Guardian Angel

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Circe watched as the girl on the couch sniffled as she stared straight ahead in a daze. The rain falling steadily outside pinged off the roof in a sound that Circe found irritating . The ball of black fur that apparently qualifies as a cat leaned in to the girl's hand gently as she absentmindedly stroked it. The grey haired girl huffed, 20 minutes had come and gone as Tal let them take their time getting their things together.

The boy with the messy black hair and sweet brown eyes dashed down the stairs stopping just short of his sister who for the first time in the last hour focused on something.

"I found Salem's pet carrier." He smiled proudly and reached out a gentle hand to stroke the cat glaring angrily at him. The cat hissed, whacking it's little paw against the boys tattooed hand. Jorel sighed. "Can't you be nice just this once?"

"Salem doesn't like new people, you know that." The girl mumbled as she glanced at the others strewn around the room.

Jorel followed her gaze and nodded. "He'll get used to them. You're okay, right?"

The girl nodded unconvincingly and Jorel nodded. "I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled as she turned back to stare into the nothingness she had grown accustomed to.

Circe watched as Jorel paused for a moment, his gentle brown eyes clouded with worry, before he bolted up the stairs. She watched him go, unable to tear her eyes away from him. When she turned her attention back on the girl, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

The women moved effortlessly as if the weight of the world had no bearing on her. Brown curls tumbled to her mid waist, covering a large percent of her pretty yellow sundress. Circe had grown used to seeing spirits, the souls of those no longer with us, but it was so uncommon for one to just inhabit a space that she nearly chocked. Necromancy had its perks, this was one of her favorite parts of her power.  The figure stopped, startled as her gentle blue gaze locked with the grey haired girls. The women looked at Serena before shifting back to the girl. When Circe made no move toward her, the figure moved gently next to the red head lost deep in thought.

The black cat made a loud chattering sound as it hopped from Serena's lap right onto the spot currently occupied by the nameless women. She smiled, an effortless smile the likes of which Circe had never seen.

"My fluffy boy." She cooed as she gently stroked the animal. "I see you're still taking care of my girl. Such a good boy."

Serena, snapping out of her daze looked over at the purring animal before picking him up and laying him gently in her lap where he stayed.

The women gazed at the girl lovingly, they looked almost like sisters and Circe's heart hurt for a second as realization dawned on her. This was Tal's Sarah. This was their mother. Though she quickly forced down that emotion, feeling was a weakness she couldn't afford with Tal around.

Sarah sighed as she gently ran a hand through the girl's vibrant curls. "My Rena baby." The girl sniffled and the woman frowned. "My baby." She cooed as she leaned to gently kiss the top of her head.

Circe watched as the woman's form shuttered out of existence for a moment. She was running out of energy but she had a feeling she would be back.

Sarah looked so sad as she watched her hand fade. She stroked the girl's hair a few last times before disappearing entirely.

Serena sniffled again as a tear escaped her eyes which were the same deep brown as her brothers this trait obviously came from their father.

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