Chapter 9: Audition (p.1)

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"Daddy" I furrow my brows and lift my hand rubbing my eyes before fluttering my eyes open and finding my daughter standing next to my bed whilst holding her stuffed bunny. "Elli?" I ask confused sitting up as I try and gather up myself, "What are you doing up?" I question as I realise that it's still dark outside. "I want to see mom" She whispers as I furrow my brows, "What?" I ask completely confused. "Can we go see mom?" She asks again and I swear I couldn't understand a thing she meant.

Maya shifts next to me and I sigh, I didn't want her to wake up, she had a tough night and I wanted her to get as much sleep as she needed. "Come on" I whisper climbing out of my bed and taking Elli's hand, leading her to the living room. I take a seat on the couch and pull her on my lap. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask making her look up at me as her dark blue eyes lock on mine. "I want to go see my mom" she repeats "I forgot to go to her during my birthday" she adds making my heart drop.

I tried to avoid this, when she found out her mom died giving birth to her she hated her birthday and that was when she was six, two of her birthdays were ruined because of that. "I want to go talk to her" she says making me sigh, I glance at the clock and find that it's five am. "Please daddy" she begs as I nod, "Okay" I agree, "Go put some clothes on and we'll go" she shoots me a smile and scurries to her room as I take a deep breath.


"Hi mommy" Elli smiles walking toward the headstone, "We brought you flowers" she says placing the bouquet of Lilies on the grass, "I also did a drawing for you" she adds taking a seat in front of the headstone whilst holding the piece of paper. "It's my family" she says softly, "There's daddy, me and Maya" she starts explaining before her smile drops "I hope you're okay with me having another mom" she says worriedly as I decide to step in, "She's okay with it Elli" I assure her taking a seat beside her. "Your mom always wanted you to be happy and does Maya make you happy?" She nods before glancing back at the headstone.

"Maya makes me really happy, she made all of my dreams come true, I'm going to be a big sister!" She exclaims making me bite my lip, "That's why Maya has a big belly in my drawing, she doesn't have a big belly yet, but soon she will. I also put you in my drawing, you're up in the sky, you're the angel watching over us" she explains making me smile. I keep watching Elli animatedly talk about what's going on in her life and I suddenly regret not taking her here more often, I never wanted Elli to forget her real mom, but I also didn't want to keep reminding her that her mom isn't here.

"Look" I say pointing towards the sky as the sun starts to rise, colouring the sky with a gorgeous orange and light blue. "Wow" she breathes out completely mesmerized "Its so pretty" I nod in agreement and wrap my arm around Elli before leaning down at kissing the top of her head.


I wake up to an empty bed leaving me confused until my eyes find a note on Josh's pillow. I pick it up and sigh reading it.

Elli needed to go see her mom so we went to the cemetry. I didn't want to wake you up since you needed to rest but we should be back home soon. Love you babies
- Josh

Why did Elli need to go see her mom? I think of a few reasons but decide to just leave it. I take a deep breath and decide to take a quick shower before going to start making breakfast knowing that when they both arrive they'd be hungry. I look through the cupboards and argue with myself whether I want to make cinnamon rolls or French Toast, after a few minutes I just give up and do both. Right as I'm done the door opens and the two walk in with smiles on their faces. "Mommy!" Elli exclaims rushing towards me and wrapping her arms around my waist, "Hi baby girl" I smile kneeling down to hug her, "You hungry?" I ask making her nod vigoursly "Very" she adds with wide eyes making me laugh, "Good, I made French Toast and cinnamon rolls" her mouth drops and I laugh, "Come on cutie, let's go eat" I say kissing her cheek before standing up.

"Wait" she says making me look back down at her, she rushes back to Josh who's leaning against the kitchen doorway with his hands behind his back. She goes behind him and pulls out a gorgeous bouquet of orchids. I let out a gasp lifting my hand to cover my mouth as Elli brings them to me, "Daddy said they're your favourites so I picked the colour" she explains as I kneel back down, "They're beautiful" I compliment taking them from the eight year old, "Thank you so much" She smiles and wraps her arms around me giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away and heading to the table for breakfast, whilst I go find a vase to put the flowers in.

"You remembered" I whisper as I feel Josh's hands wrap around my waist, he kisses my neck and answers, "How could I forget you and Maria were arguing about your favourite flowers and who's was better" I chuckle at the memory of Elli's mom and I having a funny fight over flowers. "How's Elli?" I ask turning to face him as he smiles, "She just needed to talk to her mom, I feel like if she doesn't go see her, she thinks she'll forget about her or something" he explains slightly confused. I nod in understanding and lean up to peck his lips, "Come have breakfast baby" he nods and follows me to the dinning table where Elli is already stuffing her face with strawberries.


"How do you feel baby girl?" I ask curiously as I run a brush through her long blonde hair. Today is the audition day and I couldn't be more nervous, she trained a lot yesterday and I knew she was ready but there was a small part of me that wanted to see how Aylin would perform. "A little nervous but also confident" she answers making me smile, "That's good sweetheart, being nervous shows that you care and really want to get this part and I'm glad you're confident, you should always be, you're amazing Elli" I assure her. "Thanks mommy" I smile and lean down to kiss her cheek before carrying on with her hair.

Her hair is so damn long that it's just easier to braid it into a bun. "There's my girl" Josh smiles as he comes into the living room ready to leave for work, I was really proud of him for taking over his father's store here in New York and currently working on opening a store for ballet clothing and equipment. I smile as I watch him kneel down in front of his daughter with a wide smile, "You got this baby?" She nods vigoursly letting out a soft giggle, "Show them who you are and remember no matter what-" she cuts him off "What they choose doesn't define me because I can always work harder to become what I want" she finishes "I know daddy" she assures him, "I'll do my best" she adds making him nod before kissing his cheek.

He stands up and comes over to me with a slight smirk, "How are you this morning?" He asks leaning down for a sweet kiss, "I'm feeling okay, slight headache but I'll live" I answer "You?" I ask as he shrugs, "Little nervous" he admit looking down at his daughter "You'll text me every detail?" He question but I shake my head making him furrow his brows as he's about to ask why. "I'll text you how it went, but not if she got it or not" I smirk "Elli wanted to tell you personally if she got it or not" I explain as he raises his brows and nods in understanding "Right" he sighs "Well I gotta go both I love you all, and I'll see you for lunch" he says leaning down for another kiss before leaving.


"Remember to breathe, if you think too much about it, that's when you'll make mistakes. Just feel the music and let your body go" she nods as I squeeze her hands, before quickly glancing at Aylin who's talking to her mom. "You're stronger than her so show the judges you can push yourself harder, have better legs, better posture" I list seeing her breathing pick up pace. What am I doing? I'm only making her even more nervous.

"You know what? Just have fun" I shrug "If you don't get it it's not the end of the world, you'll always have other opportunities and it won't change how much your dad and I love you" I assure her making her smile.

"Girls" Charles calls catching everyone's attention, we walk to the middle of the room and stand in front of him, Smackle and Heather. "Are the both of you ready?" He asks making them both nod, "Very well let's start with Aylin" Charles says before them three take a seat at a table at the end of the room and Missy, Elli and I stand on the side.

Who Do you think will get the part?

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