9. Jimin badboy au

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Why did everyone like him? It's not like he's actually nice to everyone. No, he treats everyone bad especially girls. But they still swoon over him. I couldn't stand him. Not after what he did to me in 7th grade. I had a crush on one of my classmates and no one knew about it. I thought I could trust him but guess what he decided to do. Tell everyone. Not only was this embarassing but also also Jungkook avoided me. But what happens if someone knows that you ike someone else who is popular? Right you get hate. And that's what I got for the past years. Always from the same people. Mina, Nayeon and Jihyo. My crush on Jungkook was gone within the same year but those girls just couldn't mind their own business and needed to embarass and degrade me infront of the whole school.  Once best friend and now I couldn't even look him in the eyes. Everything was his fault. But that's not the worst. I actually had a few classes with him which means that I have to seee him.

Park Jimin.

His confident walk makes him look like he's above everyone else. Not that it's not true. Everyone know him. Him and his friends. The schools badboys.  Bangtan. He walked through the halls and with one swift movement he took a girl by her waist and began kissing her. In front of everyone. I felt like vomiting. Why would a girl give herself so fast to a guy? Where's her dignity? Seems like she lost hers.

I was putting my books back in my locker when he walked past me. 'l/n''Park'There were no other words said he didn't ignore me completely but there was nothing more that was exchanged between us. My next class was biology and we had to work in groups. What's the worst when your bestfriend isn't in class today? When you have to work with someone you can't stand. Jimin walked over to me and I couldt help myself but glare at him.

'Why are you glaring at me?' 'I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust.''HaHa y/n you're so funny.' We sat next to each other and did our work. It kind of impressed me that Jimin actually tried to do his best. Suddenly the school bell rang and the class was over. I was going to leave the room when my wrist was grabbed. 'We're not finfihed. How about we continue this afternoon?'I actually also wanted to finifh this as fast as possible so I agreed. 'Great, at my house at 4. Don't make me wait.'With one last wink he walked past me and left the room.

I was at 4pm at his house. After knocking on the door he opened and... why is he wearing his leather jacket when we're only studiying. 'Come one, princess. We can study later.'He grabbed my hand and took me towards his motorcycle. W-w-ait Jimin, we are supposed to study. And my clothes are not fitting for an motorcylce.'He glanced at me but his view stuck at the hem of my dress which stopped mid-thigh. 'I don't think that this will be a problem sweetheart.'With that he had already put the helmet on me and began driving. He speed up so I had to hold onto him tighter. Why do I feel like he had done this purposely?

We went to eat something together, walked around and in the end we also got ice cream. Mine was with chocolate while Jimin had strawberry ice crema.

Spending time with Jimin wasn't that bad how I thought. Maybe he just acts like an sshole in school.

'Y/n, I have a question.''Go on'

'Why do you hate me so much?'

I was shocked and nearly choked on my ice crema. 'I-I don't hate you.''You don't, really y/n cause it really looks like you do. All those glares and how disgusted you look when you see me. Not only are you rolling your eyes you even tell your friends how much you hate me. Do you really think I never heard those words you muttered unter your breath? Why, Why do you hate me? Iwanted to be friends with you hell I even loved you.'No he was screaming. He stood up and walked around brushing his hair back with his hand. 'Do you even know how much it hurts me to see the girl I like looking disgusted at me. I want to see you smile. Be the reason you smile. I know what I did when we were younger was wrong and I really really felt bad about it but-'

'Then why did you never apologize?'Now it was my turn to get angry. 'If you knew exactly what you did and felt guilty why did you never apologize. Do you know how I felt? Not only was I embarassed, no, because of that incident a few people made my life hell. Not only didn't you apologize but you also acted like an arrogant, self-centered, callous, nasty person who-'

I got cut off by lips pressing onto mine. Jimin was kissing me. I tried to push him away to step back but nothing worked because he put his arm around me and pressed me agianst him. Not only couldn't I move away but I also couldn't move my arms. So the only thing I could do was to stay still and do nothing. Don't respond to his kiss. But this was hareder than I thought. Those lips locked around mine. How warm and soft they felt. I couldn't just stay still. I kissed him back. That little f****r really just smirked into the kiss. Just don't imagine something Park Jimin.

After wat felt like an eternity we pulled away. 'Sooooo, y/nnnnnn. I really want to apologize for my behaviour in the past and-''Jimin it's not only your past behaviour. Don't you see how you actually treat the people around you? Don't you see how you play with girls and their bodies liek toys?''I don't play with them like toys. I mean, you play with a toy more than once.'

And it was back. That cocky and arrogant behaviour of Park Jimin. I really thought he did change for a minute.

'You know what Jimin. Don't talk to me again.'

With that I went away without looking back.

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