Part Two: The 'Normal' Side (2)

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If I get 400 followers I will update again
I woke up, my bones sore from last nights patrol. I roll out of bed anyways and throw on my S.H.I.E.L.D training shirt and a pair of grey shorts. I run a hand through my hair then proceed to the kitchen to grab an apple and then to the gym for my usual sparing session with Clint and Natasha.

The session passes rather unevenly for training with Black Widow and Hawkeye. After I took a quick shower to soothe my sore muscles I grab a protein shake and walk down to my office. I really need to start digging up some information on my new case, I know next to nothing about it and I have to lead the freaking AVENGERS on it in a month. My office is kept orderly, well until you open my draws that are scattered with piles upon piles of paper, most of it old, but I'm too lazy to read it. At SHIELD we have to read every piece of paper we use 'just in case' something where to get out even if it was super unimportant. One time I wrote a shopping list on a SHIELD notepad and Nick yelled at me for not reading it. Oh well, it's better to be safe then sorry... but seriously... A shopping list? I'm sure a villain would be all over that.

I slump down in my comfy chair and wheel it closer to my computer. I display the file Nick gave to look over the information again. Something about this case makes me very uneasy. Brass Knuckles. I type in the items names starting with Racheal Sterling. The first thing that comes up is a picture of her. She has brown hair that is straight and big brown eyes. She looks a little younger than MJ. I hack into the police reports and get busy reading.


After a half an hour of reading police reports about Racheal Sterling, I found out that her biological dad died and her mom remarried. Both her stepdad and her mom were murdered by Brass Knuckles. She also had an older stepsister but nothing was mentioned about her.

Sighing I stand up from my chair and grab my backpack. I walk out the door and stop into Nicks office to say goodbye. I walk out of the large building and onto the busy New York streets. I keep running the information through my mind. It doesn't make sense. Next, I will have to research more about her parents. Maybe that will lead somewhere.

The school building comes into view. I take a deep breath. Today I'm going to ask MJ to the movies. What's the sort that could happen? Reject me and humiliate me in front of the school... Michelle wouldn't do that... right? My mind starts to race over everything that could go wrong. I push open the doors and walk straight to my locker. I shove my backpack inside and grab some of my books.

Ned and I walk down the busy halls. We talk about the latest Spider-Man activities. I often have to remind him to be quiet. Ned gets excited easily. Very easily. We walk into the classroom. Flash and his goons sit towards the front and I sit MJ sitting in the back. Her hair is frizzy as always and she looks stunning (like always). You got this Peter, I think to myself. Ned claps my shoulder and nods. I take a big breath I got this. I walk towards MJ. She smirks at me, I smile back.

"What's up Loser..." She asks, her voice teasing. I swallow and clear my throat.

"So... Um... ThIs WeEkEnD, um... want to go to the movies?" I say quickly and look down at the floor.

"I'll meet you at the theater at 7... Don't be late Loser," I look up at her, my eyes wide. She said yes. I'm going on a date. IM GOING ON A DATE WITH MICHELLE JONES!

"Y-Yeah," She rolls her eyes and I slowly sit down in my seat. Ned looks over to me and gives me a big thumbs up and a large smile before sitting down in the chair next to me.


It is at 6 pm. I am leaving for the theater in 30 minutes. I am going on a date with Michelle Jones! I'm going on a date! I skip into the commons excitedly. Nick, Clint, and Tasha turn to look at me.

"Someone's happy," Clint chuckles and puts his arm around Tasha. I smile and nod. I sit down on the chair next to Nick's.

"I'm going on a date," Tasha and Clint smirk and Nick pats my shoulder. I'm going on a date. Oh gosh, what do I do? What do I wear? What do I say? Do I put my arm around her at the movies? "Tasha you need to help me! What do I wear? What do I say? What do I do? I've never been on a date before!" I exclaim all at once. Clint starts to chuckle and Natasha jabs his ribs so he stops. Nick puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You'll be the fine kid," He says and shakes his head. I stand up and grab Natasha's arm pulling her into my bedroom.

"HEY!" Clint protests. Tasha turns around and flips him off. Once we get into my room I let go of Tasha's arm. She walks over to the closet and opens the big doors taking a step in. She looks around the closet for a while and pulls out some different clothing. Minutes later she comes out with black jeans and a black t-shirt with a nice sweatshirt. She then pushes me into the bathroom to change. While I'm changing I hear loud bangs coming from my room.

I rush out into my room finding Tasha holding the hair gel in her hand victoriously.

"Come here Peter," I stand in front of her and she pours some onto her hand. She then runs it through my hair and styles it nicely.


I walk into the theater, my wallet in one pocket and breath mints in the other. I sit down on a bench and stare at my phone.

MJ: I'm in the parking lot.

I quickly stand up from the bench and see MJ approaching the door. I run over to the door and hold it open for her. She rolls her eyes and mutters, "Loser." Together we walk up to the front desk and I buy tickets for the two of us. MJ then walks up to the concessions and buys popcorn and two bottles of water.

"We have 30 minutes before the movie starts," She says. I nod and point to a small table in the corner. She shrugs and together we make our way.

"You... You look... nice," I say clearing my throat. C'mon Peter, I'm and SHIELD agent I should be able to talk to my DATE!

"Therefore I have value?" She asks. I open my mouth then close it again she smirks, "I'm just kidding... You look nice too," I smile slightly and nod.

"So... how was your day?" I asked running a hand through my hair nervously.

"It was fine I guess, I mean school is school." I nod in agreement.

"Yeah. Ned got a new lego kit so that was cool... oh my gosh did I just say that? Ignore me," I say blushing. MJ snorts and nods.

We talk for a little while longer. I end up saying something stupid and MJ snorts at me while I blush.

"You never talk about your family," She says out of nowhere. Shit. No. Uhg.

"Um yeah, my parents, the uh, died when I was young so I uh live with my Uncle," Once I finished the statement I let out a breath and let my shoulders relax. A flash of something crosses her eyes but she quickly covers it up.

"M-my parents d-died to. I live with my Aunt and Uncle," She responds. My mouth drops open but I quickly close it.

"I-I'm sorry," I say quietly. She nods. I point to my watch to change the topic and tell her we should be going. She grabs the half-eaten popcorn and I grab our water bottles, putting mine in the left hand and hers in the right hand. Once we find the theater we enter the darkroom and I immediately become nervous. What am I supposed to do? We walk up the steps, her in the lead. Once we get to our row she sits down in her seat and I sit next to her.

And armrest is separating are sat. I look down at it quickly but then look back up to the screen. My thigh is pushed up against the armrest and I find the button and recline my seat. The commercial start to blare from the screen. After a while, I feel the armrest slowly moving up. I quickly look over at MJ and she smirks.

"Loser," She whispers and moves slightly closer to me. I move my arm to around her shoulder. hen I relax slightly. Breath Peter. Breath. I turn my fucose back onto the screen. Then a smile creeps across my face.

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