Part Three: Start of Brass Knuckles (1)

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I sit in my chair typing away at the computer. Brass Knuckles. There are no security images of him. Over the past two days, there have been four new reports about him. All of them lead to nothing.

BRASS KNUCKLES- the title to my new document reads


- Rachel Sterling- her stepdad and her mom were murdered by Brass Knuckles. She also had an older stepsister but nothing was mentioned about her. DATE OF CASE: March 03 2019

- Samantha Smith- her stepmom and her dad were murdered by Brass Knuckles. DATE OF CASE: February 24, 2019

-Nathan Roberts- His stepmom was murdered by Brass knuckles and his dad died 3 weeks prior in an explosion. DATE OF CASE: February 17, 2019

-James Person- Mom and Dad were both murdered by Brass knuckles, older brother found dead 2 weeks prior in an explosion. DATE OF CASE: February 10, 2019

[31 more]

I still have little to no helpful information about anyone. I've also noticed that many of the cases have been kept on the down low. There have been no news reports about any of these cases. The only things I can find are the police reports which aren't helpful at all. I've found some information out about the victim's families, but nothing too important. Wait... each case takes place exactly one week apart. Every Sunday. Every Sunday someone new dies. But why?

Frantically I search Rachel Sterling in hopes of finding out more about her herself. After a while of digging, I found her Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat account. On her Instagram account, the first thing that shows up is a picture of her a huge group of people.


The background...


I take a deep breath.

That's Midtown Tech's middle school.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

I open a new tab and search for Samantha Smith.

I squeeze my eyes closed.

Then I open them.

The same picture appears.

She goes to the middle school too.

They where friends.

How come this wasn't reported?

How come nobody in the high school knows?

Why does nobody care that there is a serial killer running around?

I take a screenshot of the picture then open in into SHIELDS network so I can analyze the picture. I run facial recognition.

There are 53 people in the picture.

And the list of victims matches up with 31 people in the picture.

Brass Knuckles is targeting people in this picture.

But why?

"Peter, it is 7:04, you are going to be late for school if you don't leave," FRIDAY says from above. Sighing I close out of all the tabs and turn off my computer and holograms. I have to make sure everything is off before I leave because of security reasons. Someone could hack in and find all my information.

As I walk to school I can't take my mind off the case. Why would he be targeting a group of 13 and 14-year-olds? It doesn't make sense?

Then I freeze. What day is it today? I pull out my phone. Today is Tuesday. I have four days before the next murder. I have to stop him. I have too. Brass Knuckles will kill everyone on the list and possibly more unless I kill him first.

I unlock my phone and click on Nick's contact.

Me: Code Silver

Nick: How much time?

Me: 4 days

Nick: I'll get Clint and Natasha to help

Me: Thanks see you later

Nick: See you- don't forget to delete

I can't tell Nick anything over the phone. It's too dangerous. So we made up codes. Code Silver means there is a huge breakthrough in the recent case and there is a time constraint meaning we need more help on the case ASAP. But we still have deleted the messages after just in case. So I do as I'm told and delete the messages. Being a SHIELD Agent you quickly learn it's easier to be safe then sorry, one slip up could ruin everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I walk up to the doors and through the halls.

I stop at my locker and shove my backpack in.

"HI, Peter!" Ned exclaims.

"Hey Ned," I respond but not as excitedly. It's not that I'm not excited to see Ned but it's hard to be ecstatic given my circumstances. I have four days before someone else will get murdered. Four days and I know next to nothing about Brass Knuckles.

Ned and I walk to our first block class. Ned blabs on about something and I try to listen, I really do, but it's just so hard. We enter our room and walk to the back and take seats by MJ, her eyes are slightly puffy again. She is on her phone staring at something. Her knuckles are white. She is sad. She misses something.

"MJ," I whisper. She doesn't hear me. I tap her shoulder. She jumps up in her seat. "What are you looking at?" She quickly turns off her phone and puts it away.

"Nothing," She responds, her voice is sassy but not like usual. She grabs her sketchbook and opens it to an empty page. Something falls out and gracefully land on the floor. I quickly grab the piece of paper. I flip it over and look at it.

I freeze.


It's Rachel Sterling.

And MJ next to her.

They are both wearing nice dresses. They are at a wedding. Behind them, I can make out the flowers and a beautiful wedding dress and someone dressed in a nice tux.

Shit. NO!

MJ is Rachel Sterling's stepsister.

I quickly shove the picture back on her desk and grab my backpack.

That's why MJ's parents are dead.

That is why she lives with her aunt and uncle.

I have to find out who Brass Knuckles is.

"I have to go," I mumble before running out of the classroom ignoring the worried calls from behind me.

I need to find out who Brass Knuckles is.

And I will.

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