Chapter 41 - Without You

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Memories I can't erase

You're the one I can't replace

It's been too many days

My heart is out of place

October 5, 2020 – DAY6 'Youth' Part 3 World Tour in Toronto


The audience was already getting hyped although the concert had just begun. DAY6 was already done playing their intro songs: a new song from their Youth Part 3 album, "Shoot Me" and the ever-iconic "Congratulations". Following the intro, they welcomed the fans who attended the concert.

Receiving a great amount of energy from their fans, the DAY6 members were all smiles. They were enjoying the concert despite the fact that Toronto was already their sixth concert stop.

After the concert though, like every performance, Young Hyun returned to his usual, lonely self. So much had already changed with him since Krizza left. He became quiet and less cheerful. He still joked around, but only when there were cameras present. Nothing was making him genuinely happy and all the songs he had written were all sad and depressing.

His friends did anything to make him move on, but he just couldn't. They knew what could make him happy, yet it was no longer possible.

The moment Krizza left him in the park that night, Young Hyun's world had begun to crumble. He cried non-stop. His heart was in pieces.

He went home looking like a mess. His bandmates asked him what happened, but all he could give was silence. He locked himself in the bedroom, making Jae slept in their living room. Young Hyun was aware that the four guys tried to contact Krizza but to no avail.

The next day, he did not go out of the room until Jimin came and told him that Krizza asked her to say, "She said she's sorry and that you should not wait for her. She's no longer coming back. What really happened? Why did she say that she doesn't know what will happen to her?"

Because of what she told him, he decided to call CJ E&M to ask for information. However, they were adamant not to give any information about her. He pleaded, but they did not listen.

He was so desperate that he even contacted Martin Cerulean, James and Krizza's colleagues in Manila, but they too didn't know why she suddenly cut her communication with them. At least he learned that she lied about the job offer in the US.

When their world tour for Youth Part 2 began, he had less time to look for answers. He became a lot busier and a lot sadder. When it finally sank in him that Krizza was no longer coming back, it killed a part of him.

Then one day, Park So Eun, Krizza's colleague in CJ E&M, asked him to meet. Still hoping for any news, he agreed to meet her.

So Eun gave him a box, which according to her was from Krizza. She said to give it to him a few weeks after she left Seoul.

She also finally told him the real reason for Krizza's sudden departure from everyone's life, a shocking truth that he never expected.

Krizza was ill. She had been diagnosed with Grade I Convexity Meningioma, a brain tumor. It was benign but required her to undergo surgery. However, because the tumor was on a very risky part of her brain, her chance of successful surgery was low, meaning she might be put in a critical condition. Worse was that she might die.

When he learned about it, his heart was pulverized more into tiny pieces. It hurt him to know that the person he loved and swore to protect was actually suffering without him. It was cruel. Krizza had already suffered enough in the past and then that...

He asked So Eun for further news about Krizza's condition, but she could no longer add anything. All they knew was Krizza would be getting her surgery in the US where her biological father was.

A year and four months passed, he was still waiting for any news about Krizza. His only consolation was, there was no news about her surgery failing. It meant that she might have survived.

What made him kept his faith was the video and handwritten letters Krizza left for him. Those were what the box So Eun passed him contained: her sweet words in paper and painful goodbye in the video. He would always read and watch those. Always.

"Brian, here's Terry," Jae called out from the other side of the room.

He looked up from his phone and glanced at the door of their waiting room. His best friend, Terry was there. He stood up and welcomed his long-time buddy.

"That was a great show," Terry praised. "You guys are great as usual."

He just smiled at his compliment. He noticed Terry's girlfriend, Lisha, and also gave her a quick hug.

"Your parents are already waiting outside. Come on."

He would be staying at his parents' house that night while the other four would be staying at the hotel. However, they would all go to the house first for dinner.

His mom greeted him with a warm embrace upon seeing him. She had been waiting with his dad in the parking area.

"Everyone's hungry?" The woman asked as they climbed into the van. "I made a really delicious meal for all of you."

Jae thanked her and told her how he missed his cooking as if he was his own mother.

Young Hyun was with his bandmates along with his parents in the van while Terry and the rest of their friends who watched the concert were in their own vehicles.

The DAY6 members were already tired, but they were still talking ecstatically about their third world tour. Err...well, except Young Hyun who was quiet like usual.

When they arrived, the conversation grew louder and more cheerful with his bandmates and friends together. Yet, all those people and Young Hyun still felt incomplete.

They started to feast on the dinner her parents prepared. It was a mix of Korean and Canadian dishes.

While eating, he noticed his mother glancing at her wristwatch from time-to-time. He even heard her said, "What's taking her so long?"

He was about to ask her who she was waiting for when the doorbell rang. She stood up and went to welcome the visitor. He just decided to return his attention to his food and Dowoon who was telling Wonpil about things he noticed during the concert.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kang. I just finished the cake."

Young Hyun stilled on his seat. He knew that voice. It's no way he wouldn't know that.

"It's okay, dear. You arrived just in time. We just started dinner." He heard his mother answered.

Then he noticed the two maknaes stopped from their conversation and stared at the newly arrived guest. He also heard Jae exclaimed, "Oh?" before he decided to turn his head.

His heart started to beat faster. His world suddenly came to a halt. If that was a dream, he prayed not to wake up from it.


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