Chapter Five - Royal Guest

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Leaving the Great Hall was like taking a breath of fresh air. Or, in this case, a breath of fresh sea water.

Aurelia heaved a heavy sigh and immediately turned to Vulko and Aria. "Well that was fun. I'm so glad you brought me here so that I could be mocked and insulted and ogled at by everyone!" She threw up her hands in frustration. "I told you they wouldn't take me seriously."

The two nodded and sighed. "Aurelia," Vulko began. "We know that-"

"-But it's really nothing new, though, so I should be used to it by now." Although this had been much different than all those times at school being picked on as a kid.

"Princess Aurelia-" She jumped slightly when she heard the melodic voice of the prince and turned to see him floating nearby. Well that was fast.

Vulko and Aria immediately straightened up and bowed their heads. "My Prince."

He gave them a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to Aurelia and giving her a welcoming and sympathetic smile.

"I really prefer just 'Aurelia'," she told him. "Aurelia Curry."

"Oh, yes, of course. Aurelia. I sensed your discomfort as you left the hall, understandably, and wanted to make sure you were all right."

"Oh, um-" She was a little caught off-guard. She hadn't been expecting this to be honest.

"I'm very sorry about my father's attitude towards you, but it won't change, I'm afraid. My father is very narrow-minded-"

"Huh, yeah you don't say."

"But I hope you're not too offended..." Now he looked embarrassed, embarrassed for the way she had been treated when it wasn't even his fault.

"It stung a little, but I've heard it all before. Well, most of it. A lot of it," she admitted. "But thank you for the apology and coming to check on me. I appreciate it."

His smile brightened now. "Of course. I wanted to make sure we hadn't scared you off when you've only just returned to me - uh, us," he spluttered towards the end, straightening up.

She chuckled. "Don't worry. It takes a lot more than a pompous-assed king like him to scare me-" Vulko and Aria were shooting her warning glances. It was then, of course, that she remembered who she was speaking to: that pompous-assed king's son.

But Orm only chuckled, not trying to hide it. "Well, I'm glad. And I'm glad to have you here. Very glad-" He seemed to get lost in what he said, before he straightened up again and cleared his throat. "I was wondering, and hoping, that you might join us for dinner tonight in the dining hall?"

And face all that criticism again so soon? She wasn't so sure. "Uh, you know, thank you for the offer, but I don't think I'm feeling up to it tonight."

The disappointment was written clear on his face, but he tried to keep himself composed. "Of course, I understand, of course. I'll have the cook prepare you a tray for your room."

"Thank you."

"Of course. My pleasure. But I'll hold you up no longer, let you go and get settled. Again, I mean it, if you need anything, come and find me. I want you to feel comfortable here. Unlike my father, I feel that it is only fair for you to be allowed here. You are Atlantean, full-blooded or half-blooded. It is just as much your home as it is ours."

Again, his words surprised her. "Thank you."

"My Prince." The others bowed their heads again, and Aurelia was about to join them in doing so, but stopped herself. This was already showing signs of a very iron-fist rule, with a bit of fear playing in there as well, all the signs were there. And she had only been here maybe an hour.

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