Chapter Nine - When We Were Young

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Aurelia swam around her room, pacing back and forth, suddenly feeling a little nervous to meet with Orm. Aria had ventured back to the palace with her.

"Orvax abuses Orm, doesn't he." A statement - she didn't need to ask the question. It was already clear.

Aria didn't answer for a moment. Finally, she said, "He's very harsh with him, yes."

Aurelia shook her head and looked to the ground. "Makes me sick." Having such a loving, caring father, she couldn't imagine any different.

"With his mother here, it was less, but still present. Now only time will tell how much of his father's influence Orm has gained. You'd better go and meet him."

Aurelia nodded. "In a minute." She held her mother's necklace, clasping the pendant tightly in her hand. Then, taking a deep breath, she got up and headed out to meet Orm. Time to talk business and try to prevent a war.


David Kane was sitting atop the stolen stealth ship with his father's dagger in-hand when a glow from the water below signaled the arrival of a visitor.

David scoffed when a group of guards emerged from the ship, producing a water-hologram of the prince, his contact. "You know, a real businessman would meet in person."

"I have been in meetings over an alliance all day. And by meeting with you, Surface Dweller, I'm going against my beliefs, being insincere."

"So you've made clear."

"That submarine was barely operational."

"But it served it's purpose," defended David. "One of your kind intervened. The half-breed-"

"Do not speak of her that way!"

"I don't take orders from you! She killed my father!"

Orm's jaw visibly clenched. "Our transaction has ended." One of the guards produced a bag, dropping it at David's feet. Gold coins spilled out.

"Keep the money," he spat back. "I want Aquawoman. I won't stop chasing after her just cause you've got a crush."

"Harm Aurelia, and our deal is off." With that, the hologram faded into a puddle and the guards departed, leaving David once again alone in the middle of the sea.


"Sorry I'm late," Orm apologized when he met Aurelia outside the meeting hall. "Business."

"Yeah, they're keeping you busy."


"Don't strain yourself."

"May already be too late for that." He put on a smile. "Come, I've arranged a place for us to meet."

"Oh, okay-" She swam alongside him in comfortable silence down into the ruins, over to a fairly intact sunken ship, like Mera's 'safe-house'.

He led her up onto the deck where two table place-settings had been arranged, a platter of snacks between them, and little jellyfish floating above like colourful, bioluminescent lanterns.

"Wow," Aurelia marveled. "You sure went all out."

He smiled at her obvious surprise and appreciation. "Do you remember this place?"

She thought for a moment, the memories slowly returning. "We used to play here as children."

"Yes, we did. We would swim through here, playing pirates, searching for treasures, hiding behind the pillars and jumping out to scare each other."

"Yeah, I remember. It's vague, but it's there."

"I loved it when you visited. I had no other friends my age. I met Mera a few times, but we never really connected. Not like you and I did. We were best friends."

It was difficult, when he could remember it so well and obviously so fondly, while she was trying to piece those few memories she had together.

"Do you really want this? War with the surface? The death toll will be huge." Time to discuss the current issue - that was why they were here.

"They pollute our waters, treat them like they're theirs. They hunt and kill our animals." He paused before continuing. "And they killed my mother."


He looked down and nodded. "According to our guards, she was swimming too close to the surface and they killed her. She was too curious."

"But-" She didn't want to believe it. Instead, she said, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Orm nodded. "No, I don't want war. I know the cost will be great. But I want justice, and the surface dwellers must pay for their crimes."

"Okay, I don't entirely disagree that they're responsible for a lot of crap happening to the ocean, but I don't think this is the way to go about it."

"This is the only way. It's time we sent them a message they'll hear."

"Well, I hope you know that I'm not gonna stop pressuring you to rethink this."

He chuckled a little. "I know. You have the stubbornness of any good ruler. You'll make a wonderful Queen, Aurelia."

She scoffed. "Thanks, but, not planning on it. I have noooo interest in being Queen."

"Well, maybe not yet, but in time, perhaps. Of course, with our betrothal, you'll have time to prepare."

She blinked.  "What?"

"Our betrothal, our marriage arrangement."

She blinked again. "Sorry?"

"You and I will become King and Queen eventually."

There was a pause before she shot up out of her seat, bumping the table setting and startling Orm. "Excuse me? We're getting married?! Since when?!"

Now Orm was slowly and what appeared to be cautiously getting to his feet. "The King and Queen were supposed to have an heir.  That is how it has always been. But you and I, we are two heirs, separately, one from the king, and one from the queen, who were supposed to have an heir together, but didn't. We complicate the situation.  That being said, we thought it was the best option-"

"We? Who's we?! And the best option for who?!"

"The council-"

"The council?"


"So you were thinking this whole time that I came here with the intention of marrying you?"

"Only you didn't." He didn't hide his disappointment.

"No! I didn't! I had no, no idea..." Her mind was like a whirlpool. "I don't want to get married - at least not right now. And not to some guy I barely know."

Now he looked hurt. "We were friends."

"Yeah, were. Sorry if I don't remember most of it. I was younger than you." Now she ran her hands through her hair. What the hell?

"I gotta go-"

"Aurelia, wait, please-"

"I've gotta go-" With that, she sped off, leaving only a trail of bubbles and a heartbroken prince in her wake.

(Plot twist? ;) This certainly complicates things!

And yes, Atlanna's necklace is a new addition (I'll have to go back and add it into earlier chapters). I just got an Atlantis symbol necklace, so I thought it would be neat if Atlanna had one and gave it to Aurelia before she left. Even though Aurelia isn't a fan of Atlantis, it's something to remember her mother by.

Thank you so much for reading and the comments and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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