Chapter 3.1 ~ Mention of Him

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A sigh escaped Yoongi's lips as he watched the smoke float into the air, slowly disappearing into the atmosphere, polluting the air more than it already was.

Jihyo would kill him if she found out what he was doing, especially after she lectured him on why he shouldn't be smoking.

Though Yoongi couldn't help it, he knew he was slowly killing himself, but he was okay with that fact. For the most part at least.

He would never dare smoke in front of his friends, or his kids, he knew better than to do that. Though he apparently didn't know better than to smoke in the first place. The maroon haired male would usually smoke after work, just to relieve the stress of the day, especially the pitiful stares he would receive from all of his co-workers.

As of now, Yoongi was outside of his place of work, smoking yet another cigarette. The male did not expect a white car to pull up though, or a very annoyed Jihyo to stomp out of it.

"Shit," he muttered, dropping the cigarette and quickly stepping on it.

"Min Yoongi I'm going to kick your ass!" she hissed, taking the male by the ear and pulling him into the vehicle, she quickly got into the driver's side and started driving to their shared apartment.

This usually happened, Jihyo would sometimes pick him up from work, and the elder forgot that today was one of those days.

"What the fuck have I told you about smoking?" Jihyo began, she was a nurse after all, and she knew everything there was to know about the human body, "It's not good for you, you're going to kill your lungs, and you definitely know that's not what Hoseok would want you doing."

There it was again, the mention of Hoseok. Yoongi's dead sync.

The maroon colored male felt a sharp pain in his chest, tears pricking at his eyes as he just continued to stare out the window, not really listening to Jihyo's lecture. It's been a little over three years since Hoseok's death, yet his friends and family still found ways to mention him whenever they could, especially after Yoongi did something bad to himself.

Yoongi's mind drifted to other places, as far as three years back, when he had gotten into a fight with his best friends over the topic of Hoseok.

<> 3 years ago <>

"C'mon Yoongi, you need to eat," SeokJin persisted, sitting on Yoongi's hospital bed, the younger completely silent.

He merely shook his head.

Jimin, who was sitting in a seat across the room with Taehyung and Jungkook, said, "Hyung, you haven't eaten in almost 3 whole days, you need to put something in your stomach."

"I don't have an apetite," Yoongi mumbled, laying down and closing his eyes, it was then that Jungkook said something that would trigger the hell out of the elder male.

"Hoseok wouldn't have wanted you to starve yourself, Hyung."

Tears welled up in the pale male's eyes, it had only been about 2 months after Hoseok's death, and Yoongi was still hurting.

Not coming face to face with the truth yet.

"What the fuck would you know Jungkook!" the male snapped, raising his voice, "what would any of you fucking know about him! He was my sync, not yours!"

SeokJin furrowed his eyebrows, "Yoongi calm down, he didn't mean it in an-"

"Get out," the male seethed, "all of you, just leave me the fuck alone."


"GET OUT!" he yelled, tears already coming out of his eyes, and before Yoongi knew it, he was full on sobbing.

For what felt the hundredth time.

<> Present time <>

"YOONGI!" Jihyo shouted, snapping the maroon-haired male out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking over at his female best friend.

"We're home," she said, gesturing towards the building, "but," she grabbed Yoongi's hand, keeping him from leaving the car, "promise me you will not shove those cancer sticks in your mouth, swear on Hoseok's grave."

Yoongi took a deep breath, "I promise," he assured through his teeth, his legs crossed to signify his lie.


"Appie Appie!" Woozi and Misun shouted in glee once they saw their father enter the home, their baby sitter, Boa, smiling at the twins. They ran and hugged their dad's legs, Yoongi chuckling at his twins.

"Thanks, Boa," Jihyo smiled, the older woman nodding as she grabbed her things so she could leave.

"Kids," Yoongi looked at his 3-year-olds, "what do you say to Boa Noona?"

"Tank Ju!" the twins thanked in unison, Boa laughing.

"You're raising them exceptionally well Mr. Min," the elder smiled, Yoongi nodding with a small smile of his own.

"Thank you Noona."

With that Boa left.

Yoongi went to his room after hugging his kids, getting ready for a long-awaited shower that he'd been yearning for since he left work. Though he couldn't really do that when he heard Jihyo shout for him, her voice sounding a bit shaky.

The male groaned, walking out of his room and to the living area. Where his twins stared at their aunt, Jihyo had her back to Yoongi, she looked extremely tense.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "what's wrong Ji?"

"Yoongi, we um, the twins had a question f-for you," she stuttered, Yoongi finally seeing what had Jihyo so nervous.

In Misun's small hands, was the picture Yoongi didn't even notice was missing from his drawer.

The picture of him and Hoseok before he died.

"Appie, who iz dis?"

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