Part One: Youngest Agent (1)

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The room has large floor to ceiling windows. The sun bounces off the white tiles and glass table. I sit in the chair with my file in hand. I just got back from a mission two hours ago. I wrote the report on the plane home so I wouldn't have to when I did get back. Instead, I was able to get an hour and a half of sleep before my meeting with Nick. He isn't here yet though.

I have to go to school tomorrow. I tried getting Natasha to let me drop out, I'm already an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, but she defended that she wants me to have a somewhat normal life. I kind of think that going to school makes my life even farther for normal. I also have to hide everything from everyone. Even Ned. No one can know what I really am, people would be mad at S.H.I.E.L.D for having an agent so young. Plus I am like S.H.I.E.L.D's secret weapon. No one knows I exist and we must keep it that way so I can go on top secret missions.

When I was young my family died in an explosion. Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton, they raised me, trained me and eventually made me into a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, the youngest one in history as a matter of fact. I love my job. I love both my jobs. My other job is more secret then this one. I am Spider-Man, and no one knows. I fight crime and help grandma's cross the road. I've gone on missions with the Avengers. So to say I'm a normal, annoying teenager wouldn't be completely accurate.

"Hey Kid," Nick says. I smile at him and nod. He walks over towards the other side of the table and sits down, "How did it go?" He continued.

I shrug, "The usual, couple scratches, some stupid goons. It was a fairly easy mission."

I hand Nick the file. He takes it and displays it in front of him.

"Nice work. So Clint and Natasha want Chinese, is that ok?" I nod quickly. Nick stands up from the chair and I stand up as well. "They are in the training room if you want to train for a while. I'm going to go to our floor and order food."

"Ok, see you soon." I say and turn the corner, walking to the gym instead of our floor. We just live on base. It's easier that way anyways. I step in the elevator, telling it to go down to the gym level. The elevator starts to move and I look out the window at the ground below. Nick surprisingly loves the garden and is always sure to hire the best gardeners. The elevator opens revealing punching bags, mats, weight racks, and other equipment. I take off my sweatshirt revealing the long scar on my bicep from the second mission I was on. The suspect went a little crazy on me.

"Peter!" Clint exclaims from the back of the gym. I walk in farther and wave.

"Hey Pete," Natasha says shortly after.

"So do you want to spar?" I ask getting into a stance. They smirk and walk up towards me also getting into a stance. Whenever I fight them I have to be very careful not to use my full strength and other abilities. Clint throws the first punch towards me and I quickly deflect and throw one back.

After a while, Natasha has a both pinned. If I used my strength I might have been able to take her. But I can't use my strength. Natasha lets us go and I stand up.

"Let's go get food!" Clint exclaims and grabs a towel to wipe his sweat.

"I'll race you!" I exclaim and begin to bolt towards the door at about half of my real speed. Instead of taking the elevator I run up the 13 flights of stairs, as I know that is the rules of our races, no stairs. I hear Clint's footsteps behind me but keep my pace the same. I approach the end of the stairs and turn the corner and push open the door to my floor. I fall over onto the couch and pretend to be more out of breath then I really am. I guess you could say I've become pretty good at pretending. Not even a minute later, Clint throws open the door and crosses his arms.

"I get first dibs on food!" I exclaim. That is always the pride of the race. Needless to say, I get to get my food first. The elevator opens and Natasha strolls in and rolls her eyes and the panting Clint and fake panting me.
Nick walks in from around the corner with a large box of orange chicken and another large box of fried rice. I grab a plate and fork then run to the table to grab my food.
Nick chuckles behind me and pats his stomach, "Would you like a salad instead? You need to get in shape," He says in a teasing manner. Clint scoffs the crosses his arms over his stomach. Natasha grabs her food next then follows me over to the dining room table. I sit on the left side of the rectangular table across from Clint, Nick on my right and Natasha on my left.
Natasha turns on the news, we partially pay attention to it as we talk about random stuff.
"Spider-Man saves a young girl from being kidnapped! Locals refer to him as a hero," the T.V. blares I smile a little bit and shove another piece of chicken into my mouth.
"Spider-man, I wonder who he is?" Natasha says. I glance over to her but keep all emotion out of my face.
"Yeah, he's pretty cool," Clint adds.
I internally laugh but keep a calm face.
"He could be an Avenger someday," Nick says. This takes me off guard. But I don't show it.
After dinner the four of us move to the living room and watch some TV.
Around 9 Clint and Natasha go to their floor to do who knows what (hehe) and Nick and I sit on the couch a little longer.
"Finish your homework?" He asks.
"Yup," I confirm he smirks.
"Good," Nick says. Half an hour later we both go to our rooms.
I flip open my computer and carefully hack into the security camera to loop me sleeping.
I then type in the code on my secret compartment under the rug. I take out my suit and put it on.
"Hello Peter," Karen says.
"Hi Karen," I open the window and web around the city, stopping crimes whenever I can.

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