Chapter 25 - That Crazy Thing Called Love

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I had never been in a romantic relationship before, but I had experienced crush, puppy love, unrequited love. Yet, being with Young Hyun had been different. Every day was blissful.

We were asked again if we were dating, but we said no and smiled knowingly. Jae and the rest were suspicious and had been teasing us non-stop.

We often left the set together and sometimes, would also come together when the shoot would start early in the morning. Young Hyun would fetch me from my apartment and we would walk down the neighborhood to the waiting area for buses/taxis. Just like that day.

Our call time that morning was seven am. At six, he was already knocking at my door. He brought breakfast and we ate together before we left.

We were walking along the street when I received a call through Messenger from Mara. I answered it and was welcomed by her smiling face.

"What's up?" I greeted. I had to hold unto Young Hyun, so that I wouldn't stumble. My attention was divided between Mara and the footpath.

"Girl, I have good news!" I could that she was so happy about that news.

"Make sure it's really good news. I don't want to cry early in the morning because of 'good news' which actually is bad news for me." I recalled how Ms. Tina broke the news about the script for Pearl of the Orient.

I heard Young Hyun snort, so I glanced at him for a second. He probably remembered it too.

"I'm getting married!"

I looked back at my phone's screen and stared at Mara in disbelief. "For real?"

She nodded and I could really see her eyes sparkling in happiness. I looked at Young Hyun again and caught him looking at me. He was smiling.

"That's wonderful! Congratulations!" I told Mara.

Young Hyun began to sing their song Congratulations, but I had to scold him.

"Hey, that's not it." How could he sing a post-breakup song for news about marriage?

But he just laughed! Seriously?

Mara probably noticed my divided attention, so she asked, "Do you have someone with you?"

I glanced at Young Hyun again before answering my friend. "Uhh...Uhm-hmm."

He went behind me and peeked at my phone's screen. Then he waved at Mara. I moved my phone away and frowned at him, but he smiled in exchange.

"Hey, who's that? Huh?" Mara saw him! She was even shocked.

"Wala 'yun." (It's nothing.) I told her, hoping she wouldn't pry. "When did Kyle propose to you, anyway? And isn't it too fast? You just celebrated your first anniversary, right?" Then I realized something. "Oh. He proposed on your anniversary."

She laughed at what I said. "I know you, Direk. Nagiging madaldal ka kapag umiiwas ka sa usapan." (You become talkative when you are avoiding a topic.)

"Cut it, Mara." I rolled my eyes at her.

"But you're right. Kyle proposed on our anniversary. First anniversary." She was in cloud nine. "Do you know that you're not the only one who told me that the proposal is so fast? Well, it doesn't matter for us. You know that we both underwent major heartaches, right? So it's time that we both become happy. And we both love each other, so why would we have to prolong the wait?"

I knew about her and Kyle's heartaches. It was really sad, so yes. They deserved to be happy finally.

Then I looked at Young Hyun again. He was looking at me as well. He shrugged and gave me his one-billion-dollar smile.

The first time I saw him on their Congratulations music video, I didn't feel anything special for him. It was actually Jae who I got to know first through After School Club. I only began to 'stan' Young Hyun when I saw their Shoot Me music video. At first, it was only the usual feeling a fan has for the artist s/he idolizes. But later on, what I felt for him grew into something more, impossible even. And now, I just wished that crazy feeling would never go away. I deserved to be happy too, you know.

"Hoy, babae, sino ba 'yang kasama mo?" (Hey, girl, who's that guy with you?) Mara got my attention again.

I smiled at her. "I'll talk to you again later. We're on our way to the filming location."

She pouted. "Okay. I understand, but don't scam me! Tell me everything!"

I laughed at what she said. We ended the call after and just realized I forgot to ask her something.

"I forgot to ask the date of their wedding," I muttered to myself.

"Have you been to many weddings before?" Young Hyun suddenly asked.

We were almost in the waiting area.

"Just twice: during my uncle's and a high school friend's wedding." I pocketed my hands. Now that I was reminded of the story Mara told me before, I could not get it off of my mind.

I remained quiet until we rode a taxi. Young Hyun noticed my sudden silence and asked about it.

"Is there any problem? You became quiet."

I shrugged and looked straight at the road. "I just remember Mara's story." I looked at him. "Do you want to hear?"

He shrugged. "Sure. What is it?"

I sighed. "Kyle is the half-brother of Mara's first love, Joshua. Joshua was already diagnosed with stage 2 leukemia when they first met. It was love at first sight, she said. They became a couple on that same day they met. Funny, right?"

He smiled. "I think it's romantic."

I laughed softly. "He was the one who made her realized her dreams, the person who made her feel her importance, the person who loved her and made her his world." I sighed. "But he was taken from her even before they celebrated their first anniversary."

A short silence passed between us, the words I said sounded like a sorrowful song.

"Then she met Kyle in a church. She always lit a candle every Wednesday outside their parish church. One Wednesday, a guy approached her and introduced himself as Joshua's half-brother. Since then, they would always meet coincidentally until they met again in the company I and Mara work at. Kyle is a video editor. Then, they started dating and now, they're getting married."

"Fate works in mysterious ways." Young Hyun commented. He took my hand from my pocket and intertwined our fingers.

I felt myself blush, but I continued my story. "Kyle has been hurt by a woman before, who made him into a womanizer, but since he met Mara, he changed. He probably got scared when I warned him I'd kick him on the face if I learned he cheats on Mara."

He laughed. "Ya, you're brutal."

I rested my head on his shoulder. "I realized, people come and go. Some would come to help you get through with one point of your life while some would stay and be with you for a lifetime. But everyone has their purpose. They leave a mark on your life which someday becomes a memory, a lesson."

I felt him kissed my forehead and said, "That's deep. It will make good lyrics."

I smiled at the thought. "I already wrote a novel about that."

"You did?"

I nodded. "But you can't read it. It's written in Filipino."

"I have to learn your language then."

Why did it sound like a promise of lifetime companionship?

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