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Clarke's Pov:

I could hardly see who it was but she was covered in blood from head to toe. Scratches were layered on her muddy face and it reminded me of when I escaped Mount Weather and my own mother didn't even really recognise me.  Her clothes were torn and she looked to have been tortured. "Indra!" Lexa shouted as she and Octavia ran up to her. I had to put Aurora down, but I quickly went after her as well. " all. I am the only one...only one left. Bellamy, 8 of his friends...and Abby..are the only...who were left." Indra's speech increased a bit as she gradually gained more consciousness. I looked for Bellamy and my mum but I couldn't see them. I wanted them though; so bad. Indra saw me looking and said apologetically "They took them...I was and still am guessing that they are using them as bait and to build...weapons and equipment. I am sorry Clarke...I couldn't save SkaiKru." She said crying. I wanted to cry but had to stay strong for Indra. I checked for any stab wounds in her abdomen and legs whilst Lexa had her in her arms, on the floor. "Octavia, get a stretcher and tell a physician to send me any medical equipment." I told her. Octavia rushed off in search of her challenge I had set her. "I need you to stay awake Indra. Stay with me." She nodded.

Moments later.

Octavia came in with 4 grounders, including Lincoln and he went over to Aurora. I rushed over to him and gave him a hug. "Can you look after Aurora for a couple of hours please Lincoln whilst I help Indra?" He nodded. "It's good to see you Linc." I said as a smiled implanted itself onto my glum mouth. Lincoln picked Aurora up and started to rock her gently. I could tell he was going to be a brilliant father someday. I rushed over to Indra as she was being lifted on to a stretcher and went with her to the medical room.

Octavia's Pov:

I watched Clarke sewing Indra back together and sterilising her cuts. She had a real art for medical things whether it was saving someone's life or, just freeing them of pain. I was so glad to finally leave Arkadia, but it wasn't the way that I envisioned it. The way I left wasn't the good part. My brother was injured when I last saw him so, it didn't put much self-belief in me to be honest. I loved being an Aunt to such a beautiful baby, like Aurora. Her hair and facial features were identical to Bell's. I needed to see him though. As much as Lincoln gave me comfort, I needed my big brother who would always protect me.

I left Clarke to work her magic on Indra and went to see Lincoln and Aurora. I asked a grounder in Trigedasleng where they were and she said in Clarkes room. I made my way to Clarkes quarters and saw Lincoln through the door, cradling Aurora in his arms. They weren't related by blood but he made an amazing Uncle. He saw me stroll in and said "How is Indra?" "Good I think. Clarke was disinfecting her the last time I looked. How are you and Aurora?" I asked him whilst perching myself next to them both. "We are doing amazing, although she is getting a bit hungry as Clarke hasn't fed her in 4 hours. I might go and find some fruit to mash up for her." He said. "I'll do it."  I suggested. As I was walking out of the door I suddenly asked him "Do you think this will be our home Lincoln? The tower or Polis or TonDc?" I asked. "Whatever you choose my darling." He said, making me blush.

I headed out of the tower and went looking for some yummy fruit that Aurora could eat. I found some bananas, oranges and pears. I thought they were easier to mash than apples or plums. People recognised me in the centre and acknowledged me in a good way. I loved the culture here and how everything was done naturally and not mechanically.

I made it back to the tower where I presumed Lincoln would still be. As I was walking down the last corridor, I saw Clarke jogging behind me. "O, Indra is in medical now. She should wake up in the next 10. I think Lexa might be there so if you don't mind just waiting with Lexa." I nodded and handed her the fruit saying "These are for Aurora. If you mash them up with a little water, they should turn to a paste that she can eat." Clarke took them out of my hand and went off to her room. I made my way to Indra to see if she was ok. By Clarke's accounts she sounded fine.

Clarke's Pov:

I went to go and see my baby girl. I missed her so much already and it hadn't even been that long. I saw Lincoln trying to calm her screaming cries down but he failed miserably. "Hey Lincoln, I'll take it from here. Thank you." He handed me Aurora and said "I will have someone bring you a meal. Any preferences?" I thought for a moment and then said "Chicken, I'd like chicken." Lincoln nodded and went to get me some dinner. I hadn't eaten properly for 2 days as I was snacking on apples.

Lincoln brought me my dinner and I ate it whilst Aurora was asleep. Bellamy was all I could think about to the point that I cried all night because of him. I missed him so so so so much. He was my daily strength and power all the time. He's annoying, he's hilarious, he's crazy, but he is all I want. Right here right now.

Thank you for reading again! Let's get to 1,000 reads please! So thankful for all the votes and views I have been getting. Keep on reading Xoxo Annie.

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