Your timing was crap, but I love you.

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1 hour after Clarke has come back from Polis.

Clarke's Pov:

I had to tell SkiKru about Azgeda otherwise we all could die. Most people were not doing much so I decided to stand on a large piece of wood that made me stand a lot and taller than the other people. I cleared my throat and it got everyone's attention. Some people rushed over ,but some just walked over looking curious. Bellamy was stood next to me however he wasn't on the log because he knew that I wanted to tell them all by myself. All in all he knew I had more power over SkiKru than anyone, even my mother, the chancellor. "People of Arkadia, I have something very important to tell you all. Azgeda have broken the alliance and are now a threat. Lexa overheard The Queen of Azgeda and a member of Ice Nation talking and agreeing on killing Lexa and wanting to attack Arkadia, our home, tomorrow at first light and kill us all. We need to prepare, but not as much as you think. Indra will have a whole army of grounders waiting for Azgeda to attack and Indra's army will hopefully wipe them out before they even get here. She will radio me and tell us how many Azgeda memebers there are left to fight. All un-able to fight bodies please go to Sector 1 for the night and we will lock you in to make sure Azgeda can't hurt you. All able body people, grab a gun and stay on the outside walls of Arkadia beggining at 22:00pm tonight. Do you all understand?" I said. Everyone nodded and started to trail off preparing themselves for what was about to happen. Just as I stepped off the log there was a fast pain; agonizing pain. I fell to the ground screaming, everything was happening fast and my vision went blurry and the baby was doing somersaults in my stomach and I could hardly breathe.

Breathe. Just breathe Clarke. My mind was talking to me but I couldn't talk back. Nothing I used could communicate with my mind at all and tell it I can't breathe!! Bellamy was beside me trying to do something but I couldn't tell what. Screams came out of my mouth which were probably heard in Polis.

Suddenly, I started to dream; dream of my mother shouting at me like she was telling me off on the Ark back up in space for doing something bad. But this time she wasn't telling me off for doing something bad, she was shouting at me to do something, but I didn't know what. Bellamy came up to me in my dream and carried me like a bride to somewhere. I was laughing and so was he...

Oh, wait. We were both crying. Bellamy was crying and I was crying from pain. I was back into reality and maybe that wasn't a dream. Maybe my mom was shouting at me to stay awake! I saw a large room and heard beeping sounds. I smelt anti-septic and felt Bellamy's soft skin slowly begin to disappear off of mine. I was laid on a bed and heard my mother saying to me "Clarke, your baby has gone into distress and it needs to come out now! I will artificially break your waters and trick your body into thinking you have started labour. You need to push on my command."

After my mother had broken my waters I was in the game; the labour game and I was going to win. My contractions were getting closer together and I felt the urge to push. Every contractions came with a loud grunt of mine that only filled the room, but nothing else. Bellamy was holding my hand and I needed to push. "Come on Clarke, you can do it!" Bellamy shouted in a whispering tone. I looked up to him shaking my head almost doubting myself, now I felt the pain, with sweat dripping down my forehead and my eyes looking drowsy and tired. I smiled whilst he pushed a piece of my hair back with his index finger and kissed the tip of my nose. My mom came in after gathering some supplies and said "Right Clarke, my beautiful daughter is going to have a baby! Right now. I want you to push Clarke but only little ones." I pushed like hell but didn't have any energy to make a sound that could be heard out of the medical room. Small pushes I told myself. "One huge last push Clarke, and your gorgeous little girl will be born." My mother told me. I screamed with my last push and she was out! I did it! Bellamy cried and kissed my lips. He looked at me and said "I love you Clarke, so much." My mother came and handed me our baby. She was loosely wrapped In a towel and held my finger. She had brown, curly hair and even more piercing, blue eyes than me. I gave her a kiss on the nose and said to her "Your timing was crap little one, but by God do I love you. I will protect you and hold you when you need me...I'm so tired. I am going to get some sleep if that is ok. Wake me up when it is 10:00pm tonight Bell because I can tell I will be asleep for that long." I admitted to him whilst handing the baby back. "You deserve it beautiful." Bell said. "Let anyone that you trust to hold the baby, especially Octavia as I know she was dying to be an Aunt." He nodded and I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep...

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