Part Five: Finally battle (2)

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"Clint, let me go help them," I beg, forcing another bite of eggs into my mouth even though I'm not hungry yet. 

"Not yet, kid. Sleep first," Sleep? Sleep! I have to find MJ, they are going to get even more hurt! More people could die. I need to stop them. I have to stop them, for MJ, for Racheal. For everyone. I need to save them. Whatever it takes, I need to save them. Just as I am about to protest the elevator slides open and Natasha runs through. We look over to her and she motions for us to follow her. I practically fall off the stool as I run into the elevator, Clint following close behind. 

Once we step out of the elevator, I demand for them to tell me what had happened. Natasha sent Racheal with a different agent to take care of her until we found MJ. 

"We where able to use the van to track down where he took the kids. They took him to Mitown Tech... the highschool." My eyes widden and my mouth drops open. Brass knuckles have been right under me the whole time. I don't have any time to be mad at myself. 

"Suit up, I'll tell you a plan on the way." I instruct. As I am about to leave, Natasha puts a hand on my arm to stop me. 

"It's Monday, the school will be packed. If we barge in SHEILD will be uncovered, and we can't have that happen. Everything about you, everything about all of us." She says in a quieter voice. 

"I don't care. Besides, how would they know it is SHEILD? We could just say it is the Avengers." I reason with her, become desprate to get my suit and get out of here. We need to go now, right now. 

"We didn't finish,  Brass Knuckles has a small army, we need back up from SHEILD agents on standby. Additionally, Brass Knuckles could try and kidnap more of the kids from school. He can hid in the open with all the commotion of a high school," Tony replied. 

"Well we can't wait until the school is empty!" I exclaim. Bruce sighs and puts his hands on his waist and I look over to him. 

"We need to get the school cleared first, but Brass Knuckles will know it is us and try to move his people, or have an advantage over us. We need the element of surprise to win this one." Bruce explains. 

"So let's hid in the school, clear it, and then we will be ready to attack with an element of surprise." I say, hoping we can go. We don't have much time. 

"But-" Tony begins. 

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I practically scream. 

"Actually that is a good idea," Tony continues, calling his suit which slowly incases him. 

"Suit up," I say and we all make our way out of the room. Finally. This time we have a chance to take him out, we have a chance to kill Brass Knuckles. 


We arrive at the all to familiar school. Right now it is during a class so no one will be in the hall besides for a few strays which we can easily avoid. I scan my school ID to open the doors and we all walk in, unnoticed. Natasha, Clint, and I walk over to the stairs leading to the basement and each hid in one of the janitor's closets. Everyone else secures the exits. 

"Go," I say into my comm, a siren rings throughout the school and I hear the noise of students flooding out of their classrooms and out of the doors, not noticing any of the Avengers. In a few short mineuts I hear someone climbing the stairs. I fling open the door and shoot a web out to the person climbing the stairs. 

Natasha and Clint also pop out of their closets. 

"We will take care of him, you go downstairs." The man I webbed up has a golden thing surrounding his knuckles. He is the Brass Knuckles. I quickly run down the stairs, not prepared for what I see. Lining both walls is cages. In the middle is a metal table, part of it wil handcuffs on, the other with medicin looking containers on it. He must have tested them. I waste no time running over to the cages, but as soon as I touch the first lock, my world goes dark. 


I slowly blink my eyes open and try to move, but I can't. I look around me, I am still in the room lined with cages, with people. Everyone is staring at me. A mand brings a knife into my shoulder and I let out a loud scream. I pull against my restraints as hard as I can and hear a popping noise. 

I punch the man infront of me and he goes flying against the wall, more soldier flood in and I continue punching, kicking, and webbing the bad guys. Occasionally taking a hit or two myself. 

"Guys I need help! In the basement!" I say into my comm, but get no response what so ever. 

"KAREN?" I ask trying to get a hold of them again but their is still no answer. They disabled Karen and the comms. I am alone. Someone punches me and I go flying against the far wall, my back letting out a sickening crack. I grunt and fall to the floor. 

"Peter!" I hear a voice call and look over to the source. A girl with curly hair sits in the cage, staring at me. MJ. Blood trails down her face and I quickly push myself back up hitting more people. I hear the whirling of the Iron-Man suit and let out a sigh. One by one agents start to fall to the ground. 

10 left, 






"How should we get them out?" I ask Tony, only to find him already blasting off the locks, quickly I run into the cells and start helping everyone to their feet. I hear other voices start to fill the room and the other Avengers and SHIELD agents help start taking the kids out and walking them up to the medical helicopters. 

"MJ!" I say while helping her up and giving her a hug. 

"What's up Spider-boy?" I shake my head and smile slightly. "Thank you, Peter. Also, where is Racheal?" Her voice gets slightly more frantic and she looks around the room. 

I help walk her up the stairs while explaining what happened. She then looks down to her feet, "My Aunt and Uncle are gone," She says just above a whisper. 

"I know," I respond, Her knees tremble and I just decide to pick her up and continue walking up the stairs. She doesn't protest, she doesn't say anything. The upstairs is still empty, the kids have probably gone home by know as police cars flood the area. I follow closely behind Steve who is helping a young boy to walk. 

Once we get outside, MJ squints and shoves her face in my shoulder, with a small hiss. Steve hands the boy over to the police and the rest of us walk towards the SHEILD helicopter. It is crowded by the Avengers, and I slowly set MJ on the ground and grab the first aid kit, putting a piece of cloth over a cut on her head. 


"Michelle!" Racheal screams and runs towards her older sister, I watch happily and the reunited family. MJ wraps her arms around Racheal and runs one hand through her hair. 

We did it. 


One Week later

MJ and Racheal moved in the SHEILD compound with us, MJ has taken a great liking to Natasha and sometimes it can be rather scary. Nearly every night I hear the screams of MJ from down the hall and I always run to comfort her, and if Racheal screams, I run to comfort her as well as MJ. THrough the nights I started to piece togehter what happened to them. It is awful, and I wish I didn't happen, but It did and their is nothing I can do about that now. We did the best we could and we saved people from dying in the future. After evey battle, no matter how much you lost, no matter how many hurt, you saved someone. Sometimes freedom comes at a cost. But it is a cost all of us are willing to pay.

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