Chapter 10: Late night call

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11:53 PM

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing.

"Hm? Who could be calling this late?"

Shinra looked for his phone, which was on the nightstand.

"Hello? Shinra Kishaniti on the line!"


"Who is this??"

"Its I-Izaya."

"Izaya? Why-"

"C-Come to m-my-!"

Come to my what?

"What? Izaya?"


The phone had hanged up, leaving him confused.

[Who was it?] , Celty asked.

"It was Izaya....He wants us to go to his place, I think, but I don't know why. He sounded so desperate too."

[Lets go!]

Shinra nodded, "This better not be some trick of his.."


They arrived at the informants place quickly, walking to the front door.

They knocked just incase, but heard no response. Instead they just invited themselves in, since the door was unlocked.

"Izaya?" Shinra called out, receiving no response.

They walked further in the home, noticing a limp body sitting on the desk chair.

The limp body was no other than Izayas.

Shinra ran over to Izayas body, checking his pulse, which was barely there.

This wasn't a trick after all, the doctor thought.

"We need to take him to our place, fast."

As Celty collected his body with the help of her shadows, she noticed a little box that was on the desk.

She decided to take it with her just incase.


After they successfully brought Izaya to their place, Izaya was set with a heart monitor and an IV bag.

Now the question was; what happened to Izaya?

Shinra took a look at Izaya for any trace of evidence.

He noticed how horrible Izaya looked.

His eye bags had grown darker, his skin has grown pale as a ghost, and he has gotten unhealthily skinny.

Just what was going on with Izaya?

Celty walked in the room with the little box she found back at Izayas place, showing it to Shinra.

"What's that, Celty?"

Celty typed in her PDA, [Im not sure. It was on Izayas desk and I decided to take it.]

Shinra grabbed the box, opening it curiously.

He took the top off, revealing everything in the box.

To his dismay, the box was filled with a drug.

The drug identified as heroin.

His eyes widened in shock. Has Izaya been doing drugs?

That just didn't sound right.

Shinra quickly checked Izayas arm, spotting injection marks.

Shinra was left in shock. Izaya wasn't the type to do those type of things, or so Shinra thought.

Izaya always said he would live an healthy lifestyle. What happened to that?

[What is that???] Celty pointed to the contents in the box.

"It's drugs.....Izaya has been doing drugs. In conclusion, Izaya overdosed."

{Sorry for the late update. I'll try my best to update more. :) }

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