Chapter Six - A Whole New World

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A little later, Aria brought Aurelia her promised dinner on a silver tray adorned with flowers.

"The flowers were Orm's addition." Aria grinned, setting the tray down. "I also brought these-" She held up a stack of clothing, including jeans and khaki trousers, and assorted band shirts, including The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. "I figured this would be more fitting for your wardrobe."

"Thanks, Aria."

"My pleasure, as always. Will that be all?"

"Yeah, I think so, I'm planning on staying in tonight."

"Sounds good. Feel free to go exploring, although it sounds like Orm wants to take you on a tour. Just let us know if you need anything."

"Thanks Aria, will do."

It was a little difficult to tell what time it was, due to being so far under the ocean that it was always dark. She stood on her balcony looking out over the city, mesmerized by its inner glow. She wasn't sure how long she stood there, again, as it was hard to tell the time. However, slightly exhausted from the events of the day, she turned in early.

She awoke and immediately began her morning routine: start with something active. She stood in the centre of her room, swinging her mother's trident around to practice with it. Atlanna's weapon had always been a bit unbalanced when Aurelia used it, so it could be a little awkward sometimes.

She found a tray outside her door baring her breakfast (and more flowers), which she ate before going back to training.

Smash! During one swing, the trident slipped from her hands and knocked a bunch of breakable vases off a side table.

"Aurelia!" She heard Orm's voice calling from outside her door, making her jump.  "Are you all right?"

"Shit - yeah!" she called back.  "Just knocked something - somethings - over! It's okay! Hope those weren't too valuable," she muttered to herself as she scrambled to pick up the broken pieces. 

Once she had hastily cleaned up, she went over to open the door to find a concerned Orm standing there. "I knocked, but you mustn't have heard me."

"Sorry, yeah, I was concentrated on training. Sorry for the mess," she added, gesturing to the broken vases.

Orm's eyes widened. "Those were from the First Dynasty."

Aurelia was about to start apologizing profusely, until she noticed Orm cracking a grin.

"Sorry, just joking." After the initial panic wore away, this made her chuckle along with him. Look at them, joking and laughing together as if long-time friends and not rivals for the throne. It sounded so dramatic.

"What happened?"

"I was swinging the trident around, probably shouldn't have been. It's a bit unbalanced so it kind of slipped and I knocked all that over."

"Ah, yes. Each royal has their own trident specially made for them, so it will be unbalanced if anyone else tries to use it."

"That explains it then. That's kind of like wands in Harry Potter, you can really only use your own."

Judging by his confused expression, she guessed that he didn't know of Harry Potter. Made sense, though.

"Your mother's trident is very beautiful." He examined the weapon. "We'll have to get you your own."

"Yeah, maybe. I'm more of a hand-to-hand combat woman myself, but thanks anyways."

"I was wondering if I could take you on a tour of the city?"

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