19. Yoongi mafia au

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You really loved your job. Working as a nurse was always something you wanted to be. Not only were you able to help the people but you also have a stronger connection to them than the ones superior of you. But now, the only thing you wanted to do was leave and go home. Today there were some really rude patients, the doctors were in a bad mood and let it out on you, and you've had a 15 hour shift without a proper rest due to an accident. The  moment you left the hospital ( still wearing your uniform because you're tooooo lazy) you felt some eyes on you. It was probably only because of your tiredness that your brain starts to hallucinate things. 

While walking home for about thirty minutes you heard some footsteps behind you. Someone was following you. The best would be to take some short cuts which lead to some confusing alleys in which you could get lost if you don't know them. Lucky for you, you grew up in this area. You took an alley to your left and started speedwalking to turn right. But before you could pass the corner someone grabbed you by your jacket and pressed you against the wall, chest first. You couldn't turn your head because something cold was being pressed against you. A gun. There you stood, against a wall, with a gun pressed against you. 'You sweetheart will take me to your home, right now. If you follow everything I tell you nothing will happen to you.'

We walked together, me at the front and he close behind me. I still haven't seen his face and only heard his voice. It sounded pretty deep.

'Now you will listen closely to what I have to say. Understood?'You nodded as good as you can. 'You will take me to your home, now.'We walked back together to my apartment complex. While searching for my key my hands couldn't stop shaking. He will kill me. No matter what happens. But what does he want? I found my keys and took them out of my bag, stealing a quick glance at the dangerous man who will probably kill me in the next few minutes. Opening the door we both entered and he took a minute to look around. While he searched around for any other people he never turned his back to me, gun always pointed at my face.

'Now, I want you to get all your supplies and stitch me up.'He pointed at his torso and shrugged of his suit jacket. Now I realised what he meant. A big red stain covered his side and his white button down had clearly some holes in it, which meant that he was probably shot. I took a step towards him to get a better look at the wound only for him to put the gun at my temple again. 'I-I-I only w-w-wanted to look at the wound. I-I-If you want me to h-h-help you I need  a look.'It seemed like that convinced him because he put the gun down on the dining table and pulled himself up on it. I slowly started to unbotton his shirt and his wound was revealed. He never stopped looking at me as if he onyl waited for me to do something wrong so he could shoot me. But the gun was next to him, and not in his hands. He seemed kind of nervous. His muscles and his whole body were stiff which didn't help at all while working. 'Please point your gun at me when it helps you relax.'This seemed to shock him becasue his cat-like eyes became round for a second. Without a word he took his gun in his, but he didn't point it at me. He onyl rested hsi hand on the trigger while the gun was pointed to the side. After patching him up I told him to lied down on the couch for a whiel because he needs to rest. Surprisingly he followed. In the last few hours he spent in my apartement he looked more lika a bratty kid whose mother told him no, than a criminal. I made him a tea and gave him a blanket to rest. The whole time his eyes never leaving me. 'I'm y/n by the way.'No answer. 'You knwo I just saved your life. You could've lost a lot more blood if I wouldn't have stitched you up.''Thank you.'It was barely above a whisper but I heard it. I knew it was risky but I couldn't hold myself back. 'Excuse me? Can you say that a little bit louder? I didn't hear what you were saying.'Y/n stop now. He has a gun. 'Thank you y/n for your services. You will get your reward.' I didn't ask any further questions because he had already closed his eyes.

The next morning he was already gone. I was just having breakfast when my doorbell rang. Infront of me stood a young man, probably around my age. He had plump lips and his hair was ... orange?

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