Chapter Eight - Legends of Old

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"Hey!" She snapped.  "Let go of me! Get off!"

"Father, what is the meaning of this?" demanded Orm.

"It was a surface attack.  How do you think they knew where to attack?"

Aurelia scoffed. "You're joking, right? How could I head this attack, I didn't even know about this meeting until this morning."

"She's right, it's impossible," Orm continued to defend her.

"Impossible is a strong word," cautioned Orvax.  "Use it wisely."

"Perhaps, but this is ridiculous."

"Yeah, even if I could do something like that, I would never.  I mean, sure, I'm not the biggest fan of Atlantis, but I wouldn't attack you guys. Besides, the surface has a right to attack, you attacked first, with no warning! Not that they would though, cause they don't believe you exist."

"Father, that's enough, let her go-"

"You are not king yet, boy," hissed Orvax with sudden venom. "Learn your place!"

Orm visibly flinched. "I'm sorry, Father. Forgive me. But please, let her go."

With a brief nod from the king the guards did so, though Orvax continued to eye her. "I'll be keeping close watch on you, human."

Orm still looked shaken from being snapped at. "My apologies, Aurelia."

With everyone mostly recovered, the group returned to the palace.

"Orm-" Aurelia tried to push her way to the front of the crowd.  "Stop, please. Now can we discuss the whole attack-on-the-surface thing?"

"Now isn't a good time, I'm afraid. We must talk business now that we are in an alliance."

"Don't do this, please.   You can't just attack the surface-"

"They just attacked us."

"Did they?"

He sighed. "I promise we'll talk after this meeting."


"Yes. You have my word."

She nodded.

"I'm sorry, but that is the best I can do at the moment."

Large, stone, double-doors slamming in her face and rippling the water around her were her answer.

That attack seemed coincidental, almost. Too perfect in timing and place.

That hadn't been a surface attack, and she was going to prove it.


That evening, with the alliance meeting still going on, Mera came and found Aurelia.  "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"Shh." Mera lowered her voice.  "Safe-house."


"Just follow me, and be quiet."

"Okay..." She did as she was told, and followed Mera out of the palace and down to some old ruins.

"Here we are." Mera swam towards a sunken ship.

"And where is 'here'?"

"Safe-house." They stepped through a large hole in the ship's side. Immediately, they were out of the water and 'on land'.

"What's this?"

"We use this air pocket as an extra layer of precaution," Mera explained. "Only highborns can breath air as well as water."

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