Chapter 11

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"Hey, I'm so glad you could make it." He says, pulling me into quick hug.

"Me too. It's good to see you, Iris." I speak up. She fake smiles at me and turns back around to watch the guy presenting.

"First things first, Simon Stag's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the process of organ replacement." Barry says, enthusiastically. He's such a cute guy, unfortunately he's not my type, and I still think him and Iris belong together.

"Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" Iris asks, grabbing a glass of champagne.

"Okay, if you were bored already, just wait until I get to the science around cellular regeneration." He says, taking the glass from her and putting on a table we walk past.

"I missed this, Barry. I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from your coma." She tells him, ignoring the fact that I'm there too. There goes that bad feeling again.

I don't bother listening to their conversation but a gunshot catches my attention. This guy in a black mask holding a gun walks up to the crowd of people we happen to be in.

"Hey, quiet down, all of you!" He screams. Barry pulls Iris and I lower to the ground.

"I'll consider it, you're all wearing your finest jewelry. Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you. Now everybody line up!" He screams, grabbing a bag and holding it out for people to put their jewelry in. When it was time for us to put our jewelry in, I shook my head and stepped back.

"Just put it in and you won't get hurt." The gunman says, looking directly at me.

"No, this is not yours to take. Back off, asshole!" I spat out before I could stop myself. He raised his gun at me and pulled the trigger but the bullet stopped when it hit the protective, invisible barrier around me.

"How is this possible?" He asks more to himself than to me. Barry is staring at me like I've grown two heads and Iris had her eyes shut the whole time, go figure. I pull Barry and Iris away from the gunman just in time for the security guard to show up. It's one to six, though.

"D..Drop your weapons!" He screams, his hand is shaking. The gunmen turn and point their guns at the security guard and they all pull the trigger at the same time.

Before any of the bullets get the chance to hit him, he's gone and I think I know who's responsible for that. I waited a few minutes and Barry never showed up again so I went look outside and found him passed out on the side of the building.

"Barry. Barry!" I yell, shaking him awake.

"What happened?" He asks, drowsily.

"You saved the security guard and I guess you tried to go after the others but you passed out." I explain calmly.

"Wait, you know about me?" He asks.

"Yeah, I've known since yesterday." I say softly. He nods and I help him up.

"I have to go help with the crime scene but can you meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs later?" He asks, nervously.

I smile and nod before heading home to relax a bit.

I get woken up by a phone call and then I remember I need to head over to S.T.A.R. Labs. Grabbing my purse, I leave for S.T.A.R. Labs.

When I arrived, Barry was sitting on a hospital bed and a lady, which is most likely his doctor, is freaking out on him.

"Is this a bad time?" I ask. They all turn to face me and Barry gets up and walks over to me with the doctor still nagging him.

"No, not at all. Guys, this is Amanda. Amanda, this is Dr. Wells, Cisco Ramon, and Dr. Kaitlin Snow." Barry introduces us. I shake hands with each of them before pulling Barry back to sit on the hospital bed.

"Mr. Allen, if I may ask, why is she here?" Dr. Wells speaks up.

"I'm right here, you know." I say, very annoyed.

"Yes, my apologies. Can you tell me what you're doing at S.T.A.R. Labs?" Dr. Wells asks.

"Barry, what exactly did you tell them?" I ask, warily.

"Nothing. It wasn't my secret to tell." He says genuinely. You don't see guys like him anymore.

"I don't mind." I say, giving him permission to tell them. You see, at first I thought he was a vampire but when I did some research into S.T.A.R. Labs I quickly realized that this was an experiment gone wrong. So, when he saw me not get killed by the bullet, he assumed I was like him. I can't tell him the truth, so that's what I'm going with.

"Throw something at her, as hard as you can." Barry orders Cisco.

"Are you sure?" Cisco asks, unsure.

"Go for it." I encourage him. He picks up one of the tools Kaitlin was using and threw it at me but, like the bullet, it stopped at the invisible barrier.

"So, she's a meta human too." Cisco states.

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