Chapter Two - A Warning

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"Crazy Atlanteans."

Her, Aurelia Curry, a queen? Heir to the throne? Oh, come on! That was ridiculous! So ridiculous she almost snorted out loud.

She cast an affectionate glance over at the passenger seat where her father now slept soundly, snoring softly. She was kind of glad he had been asleep during her conversation with the red-head for he would only tease her, and probably urge her to go with the woman. That, and she didn't want him to worry any more than he already did.

What the red-head had said tugged at her thoughts though...

Why now, after all these years, did Orm suddenly want her to visit? It had been ten years since she had been banned by his father, Vulko trying to convince the king to allow her entry, and now this. Why now?

She was pulled from her thoughts and pondering by a squawking noise from overhead. Peering through the windshield she saw a flock of seagulls flying madly in the opposite direction of the ocean, their squawking like sounds of distress.

Their calls were soon drowned out by a great roaring, and she turned to see a sight that chilled her to the core:

A massive wave was charging towards the shore, carrying a ship with it, and it was heading right for the Bay.

Aurelia stepped on the gas pedal, pushing the truck to go as fast as was possible. She felt the rumble through the road as the wave struck the shore, and it was now chasing them.

She was forcefully thrown from the truck when the wave finally hit them and engulfed everything in water. It was dark, and debris flew around, threatening to strike her. She forced her eyes to adjust faster, scrambling to locate the truck, a sickening feeling of panic settling within her gut, tightening her chest.

"Dad!" She swam around the best she could within the thrashing current, frantically searching for any sign of the truck or Tom. "Dad! DAD!"

She felt the water sucking around her, and saw that the current had changed, was changing. Following it, she ended up stepping outside of the water, into a large air pocket. What the?

There was a splash and she turned to see the red-haired Atlantean woman, eyes and palms glowing with blue light, commanding the water.

Aurelia had seen hydrokinesis before, but not to this scale.

As the water retreated, she caught sight of the truck's peeling orange paint. Racing over to it, she felt a rush of relief at finding Tom still inside. Seat belts really do save lives. This was quickly followed however by a stab of worry. She tore off the truck's door, ripped off the seat belt, and dragged her unconscious father out to lay him on the ground. "Dad - Dad!"

"Move! I can help-" The red-head was suddenly at her side. Aurelia did as she was told, watching the woman hold a hand hovering above Tom's face. She watched in awe as the droplets of water on his face began to rise, followed by water coming out of his mouth, followed by him spluttering and coughing madly, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh God!" Aurelia threw her arms around him in a crushing hug, tears filling her eyes. That had been way too close.

When Tom had managed to catch his breath some, she turned to the other woman. "Who are you?"

"Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa. You may call me Mera."

"Thank you, Mera. Aurelia Curry." She helped Tom to his feet.

"Dear God..." Tom breathed as they surveyed the damage. The washed-up ship's klaxon blared eerily like a wounded cry into the night.

"This was Orm's doing," Mera told them.

Everything You Are - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now