Chapter 43 - Step by Step

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"I know who she is the first time I saw her five months ago. She's your 'Jjang', right?"

His mother's voice resonated in Young Hyun's mind as he looked at Krizza from afar. He had been sitting on their porch since early morning, waiting for Krizza. His parents' house was two houses away from theirs. From where he was sitting, he could see her and how she interacted with the neighbors' kids.

"According to Hannah, her step-mother, they came from Chicago, where Marcus lived and Krizza underwent surgery for her tumor. Hannah was her nurse."

"She said, Krizza's surgery was successful. However, because of the operation, her memory has been affected. She's currently experiencing retrograde amnesia."

And she could not remember anything from seven years ago. That was what his mother told them the night before. Krizza's father was not allowing her to surf the web as well. So that explained why she could not remember them.

She was isolated from her friends and former colleagues. Her family was the only one who knew what happened and what was happening to her. It was what she asked for before she underwent surgery.

Young Hyun felt relieved knowing that she survived the ordeal, but he was also sad knowing that she did not remember him. It hurt him somehow. However, he was determined to win her back.

He was about to set foot outside when he noticed a car stopped in front of Krizza's house. She waved her hands goodbye at the kids just in time the car's driver got out.

It was James, Krizza's best friend. So he knew where she was. Did he intend to hide that truth from Young Hyun?

He must have noticed him looking at them because he turned his head in his direction. He stilled for a second before he continued to open the car's door for Krizza. His eyes would not leave his direction until he climbed back in the car.

The guy remembered him.


That morning, Young Hyun and the rest of DAY6 members with his hometown friends went out on a tour around Toronto. He would have enjoyed it only if Krizza was with them.

She agreed to go with them, right? But she went with James.

He sighed. How could he get her back? Or was she only a part of his past now?

His heart ached at the thought.

They were on their way to the restaurant after the morning tour when he received a call. When he checked his phone, it was an unfamiliar number. Still, he answered it.


"It's James." The person on the other line said without even a greeting. "Can we meet?"

He remembered the first time they met and talked about Krizza. This time would probably the same. She was the only one connecting them.

"Sure. Where?"

He gave him the address and ended the call shortly after.

Young Hyun told his friends that he would not be able to join them for lunch. They asked why, but he only told them he had to meet someone. He asked Terry to drop him off at the nearest bus stop. From there, he took a cab to the restaurant where he would be meeting James.

He was already waiting for him when he arrived.

"You might think I kept Krizza's whereabouts from you." James immediately said the moment he sat. He had not even caught his breath yet. "And it's actually true."

He stared at him, shocked, but he did not say anything. He waited for him to continue.

"Because I feared she might remember everything from her past especially her darkest days."

His mother actually told him, "Krizza told me she frequently has this dream...nightmare. Probably something about an ugly memory she lost after the surgery but has been haunting her in her dreams. She wanted to know what exactly it is, but she's afraid."

He knew what it was about. James had told him before. So he understood Krizza's fear.

"But I realized it was not your fault. After all, you're the person, who made her happy again...well, without your obsessed fans who see her as a threat or something and stressed her." James continued.

He gazed down at his hands. Well, he had a point about the fans. Still...

"When she lost her memory, she became happier and calmer. But whenever I look at her eyes, I can see she misses something. She may not say it, but I know she also wanted to know what she lost."

"What do you want me to do?" Young Hyun finally was able to ask.

"Help her find herself again."

He needed not to ask though because it was what he would do anyway.

"Have you eaten?" James asked after a while.

He shook his head. "I'll get going."

He was about to stand, but James stopped him. "No need. She's almost here." He was the one who stood up. "Like last time, I'll leave her to you."

Like last time...

His heart started beating fast. He knew she would arrive, so he waited. When the door chime clanged, he turned his head and saw Krizza looking around. At that moment, he felt like he fell in love with her again.

She found him and their eyes met. Young Hyun's heart beat faster. She was puzzled, but she still made her way to him.

"Hey, Brian. What are you doing here?" She asked.

What should he tell her?

"Uh...Have a seat first." Well, manners first.

She sat on the chair across him and waited for him to answer her question.

He breathed in and out, trying to calm his nerves and not to hold her hands. She might get alarmed if he just spilled everything at the same time. He needed to get to her one step at a time.

"You know James?" She suddenly asked, while staring at her phone. "He said to listen to whatever you will say."

He sighed. "Yes, I know him. Sort of. We've met before...through you. You introduced him to us."

She looked surprised. "Oh. Did I? Wow. Well, so we've known each other."

He nodded.

"How did we meet?" There was a sparkle in her eyes. It was the excitement to learn about her lost past. "Where did we meet? Are we colleagues or something? James told me I worked in the film industry."

She stopped when she noticed he had been staring at her. "I'm sorry, but your mom probably told you already that I have partial amnesia. That's why I'm really eager to know everything about my past self. James told me bits, but I know he left out a lot."

Krizza hadn't changed. She was still talkative. The thought made Young Hyun smile.


"I can tell you everything you wanted to know, but you may not believe me." He said, still smiling. "So I'll just show you. But I need you to trust me."

"Okay?" She did not seem convinced.

"But first, do you want to attend our concert in Vancouver tomorrow night?"

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