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Toothless gave a gummy smile as he downed more Icelandic cod. Hiccup was laughing at him as he ate his own. Cooked of course. He sat on a bed that was his.
He gasped as toothless jumped on the bed making it shake. Hiccup pushed on him "no! Bad dragon" he whined with a laugh.
The two started wrestling and they tumbled to the floor in a heap. Toothless flopped down on his chest. All the air in hiccups chest was squeezed out.
At that time the door to their room opened and Hiccup looked up and saw a guard with an unfriendly face.
"Dagur wants to see you" he said harshly.
Hiccup rolled his eyes "of course he does" he groaned and climbed up and brushed himself off petting toothlesses head.
"It's not like he's been wanting to see me every second day" he said sarcastically shoving past the guard. The guard reared to pounce on the boy but his dragon growled at the guard first.
The one legged viking trudged to Dagurs office and patted toothless "stay here, bud" he instructed. Toothless gave an unsure growl that Hiccup ignored.

Dagur heard the door open and smiled as he saw his 'brother' walk through the door.
"Listen, Dagur, I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I'm not talking!"

Dagur giggled at his hostility. "Calm down" he said and gestured to the chair across from him. "Sit" .
Hiccup sat alert ready for an attack. "Calm down, I just want to talk, no questioning, I just wanna reminisce" he explained.
"Reminisce?" Hiccup didn't know what Dagur was planning but he didn't like it.
Dagur laughed "you know, the times when we were kids!" He elaborated.
Hiccup leaned back and crossed his arms "oh, you mean the time you tried to drown me? Yeah I remember that alot"

Dagur chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, yes, I may have did something like that" he trailed off. Hiccup gave a unamused look.
Dagur laughed nervously "well, I you know? Meant like the good old times" he elaborated.
Hiccup scoffed "my good times or your good times, because your good times included chasing me around with a mace" he recalled.
Dagur cleared his throat.
"No, I meant like- like  what was that thing you used to do, with the yak hair on the stick and liquid dyes?" He screwed his eyes closed trying to remember.
"You mean painting?" Hiccup raised an eyebrow.
Dagur slammed his hand on the table "that's it!" He laughed "man, you made the best landscapes, do you still do it?" He asked. Hiccup shook his head "no, with all the dragon stuff I haven't had any time, and besides I normally just draw dragons and maps" he explained.  He reprimanded himself for talking so openly with the enemy.
But it was true, Hiccup was quite the talented painter, for what he lacked in brawn he excelled in other abilities.

"I remember your room was covered in parchment paper with paintings on them" he chimed. Hiccup nodded with a small smile. "Remember when I painted you?" He muttered. Dagur smiled wider, if possible. "Yes!" He cried happily and started digging through his trunk.
He slowly pulled out a piece of paper and put it on his desk.
Hiccup smiled at the detailed painting of a younger Dagur. His happy and less deranged smile, scarless face and innocent motives. Hiccup sighed as Dagur smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time.
A comfortable silence hung in the air as the remembered the good times they had as children.

"You could paint me again, Hiccup" Dagur stated and stood up and held out a hand. "If you join me" he tried to convince.
Hiccups good mood immediately vaporized and was replaced by hatred and rage.
"How dare you! I could never betray my people and help you" he growled. Dagur rolled his eyes "come now, brother, don't be difficult, we could make more happy memories you don't even have to work for the hunters, just stay with me" Dagur pleaded an urgency in his voice. Hiccup shook his head. "No, Dagur" he hissed and walked out slamming the door.
Dagur frowned and looked down at the painting and he screamed in frustration gripping it in his hands crushing it.
He then realized what he had done. "No no no no" he muttered and he straightened it out and saw the wrinkly face of his younger self. He bit his lip and hung it up on his shelf.
He took in a breath and looked at the door.

"Can you believe him!" Hiccup ranted to his confused night fury. "Thinking he can win me over just by 'reminecing' on old times" he continued absolutely pissed. Toothless tilted his head. "What does he take me for?!" He yelled in frustration.
"I know, I'm just the worst" an emotionless voice sounded. Hiccup whipped around and glared at the red head who leaned against the door frame and silently approved toothlesses growl. "What do you want?" Hiccup asked.
"I wanted to.." he stopped mid sentence and walked forwards.
Hiccup took a steps back until his back hit his table which still had his lunch.
He reached blindly and grasped the knife from lunch, ready to end this, right here, right now.
"To say I'm sorry" Dagur apologized. Hiccup was taken by surprise and stared at him in shock at his confession.
"Will you ever be able to forgive me?" Dagur glanced down at Hiccups lips.
Hiccup stared at him suspiciously. Then he felt something warm hit his lips, he blinked rapidly trying to wrap his mind around it.
Dagur pulled back hopefully.

In that moment Hiccup made a decision, a stupid decision and reacted on instinct and connected his lips with Dagur.
Hiccup let go of the knife out of surprise at himself. Hiccup was thrown on the bed before their lips touched again. Dagur ran his hands up his shirt. Hiccup pushed on his chest but was over powered by the muscular boy. Hiccup managed to pull his lips away to mumble the others name warningly.
Toothless bit Dagur and threw him off of Hiccup. Dagur grunted and stood up ready to fight but instead he froze once he saw Hiccups shaking form.

Hiccup had his hand on his mouth not understanding what he did.
"Hiccup.." Dagur whispered reaching his hand out.
"Get out.." it was barely above a whisper.
"Please" Dagur pleaded.
"Get out!" Hiccup screamed at him as tears gushed down his cheeks like a waterfall.
Dagur watched as the tears poured down his face.
Toothless forced him out and slammed the door with his tail.
He pranced towards Hiccup and nudged his arm caringly. Hiccup hugged toothless tight.
"We're getting outta here" his voice wavered but he had decided.

🌹beauty and the beast 🌹(hiccup x dagur)Where stories live. Discover now