Chapter 26 - I'll Protect You

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The shoot ended early at seven pm and DAY6 no longer had a rehearsal for the night, so Young Hyun decided to hang out with me at my place. We agreed to watch a movie on Netflix, but I had to multi-task and write a script in front of the television.

"Ya, can you concentrate on that?" He asked as the movie began.

I looked at the screen briefly to see what he was watching and I almost threw myself on the floor. "Hey, why would you watch that?"

It was Friday the 13th, the first full-length film I wrote and directed.

He grinned mischievously. "Wae? I wanted to watch horror."

I never watched my works after premiere night. It was painful and cringe-worthy to do.

I sighed exasperatedly. "Bahala ka diyan." (It's up to you.)

He frowned at me. "What?"

I didn't answer and returned my attention to my laptop. The movie started and Young Hyun focused his attention on it. We bought chips and he cooked ramen, which we ate while he watched and I worked.

From time-to-time, I would glance on the television and check on Young Hyun, who was watching seriously. I laughed at him when he cursed out of surprise during one of the scary scenes.

Almost halfway through the movie, I paused what I was doing and watched the movie with him. However, I could not concentrate because I remembered the hilarity behind the scenes. I actually tried not to laugh, but I could not hold it in.

"It's horror. Why are you laughing?" Young Hyun asked after stuffing potato chips inside his mouth. He was like a kid.

I instinctively reached to his face and wiped the crumbs beside his mouth. "You're like a child."

"You really know how to make my heart flutter, don't you?"

With what he said, I realized what I just did. I just laughed it off and returned my interest to the television. But I really couldn't focus. My mind kept spotting mistakes in the film and I was criticizing out loud.

"Ya, just get back to what you're doing earlier. You're distracting me."

"That's why I don't watch my own films. I go into critic mode."

I stood up and was about to go to the kitchen when something crashed the window above the sink. I stopped in my track and froze on the spot.

Young Hyun immediately went beside me. "Gwaenchanh-a?" (Are you okay?)

I nodded. "Just shocked." I saw a brick on the floor and was about to walk to it, but Young Hyun stopped.

"Stay here." And he went to the kitchen himself.

I did not listen and followed him instead. "Be careful."

He sidestepped the brick and the broken glasses on the floor and peeked through the damaged window.

"Hey, Brian! Get away from there!"

I quickly went to him and tried to pull him away from the window. However, he suddenly turned around and shielded me from another flying brick.

"I told you to stay put!" He scolded.

"Let's call the police," I told him. I was getting scared.

We went away from the window. He called the police while I turned off the television and tried to calm myself.

The incident seemed intentional and I did not remember having done wrong to anyone. So probably the person who threw the bricks had mistaken me.

After calling the authorities, Young Hyun sat beside me on the sofa. We were both tensed, but I was just thankful that he was there.

"Did you see who threw those?" I asked him. My heart was beating faster out of fear.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. What he did calmed me a bit. "I just saw a shadow. I wasn't sure if it was a man or woman. Is this the first time it happened?"

I nodded. "Probably mistook my apartment as someone else's."

"Good thing I'm here."

The police came shortly after. It was Young Hyun who talked with them since I wasn't fluent in Korean. They told us they would patrol around the neighborhood to look for the culprit.

I also called So Eun to inform her about what happened. She said the apartment was insured, so I did not have to worry about the fixing cost. I just actually had to think about my safety.

After the police left, I had already decided to stay out of my apartment for that night.

"I'll stay here with you tonight. I can't just leave after what happened." Young Hyun offered.

I shook my head. "I'll check-in in a hotel tonight. You should go home. It's getting late as well."

"That's better then. But I'll accompany you to the hotel. I know a good one in Gangnam. Would you like to go there?"

Honestly, I just wanted him to stay with me, but I also had to think about him. "Just give me the name and address, then you go home. It won't be good if anyone sees you with me even in a hotel lobby."

But he was being stubborn again. "No. I'll go with you to the hotel. Okay, I won't go out of the taxi."

And it was how it worked. I took a few things with me: clothes, laptop, phone, personal hygiene kit and my wallet. Then I left with Young Hyun. He didn't really climb out of the taxi when we got to the hotel, but he called once I texted him I already checked in.

We talked on the phone until I made sure he was already in their dorm. After the call, I could not help but missed him already. I knew it sounded absurd, but I just suddenly felt vulnerable without him. Still, I was grateful that he came into my life.

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