Chapter Seven - More 'Good' First Impressions

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The next day was indeed a grand affair, with Altantis welcoming a neighbouring kingdom, the Kingdom of Xebel, Mera's home.

Still, Aurelia refused to wear a traditional wet-suit and today sported her Rolling Stones tank-top. It was a small form of resistance that she thoroughly enjoyed.

Orm floated over to her. "So I'm a little confused, what's going on?" she asked him. "Must be pretty important if you got out the battle armour. You're not going to war, are you?"

He chuckled. "You're very observant."

"A quick study."

He continued to smile. "No, not war, just politics."

"Some could argue that those are very similar. Closely intertwined."

He chuckled. "Yes, they can be. I am trying to reunite the kingdoms under a common cause."

Now she understood. "To destroy the surface world."

His smile fell. "Aurelia, I know how you feel about this-"

"Do you? We haven't yet had a chance to discuss it."

"But we will. After this meeting, I promise." Seemed to her like he was avoiding it. "This is a very special day. We are making history. And I would like to give you something, as a token of my appreciation for having you here." He withdrew a bracelet, copper and adorned with a single pearl. Simple, but beautiful.

"This belonged to my mother, Queen Opal. I would like you to have it. I see that you like jewelry." He nodded to her already adorned fingers and wrists. "May I?"

"Oh, um-" She was shocked. "Thank you. You didn't have to give me a gift. Especially not one that obviously means so much to you."

"Trust me, I did. And, like I said, I want you to have it. It is an accessory fit for a queen."

She held up her wrist and he slipped the bracelet on, giving her wrist an affectionate little squeeze and giving her a warm smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

"Well, good luck."

"Thank you."

He slipped on his helmet and swam over to the front of the procession. Her wrist, which now bore Opal's bracelet, felt warm.

"You're ready?" Orvax questioned his son.

"Yes. I feel ready."

"You don't look ready."

"I am, Father."

"Is that your mother's bracelet the human is wearing?"

"Aurelia, and yes. I gave it to her as a gift. The bracelet was in my possession, I am free to do with it what I choose."

"Just don't lose site of the task at hand. Don't let a pretty face get in your way."

"She's much more than that."

"Still, don't lose sight."

"I won't. I haven't."

The meeting was arranged in the Old City.  Orvax and the guards hung back while Orm was front and centre.

They waited around for a few minutes and Aurelia was just beginning to wonder if Orm had been stood up when a procession of other Atlanteans riding on the backs of seahorses swam into view.

"Ah, sea-horses. I get it."  Her comment made Vulko and Aria chuckle. Then Vulko swam forward.

"King Nereus understands the importance of this meeting," Vulko, now at Orm's side, told him. "He will hear you out."

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