Part Five: Final Battle (1)

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I fall to my knees next to the two dead bodies infront of me, MJ's Aunt and Uncle. They are dead becuase I couldn't protect them. I bring my hands over thier face and close both of thier eyes. Blood drips out of the side of thier boths and I drop my head in my hands. I hear loud footsteps behind me and I whip around to see the Avengers standing with shocked faces behind me. 

"They took MJ. She was gone when they came for her sister. He came back. I-I should've..." Nat walks up next to me and kneels down, she wraps an arm around my shoulders. 

"It'll be ok Peter," she says running a hand on my shoulders, "It'll be ok..." Clint walks up to me and helps me stand up, he pulls me in for a quick hug. 

"Search the area for evidence," Clint says in a voice filled with authority, "Peter do you want to go home, or are you good?" I sniffle a little then nod and walk over to the drops of blood. I grab a small vile from by belt and scoop some of the blood off the floor, just incase it was Brass Knuckle's blood. 

"The window is shattered, it looks like he took a van! We can follow his trails," Tony says looking over the building. MJ's building is just outside of Queens, on one side of the building is a small woods with fencing around it becuase the apartment doesn't own it. I scramble to my feet and run to the door, out side is tire  marks on the driveway and a section of the fence that is knocked over. Thier looks to be a faint path on the grass where he has driven. 

"Avengers!" I say gaining everybodies attention, "Follow the tracks, Bruce stay here with Nick and collect evidence just in case this doesn't work out. Also we might need back up so make sure to have your comms on at all times. Move out," I say juping through the window and landing in a crouch on the ground below. After the other Avengers are by me I start following the trails. I have to jump over the broken piece of fence. Once we get in the woods I look to mak sure everyone is here before following. 

"Be prepared for attack," I tell them as we continue. I scan the woods around me before looking back at the ground. Infront of me lays the tracks from his van. I hear the spur of a vehicle in the distance. 

"I hear something," I whisper before running foreward, I continue running until a black van coes nto view. Thank God. An arrow flies to the side of me and lodges in the dires causing it to stop moving. No one leaves the car. We inch foreward slowly. The window are tinted black so I can't see inside. 

"Surround the car," I command. We form a circle around the van and I take a slight step awar from the door. "Get out of the van!" I yell. The doors don't move. "Get out of the van!" I yell even louder. I inch towards the door and rest my hand on the handle pulling it open and then jumping backwards. 

My eyes widden. No. No. No. A young girl sits in the car with a piece of tape over her mouth. Her hands are tied to the stearing wheel and a trickle of blood runs down her face. I gasp as do the Avengers around me. 

"What is it Spider-Man?" I hear a voice on the comms say. Quickly I run towards the car and pull the tape off her outh and rip the rope. Tears run down her face and I pull her out of the passenger seat. Her body is trembling and I lay a hand on her shoulder. 

"Search the car," I calmly say into my comms, the Avengers doing as I say. 

"It's ok, you are ok, I got you," I repeate over and over. Once the tears stop falling down her face I let out a sigh in relief. 

"What is your name?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath in, I grab a piece of cloth from teh belt in my sut and hold it to her bleeding cut, slowly dabbing away the blood. 

"R-Racheal," She says. My body goes cold. The is MJ's little sister. 

"Oh my god," I whisper in shock, she looks at me confused, the hand I once held over her cut slowly dropped to my side. 

"What?" She asks nervously. 

"I-I... Your sister... MJ... Michele Jones?" I stutter out. Her eyes go wide. 

"You know my sister! Is she ok? Can I see her," A tear falls down my face, thank god I'm wearing a mask. My lower lip trembles and I drop my head. 

"An-an hour ago... he- he took her. You where being used as a deversion so we would follow the tracks. He took your sister," I say my voice shaking. I look away from the young girls face etched with horror. She drops her head and I can hear quite sobs. "I'm so sorry, Racheal," She sniffles again and I wrap one arm around her shoulder and help her stand up. 

"Come with us, we will take care of you and find your sister," I say with a hand on her shoulder slowly leading her away from the van and back through the woods, the other Avengers following closely behind. 

"I want to see my parents," I stop in my tracks. She stops too and stares at me. I let a small sob out and rip off my mask, she gasps slightly but I ignore it and star her in the eye. 

"They're gone, Racheal. So is your Aunt and Uncle," Her face changes from a look of hope to dispair and her knees give out below her and she begins to sob. I catch her alarmingly light body before she hits the ground. I put a hand under her knees and her shoulders picking her up. We continue to walk out of the woods, her sobs and the marching of our feet the only thing to be heard. 

After a while of walking we finally are able to call a car and get to the compound. Once we are there, I walk into the elevator still carrying Racheal and demand FRIDAY to take us to my Med Bay. Once we are their I lay her down on the rather comfortable hospital bed and pull a blanket over her sobbing body. 

Bruce runs in the room and takes a needle off of a counter. Bruce puts it over her arm and slowly injects her with it. Her sobs soon stop and her eyes close. I look up to Bruce. 

"I needed her to be sleeping os I could give her a check-up ad some nutrients. She hasn't eaten much since Brass Knuckles took her," I nod and then slowly leave the room so Bruce can proceed with the check-up. 

When I get into the hallway I see Clint sitting in the chair. When he sees me he jumps up and engulfs me into a hug, running his hand through my hair. Tears escape my head and they quickly turn into loud sobs. "Sh-She lost so much... I could've prevented some of it... I could've-," I am cut off by my sobs and I tighten my grip on Clint. 

"Peter.. Shhh, it's not your fault. There is only one person at fault here," He whispers in my ear. He shifts so we each have one arm around eachother. He helps me walk down the hallway and into the elevator. 

"FRIDAY, take us to the living quaters," What? No! We have to catch Brass-Knuckles. He hurt so many people. So many people. And I need to find him. 

"No, my office," I say through sobs. Clint shakes his head. 

"No. The rest are working on it. You have been in your office non-stop fro the past week almost. You need to take a shower, eat, and take a nap. We will tell you as soon as there is any break throughs, I promis," Clint says. Tears still falling down my face I drop my head to his shoulder. 

"Racheal- She-" I start sobbing again and Peter rubs my back again whispering into my ear. I just had to tell someone something that will ruin the rest of her life. I watched the fear and sorrow fall over her face as she found out her family was dead and her sister was kidnapped. I am the reason her sister being kidnapped and Aunt and Uncle dying. I didn't relize where we were until I hear the water on the shower. 

"Alright bud, time to get into the shower, I'll be in the kitchen making you and I some food if you need anything ok?" I shake my head and wrap my arms around him tighter. 

"Please, please- don't go. Clint, I-I can't- no," I say my words turning into a jumble of randomness. He runs a hand down my back and the other through my hair. 

"I know it's hard... you'll be alright. We will find him," I shake my head. 

"Even if we do find them it won't bring them back," I whisper rage building inside of me. 

"But we will get MJ back, and all the others." Clint says I nod slowly sniffleing again. 

"Get in the shower now, ok?" Clint says in a soft voice. I nod and he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. Slowly I take off my suit and step in the shower, tears still falling down my face. 

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