Chapter 10: Audition (p.2)

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I'm biting my lip as I watch my best friend Aylin do the audition. She's doing amazing and as much as I want the part I really don't want to compete against my best friend. She goes into her last pose and we clap making her smile, as all I can think about is that it's my turn. "Thank you Aylin, Ellianna you're next" I nod and pass Aylin who gives me an encouraging smile "Good luck" she whispers before I make it to the middle of the room. "Whenever you're ready" Charles says as I take a deep breath and position myself. I glance at Maya and find her biting her lip, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it for her.

The music starts to fill the room and I find myself moving along hitting all the right steps as I keep reminding myself to make it look effortless and easy, as if anybody could do it. I make sure that my moves are nicely finished before going into another and that my technique is on point, but most importantly I make sure to put in as much emotion as I can. I make sure to show off how much I want this and how much I deserve it, I push myself further taking the routine further than Aylin did. I do my last pirouette and hit my last pose staying there for a few seconds before looking up at the judges who seemed shocked. I stand up and try and even out my breathing as I quickly glance at Maya to see if she looks happy and the wide smile pulled at her lips answers my question, I did a good job.

"Quite the performance Ms. Matthews" Charles smiles before glancing at Aylin, "Ms. Bradford could you please come here" she nods and scurries over to my side. "Girls I'm going to be honest with the both of you" he starts as I bite my lip waiting to hear what he has to say "You are both incredibly talented dancers and from seeing that audition I know that the both of you will go far in the future. You're technique and emotions are breathtaking and that's what a dancer has to do, act with no words but just executing emotion with your bodies and facial expressions which you both are incredible at" I smile and clasp my hands together.

"Now before we decide who's going to take part, mothers would you mind leaving the room?" I glance at Maya and Missy who both nod and walk out of the room. "Now we have one important question for you two" he admits. "Why do you want this part?" Smackle asks glancing at Aylin, "I really want this part because not only will it give me an opportunity to show off what I can do but it'll help me get bigger parts in the future" Aylin explains as the three adults nod before glancing at me. "I'd really want this part because it was Maya's part, and Maya's my mom so I want to not only show her that I can do it but to the audience, I want to show everyone that I can push myself harder and learn to be better. I want to do this for Maya and my sibling that's in her stomach, I want to make the both of them proud. She's given me so much and it would mean the world to me" I finish seeing their face soften. "Is that why you learned more of the routine?" Heather asks as I nod "Maya didn't want me to, but I begged her because I wanted to show of how much I really want this" I answer.

"Very well, can the both of you get your mothers as we quickly discuss" we nod "Okay" we quip before rushing to the door and throwing it open where both Missy and Maya are. "Mommy" I smile catching her attention, she smiles and leans down as I throw myself against her, "You did incredible, you were so perfect and I honestly couldn't be more proud of you sweetheart" She admits making my heart swell as she kisses my temple.

"Thanks" I giggle pulling away, "We gotta back in so they can tell us who got the part" she nods standing up and taking my hand, leading me back to the room. We stand next to Aylin and her mother and I take the chance to pull Aylin in for a hug. She giggles and tightens her grip around me before we have to unfortunately part. "As much as you both deserve the part and after a lot of consideration-"  Charles start making my heart pound in my chest as I wait for one of our names to be called, but Aylin abruptly cuts him off. "Ellianna can have it" she admits making my eyes widen as I look at her confused. Why would she just give me the part like that?

"She deserves it more than I do" She adds glancing at me with a smile as she squeezes my hand. "Are you sure Aylin?" Missy asks looking down at her daughter confused and shocked, "Mhm" she nods "I'm sure, I want Elli to have it" she assure her mother before I tackle her in a big hug. "You're the best" I mumble against her shoulder as we hold each other.

"That was very nice of you Aylin" Charles admits once we pull apart "You did something I really admire" he adds. "And Elli you should be extremely thankful to have a friend like that" I nod vigoursly "I really am" I smile. "Well it settled then, Ellianna you'll be taking the role of Maya as Ariel and Aylin you'll be taking Ellianna's old role as Flouder" we both nod before letting out a giggle.

All the adults leave and Aylin and I stay back in the room. "Why did you give me the part?" I ask confused, I really wanted to know why she'd give up such a good role when she had the chance to in fact beat me. "Because I meant what I said, you deserve it more than me and it means more to you than it does for me, I just want you to be happy" she explains "You're amazing and I couldn't ask for a better best friend" I admit pulling her in for another hug. "Now that you have my role, I can help you learn it" I suggest making her eyes widen "Really?" I nod, "Of course, that's what best friends do" I wink.


In all honesty I never would've imagined Aylin giving up the part and as sweet as it was I really wanted to know who'd actually get the part, and it seemed that Missy was also curious because the both of us are currently asking Charles about it. "Well if you must know, Aylin is a really powerful dancer and she had a high chance of getting the part but from the way Ellianna danced it showed how much she wanted the part" he admit making me smile, she would've gotten the part anyways!

"And from the question I asked the both of them, Ellianna was the one who gave me the answer I was looking for" he adds making my smile widen. "That girl really looks up to you Maya and you should be really thankful to have her" I nod "I really am" I admit. We thank him for his time and I escort him outside before I rush back to my girl. I find her talking to Aylin with Missy but that doesn't stop me from rushing over to her and wrapping my arms around her small frame. "You did it baby girl!" I exclaim tightening my grip before kissing her cheek. "Thanks to Aylin" she reminds me, I loosen my grip and glance at the other small blonde, "Thank you sweetheart, what you did was admirable, not a lot of people do these kinds of things anymore" I admit holding out my arm making her come over to me as I pull her for a hug as well. "You did amazing" I add kissing her cheek.

"Can we have a sleepover?" Elli asks looking at her best friend with a smile, "Um" I bite my lip looking up at missy who shrugs. "She can come over" Missy admits as I glance back down at Elli, "Yeah, would that be fine?" They all nod and I giggle, "Well first we have to go have lunch with your dad and if he agrees, I wouldn't mind dropping you off there" I explain.

"Text me if she comes" I nod.


I'm holding Elli's hand as we walk towards the restaurant Josh picked for us to eat lunch at today and I can't help but smile at how excited she is to tell her father that she got the part. We walk in and my eyes immediately find Josh's dark blue orbs and so does Elli by the way she yells "Daddy!" and runs up to him. His face lights up and he jumps out of his seat opening his arms, letting his daughter throw herself at him, he picks her up and kisses her cheek as he looks lovingly at her. My hand flies to my stomach and I bite my lip thinking about how amazing of a father Josh is going to be, I am so grateful to have him in my life.

"That's incredible" he gushes "I told you you were going to get it" he reminds her as she giggles, "Oh my goodness that's amazing" he breathes out before glancing at me. "She did it" I nod and walk closer to him, "I always knew she would" I admit glancing at Elli. Even if she wasn't related to me by blood or anything, I would never consider her any less. She had become such a big part of my life and found a spot in my heart and no matter what anyone says she is my daughter.

"I love you baby" I whisper kissing her cheek making Josh pout, I chuckle and shake my head amused, "I love you too honey" I admit leaning up to kiss Josh.

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