Chapter 19: A day with Riley

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"Oh my god look at your stomach" Riley gushes scurrying over to me and placing her hands on my slightly swollen belly. "You're twenty weeks far right?" she asks glancing up at me for confirmation, "Yeah" I breathe out with a slight nod as she takes a step back looking at me with a wide smile. "If I'm honest it's a little weird seeing you pregnant" she admits before letting out a chuckle as I roll my eyes, "You kept teasing me about my belly when I was pregnant" she reminds me making me think back to the times where I kept annoying her about having a swollen belly in the way when I was able to bend over without having to support myself on something.

It was funny back then, when I wasn't the one with the large belly in the way. To be fair I'm not that far along and my stomach isn't that swollen instead I just have a large little baby bump, I can't imagine what its going to look like in the next few weeks. "Alright I'm sorry, I shouldn't of teased you" I apologise waving my hand to dismiss the topic, "Can we just take a seat and get some food, I'm starving" she giggles and nods her head.

We find a booth next to a window and settle across from each other. "Can you believe your halfway through your pregnancy already?" I look up from the menu I was reading and look at the brunette, "Honestly no" I reply "I didn't know I was pregnant until I was like 8 weeks far" I remind her as my hand absentmindedly goes to stomach, "It doesn't exactly feel like I've been pregnant for long, its weird to think that I'm already halfway through" I add making her smile.

"Before you know it you'll have a baby in your arms, blessing your life" I bite my lips stifling the wide smile that wants to spread across my lips. "It's crazy isn't it?" I question "Josh and I having a baby, Elli becoming a big sister" I list but Riley just shrugs "Its life" she says simply.

"You and Josh fell in love and decided to be together. Elli's your daughter now and you love her so much that you're giving her a sibling. You're giving her a family Maya" She says taking my hand. "I've seen that girl since she was little and I've never seen her as happy as she is when she's around you and Josh. It might sound crazy but I just think its normal, you were all meant to be together" I smile and squeeze her hand.

"I love her that little girl with all my heart and she deserves so much, she deserved better" I say with a sad smile. "She deserves a mother and I don't think there could be a better one than you for her" Riley argues "You've honestly done so much for her. The way you take care of her the way you love her as your own, Maya you're the best mother she could've ever asked for"

"Thanks Riles" she shakes her head and leans back in her chair,"Don't mention it". We both order something to eat for lunch before stumbling into another conversation. "How's moving houses going?" she questions curiously taking a sip of her drink as we wait for our food.

I shrug, "Its okay" I answer simply. "All the walls have been repainted, the kitchen is done and Elli is taking advantage and completely redecorating her room" Riley chuckles "And I think we're gonna start moving around next week" I confess making her nod in understanding, "If you ever need help to move out boxes or unpacking Lucas and I are one phone call away" she winks making me laugh softly.

"I'll definitely call you Riles" I assure her right as our food arrives.


"Mommy!" Elli yells as she runs out of the changing room and towards me where Riley and I were waiting for her. "Hey bay girl" I smile as she hugs me, wrapping her little arms around my waist, "Hi baby" she quips quickly pecking my stomach before looking up at me with a cheeky smile making me laugh. "You ready to go?" I ask making her nod and take my hand, we head towards my car where she settles in the backseat and Riley in the passenger seat whilst I drive.

"How was class today?" Riley asks glancing at Elli at the back. "Good" she answers "The tutu isn't dragging me down anymore" she smiles brightly making Riley and I chuckle, "That's good news" she nods in agreement "I can finally do my turns without losing my balance" she adds proudly before telling Riley and I what they did during class.

A few minutes later I pull up to Riley's apartment and we all climb out. Elli takes my hand but as soon as we walk through the door and her eyes land on Lucas she lets my hand go, "Uncle Cowboy!" she yells running towards him and throwing herself against him as I burst out laughing. "Never gets old" Riley rolls her eyes playfully and Lucas glares at me, "Sweetheart please just call me Lucas" Lucas begs looking at Elli who's in his arms. She shakes her head, "Mommy said to call you Uncle cowboy and I like calling you that" she admits causing Lucas to glare at me.

