Chapter 36 - Under the Stars

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When we arrived at the inn, I already saw Young Hyun waiting outside. I immediately went to him upon getting out of the van.

"Are you done for the day?" I asked him.

He put his arm around my shoulders. "We're on a break. We'll resume later before we sleep."

"Are we hanging out with your bandmates? I have something for them."

"For them? You don't have something for me?"

I laughed at his cluelessness. Could he really not tell whether I was joking or not?

"Why? You already have me."

He laughed. "No. We won't hang out with them. This evening is for only the two of us."

Why did it sound so romantic?

We drove to wherever, but before we left, I took the gift I wanted to give to them. They were mini-replicas of their instruments made of wood. I had it made by a friend in PH. It arrived the day before we left for Jeju and I decided to bring them. Good thing I did.

Young Hyun was so happy with the gift. He was like a kid who just received the toy he wanted. It's cute.

We rode the car they rented. I did not ask where we were going, but I did not expect we would hang out on a roadside overlooking the sea.

The night was beautiful. The sky was full of stars. The air was cold despite the summer.

"Waa...This feels good." Young Hyun exclaimed when we climbed out of the car.

We stood side-by-side by the car's hood.

It was indeed relaxing, but it was cold. I had to wrap my coat more to my body.

"Are you cold?" He asked seeing me struggled with the breeze.

"Nah. I'm fine," I lied. It was me trying to be independent.

Yet, despite what I said, Young Hyun still took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. Okay, enough for trying to be independent.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked him then.

He scooted closer to me. "There. I like this better."

We stared at each other for a second and laughed at the same time. It was plain funny.

"I like this better than dates in classy restaurants." He said out-of-the-blue.

I nodded and looked up to the stars. "Me too." Then I looked at him again. "But we don't have food."

I was already famished.

"Do you think I'd forget that?" He said, grinning. He went in the car and a moment after he was already holding a plastic of foods.

I forgot that he was Young Hyun, the master of food.

It contained two lunchboxes, tangerines and two bottled water. The sight of it made me hungrier.

We ate while we listened to their band's songs.

"What's your ultimate favorite out of all our songs?" He asked while chewing the egg roll.

I thought for a while, munching on the kimbap, and said, "I actually prefer your Japanese songs to the Korean and my favorite is Live Your Life."

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