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(( warning! Slight NSFW

Dagurs eyes fluttered open to see stone. He turned his head and saw a light. He slowly got up slightly panicked. "Am I in...Valhalla?" He asked to no one in particular. "A little more cavey than I had thought" he said disappointed.
"That's because you are in a cave, and you're very much alive" a familiar voice said with a teasing tone.
"Hiccup!" He yelled excited but that caused his head to go fuzzy and he fell back down. Hiccup dropped his firewood and rushed forward and stopped him from hitting his head.
"Thanks" Dagur croaked. "Well it's bad enough you took a poisoned arrow for me, we don't need you having a concussion as well" Hiccup smirked.
Dagur noticed the makeshift bandages on Hiccups wrists.
He slowly reached out and caressed them gently "are you okay?" He asked. Hiccup nodded a blush adorning his face "I'm fine, I'm more concerned about you and Toothless right now" he said gravely.
"What's wrong with Toothless?" Dagur asked.

Hiccup sighed and looked at his panting dragon "I don't know, he's been acting this was for days"
"Is it the spear wound?" Dagur asked.
That caught Hiccups attention "spear wound? What spear wound?" He asked. "When I first found him he had a spear sticking out of his leg" he explained. Hiccup walked towards Toothless and saw the spear wound he was talking about. "Oh Toothless, I'm sorry bud" he said and ran a hands on his back.
"Angel root should help it" Dagur muttered. Hiccup walked back to his other patient and put a cool piece of fabric on his head.
"Wait here, and don't move" he instructed. He looked back and saw Toothless limping towards him "both. Of you" and walked off. He heard a frustrated huff from his dragon.
"Is he always this hard headed?" Dagur asked earning another grunt.

Later Hiccup returned and noticed Dagur was gone, he was about to throw down his supplies in frustration when he heard snoring. He sighed in relief and looked behind Toothless and found them cuddling.
"Huh?" Hiccup exclaimed in surprise.
Hiccup slowly shook Dagur awake. "Come on, I have to change your bandages" he whispered. Dagur nodded and sat up.
Hiccup sat on his side peeling off the last bandage. He cringed at the dark wound. "This is gonna sting" he applied the Botanical healing herbs that he crushed into a paste and applied it hurling Dagur into a swearing frenzy causing toothless to bolt awake.
"That fucking hurts!" Dagur cried. Hiccups eye twitched "well maybe we wouldn't have been in this mess if somebody didn't kidnap me" he accused. "Maybe if someone hadn't runaway!" Dagur spat. "You know I wish you would have left me to the hunters!" Hiccup cried.  "MAYBE I SHOULD'VE!" Dagur screamed making Hiccup flinch.
Hiccup glared and Dagur backed down and turned his face away from him.
After a few moments of awkward silence Hiccup sighed "thanks fo-for taking that arrow for me"
"It was a spur of the moment decision" Dagur elaborated.
As Hiccup wrapped his wound, brushing his hands against  his muscles. Hiccup lightly blushed and shook it out of his head. "I'm sorry, about everything really" Dagur apologized.
"Your apology is heard, but not forgiven, your gonna have to make it up to us. A lot" he stated, toothless nodding curtly.
"I know" Dagur whispered.
"But before we do anything I want to lay down ground rules, 1 you follow my lead, 2 don't make any moves, and 3 don't try to kiss me" He laid it down.
"Didn't you initiate the second kiss?" Dagur teased. Hiccup froze and turned with a smirk "a spur of the moment decision" he said and got to work on the angel root.

