Chapter Three - Welcome to Atlantis, Welcome Home

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Upon Aurelia finally agreeing to visit the underwater kingdom, Mera had sent word back home to Vulko and Aria who then informed the king and prince so that everything could be arranged for the princess's visit. Aurelia wasn't sure what needed to be arranged, cause as far as she was concerned she wasn't staying long.

They had stopped swimming at Mera's word to do so, and were now floating, waiting. A rusty old shipping container sat nearby.  Guess they had reached the meeting spot. Aurelia was thankful for the presence of the dolphins - she still held onto her skepticism of this place, so having them here too was reassuring.

She saw a flash of something up ahead, and at first thought it was her still-adjusting eyes playing tricks on her. "Uh, what's this?" she questioned when she saw what looked like a glowing shark swimming towards them.

"There they are," Mera said.

"In that - thing?"

"Yes, it's a transportation vessel, like you have on the Surface, but much more efficient I imagine."

Aurelia rolled her eyes at Mera's obvious jab at the surface world.

The ship-thing floated over swiftly, stopping before the two women. Vulko and Aria emerged.

"Vulko, Aria." Aurelia addressed them. "Here I am, you finally got what you always wanted."

Vulko gave her a warm smile, that which she always remembered from her mentor. "Aurelia. I wish it were under better circumstances."

"Look at you!" gushed Aria, pulling the young woman in for a hug, also which Aurelia remembered fondly. "We've heard you are doing great things up on the Surface."

Aurelia shrugged. "Just doing what needs to be done. Helping those who need it."

The couple exchanged a glance. "Always humble."

Now that the reunions had been made, it was time to turn to the matter at hand. The couple's expressions turned grave. "We also hear that the damage up on the surface is significant," Aria said. "Orvax will be pleased. As will Orm."

"It was merely a warning. The worst is yet to come, I'm afraid," added Vulko. "The other kingdoms do not yet see Orm as their future king, but instead as an ignorant boy. The attack on your world was his way of proving to them that he's serious, and willing to do whatever it takes for his cause."

"Great," Aurelia sighed through gritted teeth. "So what is this really all about? They actually want to talk with me?" she wondered aloud.

"Orm wishes to see you. Why his father has agreed is still unclear. But this gives you the perfect window to enter the kingdom and then infiltrate."

"What is this? Mission Impossible now? I've literally been here two minutes - I'm not even in Atlantis yet! No, I'm going in there, seeing what they want, and I'm leaving. Not going on some top secret underwater super-spy mission. You want that, then I'm not your girl. I did not come here to be Queen."

"You even have it written on your shirt," Mera said, nodding to Aurelia's tank top.

"What? No, this is a band I like. It's their logo-"

"You don't understand," cried Mera. "Orm is gaining power, and quickly. Once he is named Ocean Master, the power at his disposal will be too great, unlimited."

Aurelia gave a snort of laughter. "'Ocean Master'?"

"You're the one who goes by 'Aquawoman'," the redhead shot back.

"I didn't choose that name! People just started using it."

"We'd best be going," Vulko broke into the ladies' dispute over names. "Orm is eager to see you again, so we'd better not keep him waiting." He and Aria exchanged a slightly-amused glance that did not go unnoticed by Aurelia.

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