? As in Liam Kennedy? As in that delectable and delicious twenty-one-year-old who spoke at our high school graduation?"

I pursed my lips. "I think delectable and delicious mean the same thing..."

"Don't correct me and focus here!" Franny said, clapping her hands. "So, you were with Liam Kennedy last night?"

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