Toothless cooed as he could barely feel the infection anymore. Hiccup sighed in relief "there's a good boy" Hiccup smiled to his dragon.
"We're gonna have to wait it out, until Dagur feels better and Toothless can move again" Hiccup said to himself. "We're going to need alot more thorough planning of we have to injured and we need a solid plan-"
"Do you always talk to yourself?"
Dagur asked over Hiccups muttering. Hiccup flushed and turned away.
"We can get the ship" Dagur chimed.
"What?" Hiccup questioned. "They're not going anywhere without you and Toothless, so we sneak onto the boat and take them out sailing away" Dagur strategized.
Hiccup looked at him "that's, not a horrible plan, it would require stealth, when can we move?" Hiccup asked.
Dagur shifted testing out his injured side. "I should he better in a day or two" he smirked.
Hiccup nodded "that's when we'll strike, we sneak on, take them out, and be on our merry way"

"Where will you go?" Dagur asked. Hiccup stared at him confused "aren't you going to keep me hostage?" The brunet asked confused.
Dagur shook his head "listen, I like you Hiccup, a lot" he started.
Hiccup opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Dagurs hand "just let me talk"
Hiccup nodded.
"I wanted to make you like me to, but I've realized that I can't force you to like me, your trust has to be earned, and so from now forward you're free" Dagur said solemnly.
"Dagur i-" he couldn't get out the words.
"I-I love you Hiccup Haddock, always have, always will" Dagur stuttered with a blush.
"Me too" Hiccup muttered absent mindedly.
"Really?" Dagur cried in confusion. "Yes, wait no- I, I don't know!" Hiccup groaned in frustration and buried his face in his hands.
"On one hand, your an unhinged, coarse, unrefined, berserker" he explained holding out one hand. Dagur looked down in shame, "but-" hiccup started, Dagur perked. " on the other hand, I've seen a side that's sweet, unsure, and kind, I'm just wondering why I've never seen it there before"

Dagur smiled softly. "You're confused, I get it, when I first arrived at Berk when we were teens I couldn't understand the warm feeling I had everytime I experienced your smile" he explained.
Hiccup sighed, "I guess, what I'm saying is, I have feeling for you, I don't know if there good, or bad, but I'd be willing to try out the good."
Dagur smiled and drew himself closer to Hiccup.
Dagur was so close there lips almost touched. "Can I kiss you?" Dagur asked nervously.
Hiccups face flushed in embarrassment, but he nodded. Dagur slowly connected there lips, relishing the feeling of Hiccups soft lips.
Hiccup melted into the kiss and kissed back. Their lips molded perfectly together, almost like the last puzzle piece in the puzzle.
Dagur slowly brought his hand up and cupped Hiccups face. Hiccup sighed softly and wrapped his arms around Dagurs neck. He didn't know how he felt towards the berserker but it felt right kissing him.
Dagurs hands landed on Hiccups thighs and slowly tugged him towards
him. Hiccup moved to where Dagur led him and that was in his lap.
Hiccup flushed as he was straddling his enemy's lap.
He bit his lip. "Do you want to stop?" Dagur asked, fidgeting the bottom of hiccups tunic nervously.
Hiccup shook his head and cupped Dagurs face kissing him.
Soon hands where exploring chests, tongues dancing together.
Dagur pulled away.  Hiccup let out a small whine of protest to his embarrassment.
Dagur licked his lips and slowly started attacking Hiccups neck with open mouth kisses.
Hiccup gasp and sighed in pleasure. Apparently his neck was his soft spot. Kissed turned to nips and sucking. Hiccup grasp at Dagurs shoulders and let out a whimper.
A million things were going through Hiccups head, first one was 'this is wrong' second one being 'this feels so good' third one 'do I love him?'
Hiccup started to feel queasy and nervous about the pleasure coursing through his body. He pushed on Dagurs shoulders causing the older boy to stop immediately.
"Are you okay?" Dagur asked brushing hiccups hair out of his face.
"I'm fine, it's just-"
"You're not ready for this, it's okay" Dagur cooed. Hiccup smiled and gently kissed Dagurs cheek.
"Does that mean we can still kiss?" Dagur asked hopefully. Hiccup chuckled "yes" he answered and soon another make out was in session.

Toothless covered his eyes with his tail.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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