22. Hoseok mafia au

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At first you married your husband because of an arranged marriage. Your father's organisation his both got advantages of this marriage. What started as a duty slowly developed in love. Over the time you found yourself falling in love with your husband. And he felt the same. Everyday that he was greeted by your figure at home his heart started to beat faster. Only for you.

After months of being together you and Hoseok had started something like a routine. He would leave in the morning after having breakfast with you. And you would greet  him in the evening with a homecooked meal. Soemtimes even bring him lunch to the company building. The company which was being used as a cover up to the world. To conceal Hoeseok's true job. The leader of a criminal organisation. Bangtan.

Being born in this world you knew what was happening behind closed doors. But you never witnessed the crimes personally. In the past your father made sure to keep you away from teh cruelty. And now it was Hoseok's turn to protect you from the darkness surrounding his profession.

You were busy in the kitchen making Hoseok's favourite dish. He deserved it after elimination one of Bangtan's enemies who threatened not only himself but also his beloved wife. The sound of the door opening made you look towards the hallway conneted to teh kitchen. Hoseok's quite early today?

'Honey?'nothing. 'Hoesok?'nothing. While walking towards the doorframe you took one of the kitchen knifes with you. 'Jung Hoeseok, if this is a prank it's not-mmmm' a gloved hand was being pressed against your mouth and the knife was being thrown away from you. You struggled to break away from the intruder. It seemed like he had enough of you so he simply crashed your head against the kitchen counter which knocked you out.

When your unconciousness went a way you tried to touch your head. Only to realise that someone had tied your hands behind your back. Looking around you saw a man sitting infront of you. Watching you. 'Who are you?'you wished you didn't sound as scared as you did. You cousl only hope that Hoseok would come quickly. 'Oh dear miss y/n, I'm really sorry to dragging you into this but there's no other way. You are the wife of Jung Hoseok. And by capturing you, we are getting him to surrender.' They only wanted Hoseok.

You both were in the bedroom. The wall behind you. Hoseok always made sure to keep some weapons close even at home. If you could only remember where they were.

*click* the front door opened. That must be him. 'Babe'i could hear his voice. But the intruder still held a weapon towards me signalling to be quiet. 'Baaaaabe.'His voice was now louder. I could her Hoseok's footsteps as he walked around the apartement. Towards the room we were in.

No, no, no. Then you remembered. Somewhere in here was a knife. You looked around ... the cupboard. The one that was right next to you. Whil the man was looking at the door, ready to fight Hoseok, you slowly pushed your hands under the cupboard and felt the knife. Never in your life had you been so thankful for your husband that he had hid weapons at home.

You took the knife and started working on cutting the restraints as silent as possible. Suddenly the door burst open and Hoseok began tackling down the man. The gun he had fell out of his hands once he crashed on the floor. Your restraints were finaly broken and you could only watch Hoseok and that man fight. For a minute it looked like Hoseok would win but suddenly the intruder pulled out a knife, wanting to ram it into your husband.

Hoseok could barely hand the arm of the man away. Then you saw it. The gun.

You took it into your hands and aimed at the man. You couldn't do it. You just weren't made for something cruel like this. This wasn't you. But that man was going to kill your husband. The man you loved. The man you wanted to spend your life with. And you couldn't let that happen.

So you aimed. And shot.

Hoseok threw the lifeless body to the side and made his way towards you. He knew what you did. He knew that you weren't a person to do something like that. But you did it. For him. It only showed him how lucky he is to have you. And what you  would do for him. The same thing he would do for you.

The gun fell out of your hands. Hands full of blood. They didn't stop trembling and after a few second your whole body shook. Hoseok embreced you and held you against his chest in his lap.

'I-I can't stop it. I'm sorry.'You looked down at your hands. 'It's okay, it's okay. Just brether. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I've got you.'With that he held you even closer. Soon Jungkook and Jimin arrived and got rid of the body. Hoseok packed a few things for the both of you and you made your way to the safe house where you would spend your time.

In the safe house Hoseok spread many blankets and pillows on the floor with snacks and started your favourite tv show. Whe you came frsh out of the shower, you both cuddled and enjoyed the time alone.

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