16. Taehyung tattoo artist au (edited)

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Why were you friends? So many people had asked you that question already. But if you were honest you didn't know yourself. It somehow had happened during your childhood when you and Taehyung were only five years old. You both grew up with each other and even after going your own ways in life you always tried to stay in contact. You couldn't imagine a life without Taehyung. Without his boxy smile. Without all the visits to his tattoo parlor. He's just a part of you. And many people couldn't understand it. They saw a mucular guy full of tattoos and piercings who looked at everyone with a death stare. And then they saw you. Just an ordinary girl, with no piercings or tattoo. You both were like day and night. Different but nonexistent without the other.

Today was one of those ddays where you would visit him in his parlor. He worked there together with Jungkook and Jimin, who were both full of tattoos, and Namjoon whose job mainly consisted of handling the bureaucracy. You opened the door and Jimin who was at the front greeted you. 'Hello y/n, you look beautiful as always.' ' Stop it Jimin, please.' You blushed because of the comment and Jimin just couldn't help himself but tease you everytime by complimenting you.
'Taehyung is busy right now but Jungkook is at the back.' I made my way to the back with some take out. The boys always work hard so from time to time I surprise them with food. Sometimes home made and sometimes take out. Jungkook was sitting on a black couch and I took the seat beside him.
'What's up cookie.' 'Y/nnnnnn please don't call me that.' I pinched his cheeks because he looked so cute whining.' Right then Taehyung came in, looking furious?
'Hi Tae.' ' Hi.' Was all he said. Maybe he's just stressed. ' I brought take out for you guys. Enjoy.' Everyone took something to eat and we all had a nice conversation.
After eating Jungkook and Jimin had to go back to work but Tae still had a break. We sat next to each other while his arm was lazily draped over my shoulder. 'Wanna come to a party with me this weekend? Everyone's going to go.' 'Sure why not.' After all.i had nothing to lose. I just hope that Mina isn't going to come too. She's one of Taes hook ups at the moment but I know that he deserves someone better than her. I overheard her once talking with a friend about how she's only with him to fuck. I know Taehyung and even if he doesn't show it he can get easily emotional.
'All right then. Should I pick you up?' ' no no please don't. Drive with Mina, please I dont want to be the third wheel.' 'Alright then.'
It was finally Saturday and I got ready for the party. What should I wear? I picked a long sleeved black dress which was pretty short, and some over the knee boots. I ket my hair down and put on some decent make up. Finished.
Jungkook and Jimin were going to pick me up. When I stepped out of the door both began to whistle. 'Stop it guys.' 'Holy shit y/n.' 'You look hot. I bet Taehyungs going to be mad if you go dressed like that.' I looked at Jimin while climbing in the back seat. 'And why should he be mad?' 'Because' now it was Jungkook who answered 'all the guys will be looking at you, undress you with their eyes and eyef*** you. And if you deny it girl I'm going to teach you a lesson in being confident in your looks.' His elder brother Jin really influenced him. But why should Taehyung be mad. I don't say anything to him if he sleeps around and has a new girl every week. I say nothing when his so called girlfriend attack me by saying that I should leave him alone or some even pushed me against walls and got handsy. I never complained because if living like that makes Taehyung happy then I am not going to stop him.
We arrived and the house was already full. Jimin, Jungkook and you exited the car and made your way to the door. Some guys turned around but quickly looked at somewhere else when they saw you walking with two boys who glared at everyone who dared to take a look at you because Jimin and Jungkook realised something a long time ago about which Taehyung and you were clueless about.

When you entered Hoseok came and crashed you all in a big group hug followed by Jin. 'Wow, y/n you look stunning today, not as stunning as me but close.' I could only roll my eyes.  After a while you saw Taehyung and Mina and went to greet them. Taehyung eyes suddenly darkened the moment he saw what you were wearing. His eyes travelled up and down your body. 'Isn't the dress a bit too short?'Why does he care. he has a girlfriend. And even if he's not my boyfriend and how it looks like he will never be. 'I can wear what I want, Tae.''Yeah let her do what she wants. Not that it looks good on her anyway.'Fuck you Mina. I hate her so so much. I was ready to talk back but Jungkook grabbed my arm and dragged me away softly. 'Just let her be y/n. She's not worth the fight.'How can one person ruin my whole mood? Jungkook and you danced for a while together and drank a bit. You had only one cup which meant that you were still sober. But Jungkook ... oh boy was he drunk. The good friend you are you helped him to make his way through the crowd. One arm around your shoulder to steady him. His head on your shoulder. Right when you were about to rwach your destination you heard your name being called.

