When Manchildren Collide ♡♡

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The next few days after that awkward lunch date felt like a race against time. Everyone around me was frantically scrambling to finish assignments before the break, creating an atmosphere thick with physical tension—like we were all stuck in a pressure cooker. I swear, if Jay grinned at me one more time, I'd be forced to stage an intervention. Living in my dorm room with him while he tried to complete his work had become a headache-inducing reality. And guess what? That headache? It was a direct transfer from Jay's stress to me. Lucky me!

I hadn't spoken to Shawn since our fateful lunch. He had been texting me, though, checking in like some overzealous wellness coach. Sometimes I responded out of sheer politeness; other times, I just ignored him. Rumors were swirling around that Shawn and I were dating, and honestly, that was a huge part of why I was dodging his texts like they were dodgeballs in gym class.

I couldn't stand those rumors. I could almost hear the gossip mill grinding away in the background. Plus, Shawn didn't seem too keen on denying it. I suspected he liked me more than just a friend, but I had made it clear: friendship or nothing at all. Enter Jay, my comedic sidekick, who found endless amusement in my plight.

"What time are we driving down tomorrow?" Jay asked, strutting into the room like he owned the place. "I need to pack my suitcase and crash at your place. Who's driving, you or me?"

I was elbow-deep in packing when I shot him a glare that could stop traffic. "Mom is picking us up at 8:30 AM, and she's like a Swiss watch—punctual to a fault. So please, for the love of all that is holy, don't get on her bad side by being a slowpoke. Otherwise, it'll be a long, silent drive."

Jay raised an eyebrow, concern flooding his face. "Are you sure you're okay, Jane? I know I ask you this every day, and you always say you're fine, but after those nightmares you've been having, I'm worried. Do you need to see someone?"

His genuine concern tugged at my heartstrings. Our relationship had deepened in the past few weeks. He was the one who woke me up from nightmares, holding me until I stopped screaming. I had told him everything, and he had just hugged me, anchoring me through the storm of my emotions.

"I'm fine, Jay, really. It's just this headache, and maybe I'm freaking out about the drive tomorrow. But I know Mom's a safe driver. I promise I'm okay."

"Can you tell me about the nightmares?" Jay asked, his eyes serious.

I hesitated. I had never told anyone about those nightmares—not even my therapist. She thought it was just the accident, but it was so much darker. "It's always different scenarios. It never happens exactly how it did, but it's worse. Each time, I'm the only survivor, looking at the blood. So much blood. Seeing them lying there, lifeless, while I'm barely scratched—it breaks me, Jay. What if it was my fault? I suggested we go..."

I couldn't finish. Suddenly, I was engulfed in a bear hug from Jay.

"Don't ever think like that, Jane. It wasn't your fault. Nobody could have predicted it. It was a terrible accident, and you're a victim. It took them from you, but never blame yourself. Okay? I want you to talk to me. When those thoughts creep in, you are not alone. You have me, Mama Rose, Papa, and Jamie. You are not alone."

Tears streamed down my cheeks. "Thanks, Jay. I love you."

"I love you too, Snickerdoodles! Now, enough of the crying. Let's finish packing so I can whip us up some food. Sound good?"

With a smile that could rival the sun, I nodded. He always knew how to make me feel better.

After we finished packing and devoured some of Jay's questionable cooking, he dashed off to grab his things while I tackled the mountain of dishes. Just as I scrubbed the last plate, I heard a knock at the door. Visitors? In my dorm? My heart raced. When I opened the door, there stood Shawn in all his glory. Great. So much for avoiding him.

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