Chapter Eleven - Ocean of Sand

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It was Mera who devised a plan of escape for the two of them. They would escape via the main bridge, slipping out through the cover of the traffic provided by the sea creatures and ships (people usually didn't travel across the bridge by just swimming). Should they be caught, they would explain that Princess Mera was showing Aurelia around the kingdom. It was risky, but necessary.

They wore cloaks for further cover, especially Mera's striking and recognizable red hair. Mera tried to get Aurelia to wear a wetsuit to 'fit in better', but Aurelia remained stubborn and gave her a firm 'no.' Besides, they were going on land and she would just have to change anyway.

Once at the bridge, having left the main city centre successfully, the two waited for some oncoming traffic. Aurelia put her communication ability to good use and called over some sea creatures, who surrounded the two women protectively, helping guide them across the bridge and out of sight.

Finally, she was out of Atlantis and heading back on land.

"So, where to now?"

Mera ran her fingers over the engraved markings decorating the cylinder. "To the Ocean of Sand your people call the Sahara."


After one long swim, the two finally arrived at their destination. They were able to find some clothes and a small airbase where they hired a pilot to take them across the desert. They weren't exactly sure where they were going yet, however, Mera had a shell-shaped device, which she said would lead them there. Basically a high-tech compass or GPS.

"It'll do, but I don't usually get paid in pirate treasure," the pilot said when Aurelia handed him a handful of gold coins.

"Whew, is it always so hot on the surface." Mera was fanning herself.

"Depends on where you are," Aurelia told her. "In the desert? Yeah, pretty hot."

Mera closed her eyes and exhaled a heavy breath, hand on her stomach.

"Hey, you okay?" Aurelia sat down across from her.

"I've just never been so high up before." Mera cast a wary glance out the window, before her gaze snapped back to the other woman.

"Don't worry, people get airsick all the time."

"I've also never been so far from home."

"You Atlanteans sure don't get out much, do you? Well, hopefully this whole mess will be over quick, and we'll be on our merry ways." She folded her hands behind her head and leaned back.

Now Mera scoffed. "You really don't realize how much is at stake here, do you?"

"Well I know how much is at stake for me and my home."

"Well those are the least of your worries right now-" Mera became silent when Aurelia shot her a death glare.

The plane hit some turbulence then and for a moment Aurelia thought Mera might vomit. "Distract me from this. Tell me something." Mera squeezed her eyes shut.


"Like your betrothal to Orm." Now Mera smirked.

"That's not what I was thinking of, but, fair enough. I'd be curious too." Aurelia sighed. "Well, apparently, we've been betrothed since childhood. Something to do with us both being heirs and 'complicating things', and this seemed to be the easiest option, though I'm not sure for who."

"Betrothal is Atlantean tradition."

"So I've been told. What about you? Any cute Atlantean's catch your eye?" She really just wanted to move the conversation away from the 'B' word - and Orm in general.

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