'You know that friend of yours, Y/n, don't you think that she just wants attention. People like her are not good for you Taehyung.
I am better for you.'                                                                          
'Don't talk aboout her like that. She's my friend.                                                                       
'Yeah but look how she's dressed just like a slut. You're too good for someone manipulating as her. The worst thing you can do isto not gove an attention whore the attention. Don't you see how clingy she always is around you. She wants you Tae. She wants to take you away from me. Don't you think so too?'                                                                                                                                   'Well...' Why isn't he denying all the things she said? I thought we were friends.                            
'Just admit it. Or wait you can do it later when I do some things to you. When you know what I mean.'She walked away. The problem was that you and Jungkook had waited around a corner so that no one could see you. She rounded the corner and "accidently" spilled her drink on you. You gasped. She knew exactly that you were there. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Right then Taehyung also came and his eyes widened the moment he saw you. 'Y-y-y/n it's not what it-''Keep it Taehyung.'You dragged Jungkook to the next bathroom you could find, pushed him near the toilet and walked out. You just wanted to go home. 'Y/n wait.'After hearing Taehyungs voice I even started to run as fast as possible with heels and a short wet dress. But luck wasn't on your side today because Taehyung caught your arm and your were yaned back against his chest. 'Let. Me. Go.'But he only put the other arm around your waist to hold you even closer to him. 'Please let me talk and don't try to run away.''Oh let you talk? Then why didn't you talk back then when she said all those things. You know friends are supposed to keep each others back and not let others say such mean things about them.''I know I should've said something and-''Please let me go Taehyung. I just want to go home. Not only do I feel betrayed by my best friend but also disgusting because a special someone spilled her drink on me.''I'm sorry-''No Taehyung please just let me go and go back to your girlfriend.'
'Y/n you know that I don't like her. She's not even my real girlfriend.' 'Tae, please just let me go.' He loosened his arms a little only to turn you around while having a hold of your shoulders. Why can't he just let you go. It's already hard for me to see him everyday with her, but to also hear those things were something completely different. 'Y/n please let me talk. Just listen. I know how everything seems like. I know what you must be thinking of me. I am a horrible person and an awful friend. I admit that I might not treat other women well but this has just one reason, those girls are not you. They aren't as funny as you, as intelligent as you or as beautiful as you. Please let me show you how much you mean to me.' He took a step back and started taking off his shirt. I only stood there watching. What is he doing? When he unbuttoned everything and his shirt came off I saw his naked chest covered by tattoos. He took a step closer and pointed at his heart. Right above his heart on his chest was a small daisy circling around a letter (the first letter of your name). My hand slowly touched the art and tears started to dwell in my eyes. We met over 20 years ago while I was picking up daisies. I made him a small crown witch actually broke the moment I gave it to him. He still put the daisies on his head. That's how we became friends. That's how everything started. You looked at him and he noticed the tears that threatened to fall. His hand came up to cup your cheek instantly your head leaned against his hand. He pulled you closer and your head came in contact with his chest. You had hugged him a lot of times, why does it feel so different now? 'Tae, stop hugging me. My clothes are dirty and will only stain yours.'
'I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to kiss you senseless now.' 'What?' I looked at him. That's the moment where you did something you would've never imagined yourself doing. You grabbed his face in between your hands and clashed your lips on his. He reacted immediately and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull.you even closer. His hand came to rest on your butt and squeezed it. This made you gasp and he slid his tongue in your mouth. That's where the battle began. Both of your tongues fought for dominance but only one could win. And surprise it was Taehyung. Panting, you broke the kiss and looked in each other's eyes.
'Let's go to my place.'
With one last peck on your mouth both of you entered the car and let's say you couldn't wait till you arrived.😏

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