8. Seokjin prince au

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You were supposed to marry him. A prince from a far kingdom. You had no choice. Not only was your kingdom, your home, surrounded by enemies. It was also on the brink of extinction. All because of your enemies. The only thing that could save everyone was a marriage to the kim kingdom. Not only had they forces that could destroy everyone and everything but they also had a son that was in need of a marriage in order to heir the throne. And that's where you enter the game. You are supposed to marry him. It's clear that there's no other way out so you do what's the best for your kingdom and for your family. 

So now you're on your way to meet your future husband for the first time. Kim Seokjin. From rumours you heard that he's ruthless and has quite high expectation on everyone. Once you do something wrong..... well let's say you wish you weren't born. Your maid Taeyeon was the only one who was with me on my journey to the Kim's kingdom. Sure it was dangerous but we just couldn't afford that many soldiers anymore so I had only two who were with me. Wonho and Kihyun.

It has been five hours since we started and sitting five hours on a carriage isn't something your butt likes. So you made a quick stop at a near river. The boys left to feed and give water to the horses so you and Taeyeon were now alone. 'My lady do you need anything?''No thanks, Taeyeon please sit down. You're only making me nervous.''Well shouldn't the young lady be nervous, I mean today is the day you are going to meet your husband.''Please don't forget that it's not something that I have decided on my own. I may have accepted but I am not happy with this decision. The only reason I ageed to this is simply to help my family and my kingdom.''Of course my lady. Excuse me for a moment I am going to collect some bberries to eat on our way.'

Now you were finally alone with your thoughts. All those things you heard about Kim Seokjin sounded so wrong, so cruel. Was he really like that?

Suddenly you heard a sound behind you. But Kihyun and Wonho went down to the river and Taeyeon also went another way. 'Who's there?'no answer. Should you run down to the boys. But what if Taeyeon comes back and is alone here? 'I'm going to ask you again. Who is there?'
Without a warning someone grabbed you harshly by your shoulders and dragged you with him. You wanted to scream but couldn't because someone was something around your head to cover your mouth. Why had this happened to you?
'Now look what we have here if that isn't Lady y/n who is supposed to marry Kim Seokjin. I'm sorry but your  wedding will never happen. You know what. I will not kill you. No. You will marry me and bear all of my children and  honey you don't have a choice.'

'I don't think so.'
We turned our heads towards the voice. On a hill that was in front of us stood a man in full armor. His broad shoulders nearly hid the man who was behind him. I couldn't take my eyes from him.
'And now I would really appreciate it if you would take your hands of my fiance.'  He was your fiance? That's Kim Seokjin???
'And why should I?' The burlgar pressed my body to his. Now i was facing my fiance while my back was pressed against the chest of a stupid prick. His arm was slung around your torso and it was dangerously close to your breast. He began to speak again and got goosebumps and how close his breath hit your face. 'Why should I let her go and not have any fun with her?' With that his hand got even closer but before he could 'touch' it Seokjin screamed 'Now' and an arrow flew right through the mans shoulder. And another through his hand, his leg until he collapsed on the ground. Your legs got so wobbly that you couldn't hold yourself up anymore. But before you crashed to the ground strong arms encircled your waist. When you looked up you met Seokjins eyes. He removed the ropes and when you were finally free he grabbed your shoulders 'Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?''I'm okay , thank you.'I smiled up to him. He didn't appear as scary as he was described. 'Alright, my men found your maid and you guards on the way. They are currently getting treated. I will take you with me.'Right when he was about to walk away he stopped. 'I think we never introduces us officially.'He smiled 'I am Crown Prince Kim Seokjin of this kingdom, soon the king and your future husband.'He took my right hand in his and kissed the backside of it while bowing slightly. 'I am lady l/n y/n of /kingdom/'I  bowed and after the introductions he took my hand and led me to his horse. All the other guard were already on their horses and I could also see Taeyeon, Kihyun and Wonho. All of them smiled at me. When we got to his horse he helped me to get up with his hands on my waist. I have to admit it actually felt nice. When I was in the saddle he lifted himself of the ground with one swift movement and was sitting right behind me. I could feel the heat radiating from him from the way his chest was pressed against my back. Slowly everyone began riding and Seokjin and I were riding more at the back. It was nicer than being surrounded by chatting soldiers. I felt my eyes getting heave but tried to stay awake. After all I was still on a horse. Seokjin must have realised my dilemma because he brought his right arm around me and pressed, no hugged, me closer to his body. 'You know you can close your eyes for a while. I will protect you.'When his breath hit my neck I began blushing. 'T-t-thank you Seokjin.''Call me Jin please.'

'Thank you Jin.'Slowly I let my body fall back and relaxed in his arms. He hugged my body even tighter if that's even possible. I could feel him pressing a soft peck on my temple and we continued our way back to the castle. To my new life. With my husband by my side.

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