"What?" I laugh taking a seat on their couch, "Really Maya, it's been months can't she just call me something else?" He pleads but I shrug "Sorry Ranger Rick the kid can do whatever she wants" he groans putting Elli down "I see you make a good mother" he grumbles "Hey!" I shout glaring at him "Mommy is the best mommy" Elli insists making me smirk. "See" I say sticking my tongue out and seeing him roll his eyes "Whatever" he mumbles going back to the kitchen with my daughter following him.

"Mama!" I turn my head where two mini Friars are rushing towards their mother who's sitting on the couch across from me. Riley first got pregnant when she was twenty and gave birth to a sweet little boy named Nicholas, everyone thought he was going to me a little mini Ranger Rick but he turned out to be a mini Riley and I found it incredibly adorable. He has Riley's brown hair and nose but he got his father's green eyes making him even cuter. Once he turned one Riley managed to get knocked up once more except this time she gave birth to a little girl, Alizah. Now she turned out to be more like Lucas, she got his lighter hair making her a little dirty blonde, she got his green eyes and his personality.

"Hi babies" she gushes leaning forwards and opening her arms to hug her three year old son and two year old daughter. "How was your day with daddy?" she asks curiously "Good" they both answer, "We had a tea party" Alizah admits making me stifle a laugh as the thought of Lucas in a tiny tea setting crosses my mind. "Really?" Riley asks acting surprised "Mhm" the little girl nods vigoursly "We also played with playdoh and I made a truck" Nic says proudly "I did a cow and daddy said it was good" Alizah quickly says making me chuckle. Of course cowboy thought her cow was good.

"Hey did you guys see that Auntie Maya was here?" Riley question pointing towards me causing the mini Friars to turn and face me. Their little eyes widen and their little lips part in shock, "Maya!" they shriek running towards me, "Be careful, Maya has the baby in her tummy" Riley reminds them before they throw themeselve onto me.

"Hey sweethearts" I smile hugging the both of them, "How are the both of you?" I ask as Alizha sits on my lap whilst Nic stays in front of me. "Good" Nic grins making me laugh as I brush his brown hair back, "That's good" he hums nodding his head "Is Elli here?" he asks looking around the room "Yeah she's with your daddy in the kitchen" I admit making his smile widen "I'm gonna go see her" he quickly says before running away.

"What about you?" I ask looking at Ali "Wanna go see Elli with your brother?" she shakes her little head, her dirty blonde hair moving from side to side. "I wanna see the baby" she says pointing to my stomach, "Well the baby isn't ready to see you yet" her smile drops "You'll see the baby in a few weeks, right now its still sleeping in my tummy" I try and explain.

"Oh" she pouts "You'll see the baby soon sweetheart, right now it still needs to sleep in Maya's tummy" Riley assures her daughter. "I promise as soon as it wakes up I'll come get you" I promise to the two year old before kissing her cheek.


We have dinner at the Friar's once Josh comes back from work and once its time to leave I'm in charge of getting Elli but here I am, my feet seemingly glued to the ground as I watch her play with Riley's kids. "Hey" Josh says softly wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind and placing his head on my shoulder. "What's taking you so long?" he asks "I thought you were tired and you wanted to head home" I shrug keeping my gaze on the three kids.

"I am but just look at Elli" his gaze lifts as he looks at his daughter teaching Nic and Alizha how to do pirouettes, "Always doing ballet" he chuckles kissing my cheek. "I'm just picturing her as a big sister" I admit leaning against Josh "Seeing her play so well with Riley's kids just makes me more excited for this baby" I say placing my hand on my baby bump. "She's going to be a good big sister, she'll love him or her so much and I'm pretty sure she won't leave it alone" I chuckle softly "And I'm excited too, I can't wait to see our little family grow" he murmurs placing his hand on top of mine.

"I love you so much Maya" he kisses my cheek and I turn my head to look at him, "I love you too Josh" I say happily leaning up to leave a soft kiss on his lips.

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