Part Four: Leads (2)

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My eyes are red and puffy. An empty cup of Coffee sits on my desk and MJ's head is slumped against my shoulder. Natasha and Clint are half asleep against each other but still looking up more information. Nick, however, sits in a large chair with a computer on his lap perfectly awake. 


We found absolutely nothing. 

The pages with information about patients on Saraton where deleted, most likely for Adcock Ingram to cover their tracks, fewer pharmacies would buy their drugs if they found out one of them was highly deadly. Because the information about Saraton was deleted we can't find any patients that were on it. I look at the clock. It is 7:00 in the morning. The sun is barely peeking out from the clouds. 

Today is Saturday. We have one day left. We need more information. So much more. 

"Hey Peter," A tired voice says from next to me. I smile slightly. 

"Hi MJ," I respond. She lifts her head off of my shoulder and stretches her arms above her head. The others look back at me. 

"We should take a 30-minute break. Then we will be refreshed and not fall asleep," Natasha says getting up from the couch making Clint wine slightly, his head laying on the back of the couch. 

"No, we only have a day before it happens again. We need to find them, now," I say turning back to the computer. MJ sets a warm hand on my back and looks at me with concern. 

"I know Peter, but you won't be any good if you are half sleeping," she says, Natasha nods in agreement. Nick comes over and claps a shoulder on my back. Sighing I stand up. The five us a make our way out of the room and into the kitchen next door. I grab some pancakes and waffles then eat standing up. I have been sitting for a way too long. 

"We need more help," Clint says suddenly. Yes, we do. We only have one day to stop a murder and a kidnapping. We need all the help we can get. 

"We could get the Avengers involved early, I'm sure Tony and Bruce would be good at tracking people," Nick says. 

"Peter could brief them," Nat pitches in. They all look to me. I nod. 

"We need to find Brass knuckles, prevent murders, and save the kids," I say, MJ nods in agreement with all of us. 


I sit in a relatively small room at the end of a glass table. MJ sits on one side of me and Clint sits on the other and Natasha next to Clint. Fury stands in the corner. He just contacted the Avengers. I'm so nervous. I'm meeting the Avengers... and leading them on a mission. OH MY GOSH!

"Should I tell them about Spider-Man?" Nat nods and Clint sets a hand on my shoulder. 

"You'll do good kid," he says. I sure hope so. The door swings open revealing four irritated Avengers. Once they see MJ and me, their face turns into one of confusion. They look from us to Nat and Clint then to Fury before cautiously sitting down in the open chairs. 

"What the hell?" Tony says looking at MJ and I. 

"We have a mission for you, it's very importnat and Agent Parker will be leading you," Nick says in a monotone voice. 

"Who's Agent-" Tony begins to say but the stops and stares at me. 

"I'm Agent Parker," I say, all the Avengers eyes grow wide in shock. 

"He's like 12!" Steve shouts. The Avengers (besides Clint and Nat) start shouting questions at the five of us. Sighing I slam my hands against the table creating a loud noise to get their attention. 

"I'm Agent Parker, also Spider-Man, we don't have a lot of time so please shut up," MJ snickers slightly, "Over the mast 31 weeks, every Sunday a serial killer by the name of Brass Knuckles has been murdering peoples parents and kidnapping their kids. As you are all aware, tomorrow is Sunday meaning he is going to murder two more people and kidnap more kids. MJ," I motion next to me, "my girlfriend, sister is one of the victims, her parents where killed," Mj rubs her eyes so she doesn't cry, I tap a couple of buttons bringing up a hologram of the picture, "On all 31 victims social media account this picture appeared. Brass Knuckles is targeting these people. MJ's parents worked for a medicine production company called Adcock Ingram, MJ's dad made the drugs and her stepmom marketed them and found people to test the drugs on. One of the drugs Saraton, a Leukemia medication, was deadly and ended up killing someone. Our theory is that it killed someone close to Brass Knuckles and he wants revenge. That's all we know about him and we NEED to find out more because we need to take him out tomorrow... I can't let more people die. He already killed 62 people." The Avengers look at me for a moment. And then another. 

"Guys, we need your help we will explain later," Nat say death glaring the rest of the team. 

"We can all work in my office so we can help each other, we need to try to find a list of patients on the drug, even though it was deleted. That is one of our only chances," 

I stand up and everyone awkwardly follows me to my office, I sit behind my desk and begin typing away on my computer. MJ has a laptop of her own and is doing research on that. Tony and Bruce are in one corner, Steve and Thor are looking through obituaries, Clint, Natasha, and Nick are looking for more information as well. 

Instead of looking for the drug Saraton I decide to look for people who died from Leukemia. 

Thea Harper, 4 years ago

Laurel Merlin, 3 years ago

I scroll down further, it was probably closer to 7 or 8 months ago. 

Silvia Sommer, 8 months ago

Toniya Tomhas, 7 months ago

Terri Roberts, 7 months ago

Jenifer Toms, 6 months ago

"I found three possible people Brass Knuckles could be related to," I say breaking the silence that fell across the room. "I'll take Silvia Sommer, Clint, Nat Furry, you take Toniya Tomhas, everyone else takes Terri Roberts," People hum in conformation. 

Quickly I type in Silvia Sommer into SHIELD's database in hopes that I find something, anything. 

A picture of a girl with shoulder length blonde hair shows up and bright blue eyes, this picture must have been taken before she got Leukemia. 

Parents: Jenny Sommer [deceased], Martin Sommer [last spotted 35 weeks ago] 

We have less than a day left. 

And I think I might know who Brass Knuckles is.

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