P.D.A. - Public Display of Affection♡♡

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P.D.A., or Public Display of Affection, should honestly come with a warning sign: "Watch out for the face-eating monsters!" I mean, a little innocent peck on the lips is fine, but watching two people engage in a full-on make-out session with groping and moaning? It's enough to make me want to vomit.

My train of thought was rudely interrupted by a loud moan from the girl in front of me, Felicity. She's kind of an A-class diva, and I often wonder how she got into this university. I guess money can buy anything—even a seat in a lecture hall while munching on someone's face. The fact that they're right in front of me is not helping, and where the heck is the professor? Bloody exhibitionists.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" I said after tapping her companion—whose name I didn't care to know. He grunted in annoyance, clearly not thrilled about being interrupted. I cringed, imagining what I would do if I were a superhero. "Somewhere in the world, there's a spandex suit with your name on it."

"Excuse me!" I said a little louder this time, causing him to visibly stiffen. Felicity sat up straight, looking at me like I just told her that cats don't exist. Seriously, how was she comfortable in that position? Some people have no shame.

"You're excused," she snapped back. I inhaled deeply, trying to calm down. "What I meant to say is, can you two find a room or at least move seats? I don't want to watch you eat each other's faces. Have some self-respect!" I delivered my line with as much irritation as possible, hoping it could be detected by someone in the next building.

"You're just jealous," she shot back with an annoying smirk. What is it with people smirking? Just pick an expression already—are you smiling or plotting world domination? This is giving me a headache.

"Pray tell, what am I jealous of exactly, Felicity?" I asked calmly. The only way to deal with this was with indifference—like a zen master or a cat staring at a cucumber.

"Of my relationship with Allen. I know you want him; I've seen how you look at him!" she replied smugly, as if she just revealed the secret to the universe. I had to stifle a laugh; what high school drama was this? We're in university for crying out loud. I needed to stop this nonsense—like, yesterday.

"Being jealous of your 'relationship' would imply I have feelings, which I do not. Plus, are you sure you two are in a relationship? Because just yesterday, I saw your 'boyfriend' doing exactly what you two were doing just a few minutes ago—with Abby from BCom Accounting. And I bet she's so in a relationship with him if that's what you want to call it. We could be the last two people on earth, and I would never like Allen." I said this all while maintaining my calm demeanor. Who knew my life would become such a cliché?

Luckily for me, the professor walked in just then, cutting our little drama short. But judging by the looks Felicity and Allen shot my way, this wasn't the end. Where is Jayden when I need him? I could already feel a headache brewing, and I knew my impending lunch plans with Shawn were only going to add to it.

Class ended, and I hurried to my next one, which was by far the best class of the day. When it finally ended, I found Shawn leaning against the wall outside my classroom. Timing: impeccable. I was secretly hoping he'd be late so I could use it as an excuse to ditch lunch. I stared at him for a second, then turned towards the cafeteria.

"Hello to you too, Grey," he said sarcastically, though he was grinning. Is this guy always smiling? "I'm really hungry, Grey, and I could use a burger and fries right about now. You won't believe the day I've had so far. I am so tired," he whined. I decided to let him ramble on; if he wanted to talk so much, who was I to stop him?

As we reached the counter, I spotted Nax behind it. Nax and I had a friendly rapport; before Jay came along, I'd dare say he was my best friend. His face brightened when he saw me. "Hello there, Tash! I was beginning to think Jayden had taken you away from me. I missed your face around here!" He walked around the counter to give me a hug.

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