Part 23

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So so sorry it took so long to update!! But I hope you enjoy this update, it made me cry while writing it, so enjoy. xxx Love you guys.!


"Morning sleepy head" I chuckle as Zoe comes walking down the stairs. She was wearing my old G'N'R shirt.

"Hey" She replied blandly, pouring a glass of apple juice. Today is the court case so not many people are in the mood. I sigh.

"We've gotta be at the courthouse by 10am, so eat up and get ready, you have an hour and a half." I say handing her some toast. She nods, still half asleep.

I go into my room to see Sauli getting into his tuxedo.

"Hey Hun" He smiles. I kiss his lips softly. I pull away from the kiss and go into my wardrobe and pull my tux out. I take my pajamas off and get into the formal suit. I get some socks on and put my dress shoes on and apply a thin coat of guyliner and style my hair.

"You look great, baby" Sauli says, hugging me from behind.

"Thank-you, mister sharp" I wink. We hear a loud yelp come from out the hall way, I look to see Zoe leaping on her left foot, while holding her right.

"What happened?" I ask, laughing.

"Someone decieded to put a bloody couch in my way!" She said, Sauli laughed.

"Come on, get ready." I say, Zoe goes into her room while I feed Derica.

12 minutes later, yes, I was counting. Zoe comes out to the hall way, she was wearing a black skirt with a formal black shirt added with stockings and heels.

"Everyone ready?" I ask, opening the front door.

"Yep, the gang is meeting us there" Sauli smiles while I shut the door.


The whole drive was silent, no one knew what to say to even lighten the mood.

Once we arrive, I see Ashley with Tommy and Issac on his phone. We get out of the car and Ashley pulls me into a hug.

"Be strong" She smiles. I hug Tommy tightly and then Issac.

We all enter the room, Ashley, Tommy, Issac and Sauli sit in the audience while Adam and I sit in a seperate box with Adam's lawyer, Mark.

"All rise for the honurable Judge" One man calls out, everyone stands, I have never been in a court before, Adam told me to only speak when spoken to.

"You may all be seated." The judge says, slamming his gavel down. "The court is now in order. We're here today for a custody battle for Zoe Campell between Ann-Marie Tra and Adam Lambert. Is this correct.?" He says.

"Yes sir" The sercurity guard speaks.

"Ms Campell" The judge says suddenly. "Would you like to come at the front first and make a statement?" The judge says, this isn't what was going to happen, by the look on Adam's face, he was more shocked than me. I slowly stand up. I shakily walk over to a small wooden box next to the judge and sit down. "Now Zoe, would you mind telling me a bit about what has happened in the past 6 months?" He says. I gulp hard. I look at Adam and he nods, signalling me to be strong.

"When I was 14, my mother died in a car accident, but the abuse started before the accident, my father used to physically hit me and he would call me these worthless names, my mother tried to protect me but then he would just hurt her." A tear glided down my cheek. Some people in the audience looked shocked. "6 months ago my father raped me, he took all of my childhood, whatever I had. He hit me, abused me, I resorted to self harm, I tried suicide many times. But failed each time. When I found out my father died in a car accident. I was destroyed, I had lost my father, my only family. I ran to the girls' bathroom and tried to commit suicide there. But Adam helped me recover." I wiped away many tears, most people in the crowd were sobbing lightly. "I thought I was OK to go back to school the next day, I thought I would be fine, but I got bullied for my so called attention seeking stunt, one girl abused me and harrassed me, when I went to English, she told me to join my parents, I started to bash her then ran home. I sat on the bathroom floor and downed a bottle of prescription pills and cut, then I woke up, only to find out that I had been in a coma." I choked out the last part, most people gasped. "I hadn't releasied my actions would have so much affect on Adam, but Adam never gave up hope on me, he never did! If it wasn't for my Adam, I would be 6ft under!" I spoke the last part loudly.

"As Ms Campell is sixteen, she has a choice for who she may go with." The judge spoke, I smiled happiley, Adam looked so pleased. "But" The judge started, my face dropped and Adam's smile faded. "Mr and Mrs Tra are Zoe's blood relatives. I hear by give Mr and Mrs Tra full custody of Zoe Ann-Marie Campell. Case closed." He spoke. Many people sobbed.

"NO!" I screamed. "YOU CAN'T TAKE ME AWAY! NO!" I screamed, running to Adam's arms.

"Zoe, you have to go." Adam spoke quietly, tears cascading down his face.

'No!" I yelled, hiding behind him as a police officer came to get me. My Aunty and Uncle stood, smiling. "I don't want to go with those strangers.! NO! ADAM!" I screamed. Many people were now standing, unsure of what to do or say. I was dragged out, kicking and screaming. I took one last look at the gang, Adam was on his knees, with Sauli trying to comfort him, Ashley was crying, Issac was pale. I saw Tommy running towards me. He pulled me into a hug, pushing away the cop.

"I promise you, give it less than a week, we'll have you out, baby girl." He whispers. My 'Uncle' pulled Tommy off me and that's when Tommy swung a hit at him, he fell to the ground. "You're a heartless motherfucking bastard!" He spat. Tommy went to attack him again when a cop grabbed him and restrained him. They put me into the car and drove far away from the courthouse. Away from my family.


This is complete bullshit! They can't take our Zoe!

"This is stupid, do you not realise how hurt you have made that young girl?" I yelled at the judge, people stared at me, as if I were crazy.

"I beg your pardon?" The judge asked.

"You fucking heard me! She doesn't belong to them! How do you even know they won't hurt her?" I yelled again, Adam grabbed my arm, signalling me to stop.

"We'll review her progress in one month." The judge spoke, sighing.

"SHE COULD BE DEAD WITHIN A MONTH!" I screamed, tears spilled out.

"Tommy please" Adam whispered. I pulled away from Adam and stormed outside.

I am going to get our Zoe back, no matter what.

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