Bonus Chapter: 21.5 - Drunk Confession

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Young Hyun had been glancing back-and-forth on his phone and the road. The dreadful filming was finally done for the day, but his mind was left on the set where he last saw Krizza with puffy eyes. She had been crying, he noticed, but why? She turned him down. Was she feeling sorry?

He saw his phone lit first before it rang. He immediately answered it obviously showing he was eagerly waiting for the call. It was from Jae, who he knew was with Krizza at that moment.

"Hey, Brian. Have you arrived?" The one on the other line asked.

He fidgeted on his seat. "Wae? We're almost at the dorm."

"Go back here. Look after Krizza."

He needed not be told twice. He asked their manager to drop him off on the roadside. He hailed a taxi and hurried to where Jae and Krizza were.

When he got there, he found Krizza, with her head bent low on the table, sleeping while Jae was having fun taking photos of her. Jae noticed him and immediately stood up.

"Ya, bring her home."

He walked towards Krizza. "How much did he drink?"

"That much." Jae pointed at the five empty bottles of soju. "I only had half of the bottle."

She really planned to get drunk, he thought.

Young Hyun carefully nudged Krizza to wake her up, but she would not respond. He looked at Jae. "Hyung, help me."

But the eldest just shrugged dismissively. "Why? She's your girl. Take her home—I mean, to her home. I'm leaving. Ciao!" And he indeed just left.

Young Hyun could only sigh. He returned his attention to Krizza who was now drunk-talking.

"What?" He asked her.

She bolted up and stared at him with half-closed eyes. "Who...?"

"It's Brian."

She frowned. "I don't know any Brian," she said and just fell back to the table. Good thing though Young Hyun caught her forehead with his palm.

"Ya, Jjang. Let's take you home," he told her, but she did not respond.

He stared at her and decided to give her a piggyback ride. He asked the server to help him and he gladly did. He knelt beside Krizza with his back facing her and the server helped Krizza get on his back. Young Hyun tried to stand but almost stumble because of the weight. He paused for seconds and found his footing. Finally, he was able to carry her.

"Ya, why are you so heavy?" He asked her, but of course, she did not respond.

He thanked the server who helped him and left, struggling a bit.

There was no taxi in sight, so Young Hyun decided to trudge along the sidewalk and go to the nearest bus stop. It was cold, but he was sweating.

When he got there, after a thousand year (Twilight?), he carefully put Krizza down on the bench. He stretched his back, looked around the almost empty road, and returned his attention to Krizza who suddenly woke up...well, not fully.

"Where am I?" She asked; her eyes half-closed.

He squatted in front of her. "Are you awake? Do you want me to leave?"

She did not answer and stared at him instead. He almost jumped when she suddenly screamed, "Oh! Brian!"

What she said last night was still fresh and painful, but seeing her even in that state just sent butterflies in his stomach. He smiled.

"Ya. Are you too drunk to recognize me?"

Again, she ignored his question and drunk-talked again. "Why didn't you slap me when I hurt you? I deserved to be hurt, too."

He was astounded. He could only stare at her and hear what she really meant to say.

"I hate it." She began to cry, which alarmed Young Hyun. "It's too painful. I feel like there are needles here." She pointed at her heart.

Tears began falling from his eyes as well. She just accurately described what he was feeling.

He reached for her face and wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Why are you crying? I thought you don't like me."

She just suddenly laughed like crazy and cried again. She was clearly drunk...and going insane.

"I...don't like Brian."

His heart was threatening to come out. It was a confession he was hearing, right?

"But I'm scared. I'm so scared."

He pulled her to him and hugged her. They both shed tears, crying for their feelings they didn't know what to do with.

Then she pushed him and asked, "Who are you? Why are you hugging me? Huh? Brian?"

He laughed at her silliness. He wondered how she would react if she learned what she was like when drunk.

"No. You're not Brian," she added again and stood up, swaying.

He immediately got up and caught her before she fell.

"Jjang, let's get you home." But he thought, he needed someone to help her and it would not look good if he would do that while she was wasted.

He fished out his phone from his jean's pocket while holding Krizza steady and called a good friend. Good thing, the friend okay'ed.

"Ya, come on, Jjang. We'll talk once you're sober."

What happened next was something he never expected. She just stared at him and after a moment, grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. He felt the world stopped on his feet. She kissed him!

She was also the one to break the kiss and said, "You're Brian, alright."

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