Part Three: Start of Brass Knuckles (3)

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a really really long time 

RECAP: Clint, Natasha, and Fury just found out that Peter is Spider-Man, however, they decided to wait to ask questions until after the case because they only have three days left until he murders another person and Peter decided he needs to get help from MJ. Mj's sister, Rachel Starling is one of the victims. 


Fury agreed. 

As long as MJ doesn't tell anyone else. 

Natasha tracked down her Aunt's house within moments. 

She lives in a large brick apartment building. On one side is a door. The lobby is darkly light but there is still a nicely decorated room. I walk over to the sign that says stairs and runs up 5 flights. After all, it is quicker than the elevator. Once I do arrive on the 5th floor I walk to the end of the hallway. 

Room 582. I stop at her door and raise my fist to it, slowly knocking. I hope MJ answers the door. I hear rustling behind the door before the knob jiggles. The door swings open revealing a girl with frizzy hair. Mj. She is wearing leggings and a large sweatshirt with glasses resting on her nose. 

"Parker?" She says, her voice surprised. "Have you ever heard of a phone?" She continues but then stops when she realizes how serious my face is. I open my mouth and then close it again. "Are you ok?" She asks. I shake my head. 

"I need you to come with me... this is going to be crazy but I really need you to trust me... Please," I beg. She raises an eyebrow. 

"Why should I do what you tell me too," I sigh 

"Becuase if you don't people are going to die and you aren't going to get your sister back," As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them. Tears form in her eyes and her mouth falls open. 

"H-How," She whispers. 

"I'll explain everything just come with me," She nods and walks back into her apartment and comes back seconds later with a coat and some shoes. We leave the apartment in silence. 


We walk in silence. 

When we arrive at home she is clearly shocked but doesn't say anything. I walk up to the door and scan my eye. The door then slides open. 

"Peter..." She says as she follows me into the building. She stops talking and marvels at the modern lobby around her. Faintly I hear her mumble, "What the hell?" I ignore it because I'm not supposed to be able to hear that quite a noise. I lead her into the elevator and press the button bringing us up to my office. 

"MJ, before we get to where we are going I need to tell you something and you are going to think I'm lying but I swear on my life I'm not. I said I live with my Uncle, but that I mean Uncle Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. I grew up to become one of the best SHIELD Agents. I also grew really close to Natasha and Clint. By that, I mean Hawkeye and Blackwidow. I was assigned to the case Brass Knuckles, Racheal Starling is on the list. I saw a picture of you and her and I knew I needed to tell you about this. Also while we're at it I'm Spider-Man," Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open. The elevator opens and I step into the room. Natasha and Clint are still sprawled out on the couch. 

"Find any leads?" I asked. They both shake their head. "Well... um... this is MJ," Clint and Natasha both jump up from the couch and run over to us. 

"So you're Peter's girlfriend!" Clint exclaims causing both of us to blush slightly, me more than her. 

"You could say that," she replies with a shrug. Natasha smirks at her. 

"I like her already." 

"OKAY! So I'd love to sit around the campfire talking but right now we need to interview her and get to the bottom of this. Also, I notified the Avengers not to leave the Tower because they are going to be on a mission soon. Chop Chop. Also, I'm Nick Fury, you can call me Nick," Nick says entering the room. 

"Hey no fair, she gets to call you Nick but I can't!" Clint wines. 

"He just likes me better," MJ says smiling slightly. She got over the shock quick. Natasha chuckles and Clint crosses his arms. 

"Barton," Nick scolds. I sit down behind my desk and MJ sits in the chair on the other side. The rest pull up a chair around the table too. I open to the document with all my notes and leads on it. 

"Ok, first can you tell us about this picture," I press a couple of buttons then the picture of Racheal and her classmates appear. 

MJ inhales sharply before being her response. 

We have three days. 

Three days until another kid dies. 

And if they die it is my fault. 

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